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File: 48 KB, 583x363, ww3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10380110 No.10380110 [Reply] [Original]

So uh, what the fuck now? A war with Iran means oil supplies cut, oil value skyrocketting, global financial collapse within 5 years if that. All out mutual destruction is possible also. Where do we park out funds into? Dollars? Yen? Precious Metals? Bitcorns? AR lowers?

>> No.10380122

The US and most nations have large oil supplies. They just don't want to use their own reserves. More importantly he loves shit posting and nobody knows when he is being serious of just fucking with people.

I love this man. But to answer your question it is always Gold, Bitcoin and AR Lowers.

>> No.10380123
File: 387 KB, 900x466, E7071FA4-A5EE-424B-80D7-3ED0FA15C5A3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mutt king has finally lost his mind. Kim backed down after he realized Trump is literally senile.

>> No.10380129

Calm your tits. Nothing will happen

>> No.10380132

fake and buttgay

>> No.10380136

Oh wow, it's in caps, it must be serious.
Is your president mentally 13?

>> No.10380156

nobody cares

>> No.10380165

Lol, this post is real. What has this world become to? How pathetic are burgerfags?

>> No.10380174

yes, yes he is.

>> No.10380179

Memelord god emperor supreme leader Trump is the ultimate troll

>> No.10380182


>> No.10380189

O shit it's real.


>> No.10380206

>I fucking love israel

>> No.10380212


Also, pull up a candy dish of xanax and enjoy the show. He's setting the US up for a golden bullrun.

>> No.10380216

so someone tell me why Putin doesn't just give Iran some nukes (by proxy through Syria) and then tell them to launch on the USA, meanwhile Russia sends its fleet of submarines and icebreakers north to flank the USA through Canada, all the while agreeing to split the spoils of war with Iran? How is this not a valid (and even likely) possibility?

>> No.10380227

Glow in the dark more. You and your burgerfag posts are obvious every time.

>> No.10380244
File: 119 KB, 1231x784, you-are-a-fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

footbal is under 25mill viewers nationwide you dumbshit faggot - that's under 7% of whole population - literally only people of color watching it...

>> No.10380248

Nah, just means the us will have more middle eastern territory

>> No.10380256

Guise I'm scared...
I just wanted to make money and finally move out of my parents house. I have a feeling nuclear war would put a crimp in my plans...
Anyone able to tell me its gonna be alright?

>> No.10380268


I'd like to think that they wouldn't resort to a global nuclear holocaust over some sand

>> No.10380274
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>> No.10380286

I don't mind that people underestimate him but it's funny that you people underestimating him is why he wins constantly.

For instance, Americans dumping tens of thousands of dollars in to a balloon in the UK because leftists think that will upset him, lol. All of which could have been much more useful to midterm election efforts.

>> No.10380301

>He wins constantly
No wall, no north Korea, economy about to be flushed in the gutter. He sucks, loves israel and banged his daughter.

>> No.10380303
File: 184 KB, 1528x1184, 9A7CFEC9-1EF5-47F1-B897-B13A6BAF9675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why did your mutt king cry endlessly about it on twitter?

>> No.10380330
File: 308 KB, 1570x872, 1531334250384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did this anon mean?

>> No.10380331

He will still win. His fortune will remain intact and his kids will be able to say that their father was the president of the United states. All of this will pass given time and no one will remember how much trouble he caused.

>> No.10380356

Within 30 seconds of an ICBM launch from Iran both Israel and the CIA will be notified. It would have to be launched from deep within Russia. And that would likely lead to the end of the world. Not going to happen

>> No.10380390
File: 110 KB, 1300x1184, emcjnfgouegwnwapzptkvfq0kaold6o7x1lifvyapikpngw842s311a833d5fa64a5164e2e0933a926d4a.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10380415

So tired of winning

>> No.10380451

>because leftists think that will upset him
He was literally shaking

>> No.10380472

lol, implying russian forces could even compete against the canadian mounties on horses.

>> No.10380478

Wall started in CA a few days ago.
NK started.
Econ is up.
China btfo.
Russia olive branch.
Ivanka is pretty hot but incest is bad anon.

>> No.10380485

I'm sure he was as he reclined in Churchill's chair,

>> No.10380486
File: 1.38 MB, 640x640, ivanka1486109058869.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banged his daughter
well i would too if ivanka was my daughter

>> No.10380492


He did the exact same thing with Kim Jon Un, then sat down at a table with him a month later and signed a peace deal.
This is how Trump does business.
He starts strong and forces the other person to meet him in the middle.
WE're not going to war.
But the markets might get turbulent. Crypto ftw.

>> No.10380494
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>> No.10380498

>Wall started
It's not even close to funded stupid
>Nk started
Yeah it's been going real sell
>Econ up
Not for long
>Ivanka is hot
Agreed especially Loli Ivanka

>> No.10380571

Ahmedinijad's accounts have been backtraced

>> No.10380594

He writes like a middle schooler, talks like a middle schooler and behaves like a teenager.
What's there to respect about him?

>> No.10380675

bro thats how you do business in todays modern world

its the same as your boss saying

step outside I have a meeting

he gets shit done

thats what matters

>> No.10380698

Yep, U.S. got the president they deserve.
Halfwits voted their halfwit and they're happy with their decision even after seeing he is incapable of communicating on an adult level.

>he gets shit done
Maybe we'll live to witness that. Just imagine if he got a single one of his promises realized within four years.

>> No.10380702

Trump doesn’t do shit. Pompeo and Pence run the show, plus his Jewish friends in Russia.

>> No.10380730

>its the same as your boss saying
also: no. my boss talks like a grown-up, not like a child.

>> No.10380745

it's real doe
Better invest in weapon companies boys

>> No.10380789

he's a puppet for the Israelis, of course he'll lick the Saudis asshole and go ballistic on Iran

>> No.10380794


>> No.10380800


>> No.10380829



>> No.10380994
File: 278 KB, 1400x1200, 1474090062450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banged his daughter.

>implying you can hold this against him

>> No.10381032

imagine youre an iran hawk like Bolton. All your walrus ass has to do is make sure trump knows whats said about him in Iran propaganda and you might get a war.

>> No.10381045

The American experiment is over, gentlemen. We all lost.

>> No.10381052

Dont we got that shale oil. America dont need none from no one. FTW

>> No.10381058

S H A L E oil

>> No.10381182

this literally reads like a shitpost from 4chan kek

>> No.10381226
File: 1.89 MB, 720x404, Cant Stump The Trump.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are we really at the point where the President of the United States is threatening foreign country's using caps lock on a shity social media site?

>> No.10381298

Yeah 13 inches fucking Europoor cuck

>> No.10381303

There are other energy resources that are not used. Just because you cannot profit if its use. Magnets are fun and dangerous toys just a few hints. Water can be used too. Memory metals. Minerals...

>> No.10381342


>> No.10381356
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>> No.10381398
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>13 inches
nearly, hes got a hog on him for sure

>> No.10381430

It’s only going to get worse from here. Expect a former-YouTuber President in a couple of decades.

>> No.10381439
File: 39 KB, 492x311, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10381449

>not banging your daughter

>> No.10381497

Don's shitposts could take Bitcoin to the moon. It's good.

>> No.10381583

based if true

>> No.10381637

>president can’t elaborate on a topic exceeding ‘m-muh w-wall’ in all caps
No wonder your passive aggression is getting the best of you

>> No.10381668

Message must be adequate to the audience hearing it. I bet you believe differently, that's why everyone is throwing banana peels at you when you speak.

>> No.10381683

Death to America

>> No.10381687

google madman theory and then understand why Trump is exactly the president we need right now

>> No.10381688

Its literally impossible to tell the difference between a real trump tweet and a photoshop. It's like trolls imitating christians in the 2000's

>> No.10381770

The US are so fearful of Iran because they know they could never invade it

>> No.10381823

lol at all the Germans dependent on the Iranian oil they but through Russia crying their eyes out in this thread

>> No.10381840
File: 65 KB, 644x439, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw its real
capslock president

>> No.10381860

>He thinks Trump will invade
Iran will be made of radioactive glass soon
No boots on the ground, that would be too expensive for Trump

>> No.10382017

Iranians are ugly stinking sand niggers and their mothers blow pigs.

>> No.10382026

>How is this not a valid (and even likely) possibility?
would be bad for literally everyone on the planet
very unlikely

>> No.10382081


>threatens Korea with nukes
>literal war with Iran
>Chinese trade war
>European trade war

I want off this ride desu. Every time I read the news this president is legit stirring some anxiety disorder within me.

>> No.10382171

Unironically Bitcoin, a decentralized currency is infinitely valuable in times of war or uncertainty

>> No.10382302


Iranians are actually whiter than most Amerimutts

>> No.10382324
File: 1.32 MB, 960x960, 1484837753004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. U.S. is about to become a net oil exporter and become nigh autarkic generally.

There will be a world war III, but the U.S. will hardly be involved. Sorry, Europe, sorry gulf, sorry east asia.

>> No.10382344

>get confused, angry, and sperg over cocks
The absolute state of /pol/. May I interest you in some WojakCoins?

>> No.10382371

It's funny because it's true.

>> No.10382380


That's completely ignoring the military-industrial complex's position in all this. Who fucking knows what agenda these psychos will lobby for

>> No.10382381

lol at you faggots pretending you're smarter or in any metric better than our billionaire celebrity real estate/business mogul father of three president who is married to a model.

>> No.10382403


Everybody will be involved. Because WW3 means the planet will get nuked.

>> No.10382404

>A war with Iran means oil supplies cut, oil value skyrocketting
>implying that's not what they want.

C'mon OP. We know why Jews want to do this.

>> No.10382490
File: 46 KB, 229x238, 3D9FBE4F-6ECA-4815-8A66-2C8A2A8230FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? Glow in the darks support Zionism and are Juden puppets are you fucking retarded or something?

>> No.10382524

based Trump about time someone said that

>> No.10382540
File: 131 KB, 689x1024, 50F56D97-A4EA-484B-95A8-9C162EA003A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn’t even be surprised if this happened desu.

>> No.10382553

I guess the majority of Americans are tearing up at the first politician to not explicitly/implicitly slander his own peoples and standing up to them. I'm not American and I barely holding my tears of pride.

>> No.10382561

this reads like the description of a chris chan video lol

>> No.10382594

oh you mean like every other war in the past 100 years america could have stayed out of?

>> No.10382604

implying he isn't just trying to bait them into closing the strait of hormuz

>> No.10382649

I'm not American either, but I wish I had a leader like that. Iran has been screaming that America is satan and its going to destroy it for decades. Finally they have a president who says...say that again and I'll fuck you up. 100% based.

>> No.10382667

Maybe you should see if your leaders have the balls to squeak that line again to President Trump, the only thing that may die as a consequence is you salty fuckwits with overheated brains from wrapping towels around them. The planet is sick of your shit, you are fucking satan, sit down and shut the fuck up.

>> No.10382669


Ironically the us dollar considering everyone else in Europe and asia relies on middle eastern oil.

>> No.10382712

>his jewish friends in russia

You do realize that the whole 'much russia' narrative is literally concocted by Israel to influence American sentiment against Syria and Iran, right?

>> No.10382737

>Kim backed down after he realized Trump is literally senile.
So what your saying is that it worked?

>> No.10382755

>being this new

>> No.10382769

it's cute how people who hate trump disregard the real outcomes of what he's doing. It's like they are living in a anti-reality bubble of sorts. Word where only consensus opinions are real.

>> No.10382835
File: 8 KB, 250x247, 1520161955373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know it's fake because the vocabulary is too complex

>> No.10382886

That thing that failed with Nixon and every world leader is already wise to now with Trump?
He looks like an idiot who thinks he's smart.

>> No.10382919

The non proliferation treaty prevents this.

>> No.10383014

>and covfefe a million souls to oblivion
Fixed for accuracy

>> No.10383028

Didn't Nixon made fucking China complacent with this?

>> No.10383084

>tfw all in Shell and Exxon Mobil

feels good man

>> No.10383092

The kike puppet does it again. Oh my I am shocked.

>> No.10383095

This. In a hyperfeminized world, the people elect a hypermasculine figure. Like fucking clockwork, lefties btfo.

>> No.10383124

kek, mutt media

>> No.10383391

Bigly if true.

>> No.10383668

The US is set to be a net energy exporter within 2 years due to our massive shale reserves.

>> No.10383803


>> No.10384573

>oil supplies cut, oil value skyrocketting
What is this? 2015? You fucking inbred liberal, there is something called shale. We are literally months away to make shale cost efficient. America will not need saudi oil anymore.

>global financial collapse within 5 years
For the middle west, and Europe maybe. We are entering an age where America does not need anyone but everyone needs America.

>> No.10384587

but it didn't work, north korea is still making nukes

>> No.10384602

trolling america into the oblivion, but go ahead and call me a salty liberal - because that makes destroying america worth it

>> No.10384615
File: 127 KB, 768x768, ynKtIB5T0WfFFofBY9JNilhtIRpVsSNrzvjbcXYCvFw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wins constantly.

>> No.10384678

ya I don't even judge him on that one

>> No.10384681

>actual believes that shit
>being in a hole that deep
Medical sector alone will cost billions in damage and implode right away as it's been (and will be for decades) dependent on foreign tech. Literally hundreds of medical processes will be made impossible if we do decide to isolate ourselves because some fuckwits said we could. Let alone losing the variety/luxury to imported products. Have fun eating the corn or onions based processed-to-shit filth that you call food and is causing 80% of the country's health problems. Seriously, kys, our country dont need ignorant fags like you.

>> No.10384691

only NK is still making nukes, the peace deal fell through, and US looks like a cuck

>> No.10384710

that can't be real holy shit

>> No.10384856

ure fucked