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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 119 KB, 1400x933, holochain-guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10376784 No.10376784 [Reply] [Original]

Holochain released the long awaited update!

Sami "PINNED POST" Honey:
Holochain GO Alpha "Scout" - Updates
- GO mini-release with some bug fixes - https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto/releases/tag/v0.1.0-alpha-26
- Distributed Pong clone being built by our Interns <3

Holochain Rust Refactor Pre-Alpha - Now
- QML-based UI modules running on Mobile/Desktop from the same build
- DPKI in pre-alpha https://github.com/holochain/dpki
- Internal Time-management and scheduling application built in Unity Engine in pre-alpha

Holochain Rust Alpha - August
- GO functionality replaced
- Mobile support
- More details to come

Holochain Rust Refactor Beta with stable API - September Q3

Holochain Dev Camps - October Q4

HoloPorts Ship with auto-updating software - Early Q4 (Probably October, finalized factory shipping dates soon)

Holo Pre-Alpha - Indiegogo alpha-beta testers ONLY to test in Q3

Holo Alpha - Q4 (After HoloPorts ship)

Asset-backed currency & Security Partnerships Q3
- Agricultural Tech Partners -- JustOne Organics, Producers Token -- launching ICOs for Holochain dApps dates TBD
- Security Partner -- Promether -- Releasing Private Alpha of Contact at DEFCON26 Aug 9-12th

>> No.10376871

feet xD

>> No.10376895


>> No.10376993


>> No.10377013

Foot calender release confirmed! 4chan exclusive.

>> No.10377020

disgusting boomer cult

>> No.10377093

>muh boomrchan
sage, retards


>> No.10377183

Weird seeing a project that is actually being developed and is going to come to market with something that people need and have not ever had before.

>> No.10377193
File: 95 KB, 1236x353, IMG_4042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10377203

It’s because there’s rumors that Holochain is in the talks with Apple. We gonna moon it this is confirmed.

>> No.10377216

I doubt that apple has any interest in this. What the fuck is this post.

>> No.10377217

>Holochain is in the talks with Apple
i believe this

>> No.10377227

They want to compete with AWS and google cloud

>> No.10377266

Are you fucking retarded? This could be like Applepay x 1000.

>> No.10377397

LOL who told you this load of shit? Or did you just make it up?

>> No.10377488

Literally been posted on biz this entire week, also google it newfag

>> No.10377627

This 2x'd recently
are threads like this people trying to dump bags?
I found a similar one for wys not long ago while it just 2-3X
No idea

>> No.10378049

Buge if Hig!

>> No.10378366

they have been having meetups with Mozilla for awhile, word is they already got partnership with Moz and now it seems Apple. These boomers are keeping tight lips till everything is deployed and major exchanges are announced. Development appears to be ahead of schedule.

>> No.10378489

Where is the apple rumor coming from?

>> No.10378499

I googled it, got nothing, and haven't seen it posted on biz

>> No.10378838

Of course they are partnered with Mozilla. In the Holochat Jim Cook literally says he's going to lend them devs. Jim has also been sponsoring Holochain events.

It's coming from Rajeesh in Bangalore.

>> No.10378986

It has nothing to do with applepay and a fee on top of that. KYS.

They even tell you not to use it as a primary currency. It's for a fucking hosting service.

>> No.10379009

Jim Cook is real at least. Very bullish.

>> No.10379286

Nice news. Just dumped by bags

>> No.10379514

Lmao haters spreading FUD, apple and Mozilla will get holochain to 1 dollar

>> No.10379529

Aplle news are fake you literal faggot

>> No.10379586

t. Person who has 0 Holochain in his portfolio and went all in on bitcoin. Enjoy being poor

>> No.10379650

This rumor emerged from a biz anon's anus.

Level 1 FUD doesn't work on Holo. That lesson was learned.

Level 2 FUD is to spread fake positive news, which is supposed to discredit Holo promoters in general, and place under skepticism genuine positive news in the future.

>> No.10380666
File: 143 KB, 450x349, 1529971583787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dump and fill my bags thanks brainlets. i literally used 4d chess on this entire board lmfao

>> No.10380844

>Price has remained at 140 vits this entire episode.

>> No.10380857
File: 121 KB, 600x600, 5B7B7334-68D2-47D7-AF86-8B22A8FA83DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Apple makes the partnership official launching holo to $1.00