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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 164 KB, 409x436, 1529276320520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10380320 No.10380320 [Reply] [Original]

time for another 50hr week full of yelling customers kek

>> No.10380468

okay neet faggot tell me how much YOU make a year? yeah that's right: zero. at best, you make what I make 1 month in the entire year by "trading crypto" or some shit like that. I'm honestly sick of people who live with mommy telling me that I'm a "cuck" because I make an honest living. maybe if you went outside once in awhile you'd have a girlfriend, you little virgin faggot. seriously fuck you buddy, my tax payer dollars and probably funding your depression meds, so you should show me a little more respect

>> No.10380474
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I quit wageslaving when I saw how much my free DAD tokens will be worth.
Here's an invite worth 1000, anon. It's just for you! They're partnered with NEO and Ontology.


>> No.10380480
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>tfw you work from home on Mondays

>> No.10380488

/comfy/ bros checking in. Going to play vidya for a while then shower, get coffee, and watch the markets open. Probably will go to sleep after that. Thanks for your sacrifice wagies

>> No.10380558
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Eh, McNastie's isn't so bad. My wife and I have been saving up all summer for a two week vacation. We can't decide on where though. Holland or Athens or Auckland? Where would you vacation, anon?

>> No.10381263

Badie badie frog!
No more tendies for you!
And empty your pissbottle, geez...

>> No.10381269

awwww is wagie a little ragie today? I would be too if I had to get up and work 8 hours every day for someone else!

>> No.10381282
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Thank you for your service wagies, we wouldn't be able to exist without you

>> No.10381293
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stop riling up the cattle!

>> No.10381634
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>> No.10382231

Whatever neet boy. If making 1500 from 3 days of work is wrong than I guess Im wrong for going to work. Enjoy jacking off for the fifth time

>> No.10382240


The absolute state of wagies

>> No.10382268


>> No.10382362
File: 1.68 MB, 2076x4160, 1491894520380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freelancer here, I can barely contain my laughter here. Wagies are truly the lowest caste. Neet's can at least use their free time to accent by obtaining knowledge.

>> No.10382366

neet here

i wish I had a job

i used to make these posts here and on /r9k/ about two years ago

the appeal diminishes everytime my mom avoids looking at me at the dinner table

>> No.10382392

Disgustingly close to reality.

>> No.10382424

>wagie thread
>during summer vacation
I mean, I don't expect you to know that, but come on.

>> No.10382429

I work from home, no yelling customers. So comfy.

>> No.10382470
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>> No.10382473
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for once, can you let us wage in peace?

>> No.10382488

Hmm, I think I might take a nap while you're at work all day

>> No.10382500
File: 3 KB, 881x21, It's in NOK, go ahead, translate it to your money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hehe, didn't see you there son.
I'm going to Japan i think. Land of the rising sun, hehe. Want me to get anything for you over this vacation? Maybe one of your anime figures you love so much?

>> No.10382595

How about that sports this weekend. They-uhh they sure did score a lot of points, didn't they?

>> No.10382602

oh wow $6000 neato

>> No.10382624


Lol @ Auckland you don't vacation there you transit to better parts of NZ

>> No.10382626

Seems like you figured it out friend. Yeah, it's Norwegian Kroner.
Uhu, i sure love me some sports. Maybe i'll go watch that "sumo" thing they have in Japan before dropping by Akibahara.

>> No.10382636


>> No.10382689

greetings from across the pond! Well it's that time again, time to jump in my automobile and drive 50 miles to work in the city from my place in the country. I don't mind it though. It gives me time to 'think'
Been thinking about going to Japan for a while now. I don't wanna learn the language, or understand it's culture, I just want to go and be a ignorant jackass in someone else's country, like my forefathers. Yep. ***skttt****crack**** SIP. Ah, that would be something to remember.

>> No.10382725

if wagies/neets have been "trading" crypto for more then 3 months and havnt moved to stocks or another REAL market yet..they are going to forever be a fucking loser neet cuck. Crypto is dead and your not ever ever going to make money on it.

>> No.10382867
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why won't link moon already

>> No.10382871


>> No.10382899

I can’t continue being a wagie, just started investing today. $500 into bitcoin, will also invest in some stocks on Robinhood

>> No.10382920


>> No.10383055
File: 325 KB, 382x417, question_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money is do you need to realistically not be a wagie?
Do you guys have any trading tips you could share with a newfag?

>> No.10383093

Most wagies have jobs that allow them to learn, unless you're talking about garbage tier starbucks jobs or something

>> No.10383110

Read carefully why Warren Buffet prefers to invest in farmland, versus investing in gold. Once you understand this reason. Use this same reasoning, when deciding which coin / token to invest in.

>> No.10383116
File: 254 KB, 560x800, 63736194_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhhhhhh wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10383134

Wow, you're totally going to make it with your .06 BTC lmao. Have fun with $20 profits

>> No.10383155

>implying I plan to make it with that little

>> No.10383234

It depends of what kind of monthly liabilities you're planning on carrying. The real secret to wealth and being free of wagecuck slavery is managing your monthly nut. Saying no to Jewish debt slavery that requires a monthly payment and living below your means is way more important than "making more money".

>> No.10383241

>getting triggered by a NEET?
Fucking look at yourself and what you've become anon!

Why do you feel the need to humblebrag to a NEET?

Holland, my friends say they love it.
Athens has some nice suburbs and if you're a history nut, obviously it's great, but it's not a nice city.
I've never been to Auckland and no nothing about the North Island.

>> No.10383294

you need around ~25x your yearly spend, then you get to safely live off the interest forever without touching the principle

>> No.10383315


>> No.10383316


>> No.10383698

It's a pasta anon.