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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10384328 No.10384328 [Reply] [Original]

>open instagram and youtube channel
>start going to the gym
>take roids and claim to be natural
>get shredded af body
>reach 1 million subscribers
>sell workout and diet ebook for $99
>even if 0.1% of my 1 million subscribers buys my ebook thats $99000 profit

Thoughts on this business idea?

>> No.10384354

will only work is you're a 10/10 chad

>> No.10384361

Depends... are still a fat fuck?

>> No.10384368

what kind of butt plug am that

>> No.10384371

enjoy your heart attack at 45 with roid use

>> No.10384372

That lifestyle is what killed Zyzz

>> No.10384376
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Or, ya know, just buy traffic and send it to a landing page of an affiliate product like an actual smart person would.

>> No.10384382

You stop roiding after you've got people hooked, claim you went vegan or something

>> No.10384393

The space is already oversaturated with fags, OP.

>> No.10384406


I will definitely only roid under a doctor's supervision and make sure to constantly do blood tests to ensure that everything is alright. I will also make sure that the doctor signs an NDA so he won't expose me.

>> No.10384440

>sign an NDA
You know theres doctor patient confidentiallity right

>> No.10384470

roiding is retarded. enjoy tour back looking like a 13 year olds face

>> No.10384519

unironically roiding here, my back is fucked, I am wearing cum soaked tshirt to help it

>> No.10384545
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10-20 mg accutane ED while on cycle and during PCT and you won't ever have this problem again.
Derms prescribe accutane to their patients at around 80mg ED, at 10-20 you'll barely have any of the reported sides.

>> No.10384630

you can roid all you want, you can even get bigger and more shredded than him but you'll still look like shit if you don't have the right bone structure, muscle bellies/insertions + height and face of course

>> No.10384659

>10-20 mg accutane ED

Enjoy liver failure

>> No.10384695


You have a confidentiality agreement by default with your doctor you dumb fuck.

>> No.10384712

>signs an NDA

Can’t even predict the retards anymore

>> No.10384821
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1506359526262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derms regularly prescribe this shit at 80mg ED to people for 8-9 months at a time, using it for 4-5 months at 10-20mg ED is not a big deal at all, especially if you're not taking orals.

After clearing breakouts you can even drop that dosing to E2D or E3D to maintain clear skin.

Educate yourself faggot, because your doctor won't know shit about steroid use and what to look out for, so that 'plan' of yours will never work.

>> No.10384852


>> No.10384986
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>Doctor, I need you to sign this before we proceed.
>What is this?
>It's an NDA. Under no circumstances should you reveal any medical information about me.
>I understand, anon. Would you like to take an IQ test before we begin?

>> No.10385063

Sorry, you are 5 years too late

>> No.10385487

xDddd every roid users thinks they know more about the human body than a doctor/scientist.

Roiding fuck you up real good. Cholesterol issues; heart enlargens, blood gets thicker, you get gyno, you go bald, you get acne, there's a chance your testlevels will never go back to normal and you still believe it's worth it.

No you won't die probably, yes it will fuck you up for life.

>> No.10385598

This, face is everything. and height, and frame

>> No.10385612


>> No.10385674

Great idea op, become wealthy just in time to die to the roids