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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10385636 No.10385636 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin ETF "Nearly Certain" To Win Approval Later This Year

Our most optimistic source, coming from the CFTC, said the following:

“I would call it 90% at this point. The crypto markets have moderated and regulators have watched the lack of drama surrounding Bitcoin futures across several global exchanges. The price moderation and adoption of a ‘peer product’ is what the conversations have centered around. In January we were justifiably concerned about a bubble and the harm a quickly approved product could attract speculators and create losses that led to significant lawsuits. Now, those factors seem to be mitigated significantly.”

The second source, a former SEC employee who left the regulator two weeks ago, had this to say:

“I would expect a positive outcome in September – or if it gets strung out a little further it is simply a few ‘dotted i’s and crossed t’s’ are being finalized on larger regulatory language in the crypto space. To be clear, most of the regulation will be first focused on ICO’s and the issues those pose for retail investors at the moment. US residents are sending money to all sorts of exotic locations to invest in unregulated instruments with absolutely zero recourse for losing every cent they’ve put at risk. ICO regulation will begin to solve those issues and keep client assets ‘onshore’.

>> No.10385647


>> No.10385658

Alt szn soon

>> No.10385661
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priced in.

>> No.10385675

So far, they're pricing it in by suppressing the price of BTC. Once the ETF is released, they'll also release the BTC price to show how the massive gains people can get form the BTC ETC.

>> No.10385679

Ready for alts to get raped even harder?

>> No.10385726
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i dont think this is true at all.
here hasn't been any new money entering market since 6.3k. go look at total crypto market cap then vs now. yet BTC is higher.

all that fuel this is tether and altcoin sell off by the crypto community. aka heavy speculation, and its being priced in. Sorry , but no event has ever caused a bull run. bull runs cant happen on an event because people can chose how much it is actually worth.

bull run happens when nobody knows why, nobody can sell the news or determine its worth, and nobody knows when to sell because there is no clear indication of value.

>> No.10386491

how fucked are alts gonna be if this happens?

>> No.10386589

Short term, alts are fucked. After BTC moons expect people to put back into alts.

>> No.10386621

LARP from a cringe faggot who names himself after a movie character
BCASH is the future

>> No.10386753

>bull run happens when nobody knows why, nobody can sell the news or determine its worth, and nobody knows when to sell because there is no clear indication of value.

Shit you’re right

>> No.10386775


gonna be so many disappointed people come mid august. however, ETF WILL come and long term it IS bullish, but its a background event.

>> No.10386829
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>bull run happens when nobody knows why, nobody can sell the news or determine its worth, and nobody knows when to sell because there is no clear indication of value.

>> No.10386900


what was the catalyst for BTC or Eths rise to grace last year then smart guy? There was none. no single event.

Keep dreaming that your precious ETF is the catalyst. i'll laughing on the day its either delayed, postponed, or it spikes followed by a rapid sell off if approved.

>> No.10387154

>keep client assets ‘onshore’
Altfags btfo

>> No.10388419


>> No.10388481

a btc etf will increase the price of btc. alt market makers use btc to drive the price of their alt. the higher the price of btc the more they're able to pump the price of their alt.