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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 400x710, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10372649 No.10372649 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10372664

lmao im ded

>> No.10372670

shut up

>> No.10372675

another cringe larp.... wtf is going on?

>> No.10372683

she puts your name in lowercaps while capitalizing hers
>anon she literally despite you lol

>> No.10372684


Never tell a women how much you have faggot..

>> No.10372692

its called autocomplete or a typo stfu. if you guys arent gonna help me then gtfo my thread

>> No.10372693

larping is the most cringeworthy thing you can do online, why stoop so low?

>> No.10372695

If you have a lot say not much if you barely have any say that you don't like to discuss finances. Gold digger will assume you have quite a bit, then pump and dump her.

>> No.10372697

>He made another one


And now proceeds like every of thread of you replying to yourself 40 times using different IPs.

>> No.10372723

ok but the actual truth is im poor and barely have any. but i want to impress her so should i just say i have a lot?

>> No.10372728

tell her you're an aspergic cum guzzler with social anxiety, that the gubbiment is going to fall on it's knees one day and everyone will use buttcoin to send money in the shops thus you will be king of the internet and she should allow you some company

>> No.10372732

Hahahaha ypu virgin already defending this gold digger bitch

>> No.10372753

no you jerk im saying that was probably an accident and i highly doubt she meant anything by it

>> No.10372785

How many do you have op?

>> No.10372800

less then 1. fucked up by trading shitcoins. i have about .5 btc

>> No.10372818

Already told you, you say that you don't like to discuss finances and her greed will do the work for you.

>> No.10372845

this one is actually funny tho

>> No.10372851
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>> No.10372853

This. If you keep it a mystery you can string her along a lot easier.

>> No.10372865

Enough for you to suck my cock every day for the rest of my life

>> No.10372877

Its a bull market OP, if she approached you its a bull market, you just have to long and close it at the bed, ez muni

>> No.10372913

Lmao sherman

>> No.10372951

tell her you dont like to discuss personal fiances. But if you want to say something impressive id say something like
" Well i don't like to talk about my personal fiances, im sure you understand, but the amount varies depending on the market. i buy low , sell high "
or something along those lines

>> No.10372977

>i buy low , sell high

Not even once fren

>> No.10373046

can clearly tell it's fake text lmao

>> No.10373084

>i buy high , sell low "
fix it

>> No.10373090
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1511053900075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sherman (deliberately lower case) gets mad


>> No.10373093

Lmao she’s gonna be disappointed

>> No.10373095

When the first stacy calls it marks the beginning of the bear market

>> No.10373100

Bad larp. Cant even talk to imaginary woman without being absolute needy cuck.

>> No.10373102

Shut up faggots and let Sherman continue his story..

>> No.10373156


He is already dead.

>> No.10373232
File: 83 KB, 400x710, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks now what? i need your help

>> No.10373258


You have already thanked her and apologised to her and she still hasn't seen your micropenis. You fucked up SSSSSSSSSherman.

>> No.10373266

it's either a LARP (99%) or she thinks you're a total idiot
unironically KYS either way

>> No.10373284

please guys i want to respond quickly this time so she doesnt lose interest. what should I say?

>> No.10373300

yeah let's meet up and i'll show you my big fat stack *wink*

>> No.10373304

Tell her buy Turtlecoin 100k EOY

>> No.10373313

>Let's get to know each other again. Let's go hiking at x and I'll cook dinner for you afterwards.

>> No.10373319

You should make up a number and then turn it around on her. Ask her why she didn't buy when you told her too (back when that was).

Also if you want to fuck her you can bring her shopping and drop 250-500$ and you're good.

I hope you have over 10 btc for your sake

>> No.10373321

>every fucking message have a smiley face

kill yorself OP... but please continue :)

>> No.10373322

Ask her you guys can discuss about it over a coffee.

>> No.10373327

>she thinks you're a total idiot
He is. Why did he respond in the first place?

>> No.10373334

OP kys

>> No.10373353

Y really just wanna trick her into fuck y didn't y? Haha y poor virgin. How pathetic, pretend to be rich to loose your virgin in gold digger.

>> No.10373356

This. Faggot OP is pathetic

>> No.10373360

>succubus wants your money
>entertaining the thought of anything but telling this bitch to btfo

>> No.10373376
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>> No.10373416

you guys really think i should be that direct? i am actually kinda scared to basically ask her out like that.

also to the anon who said i should ask her why she didn't buy, well i never told her to buy. in fact i have barely even spoken to her. we are coworkers but its not like we are good friends or anything. i am actually shocked she even texted me. she must have heard from another coworker that i told i had crypto. also sadly, no, i don't have anywhere near 10 btc. i only have about 0.5 btc

>> No.10373487

should i really ask her out? i am afraid to do that because i'm worried she will reject that and it would be awkward at work. i was thinking of just saying "I have 100 BTC" and leave it open ended. that way maybe she would initiate. what do you think about that? i don't want to wait much longer to respond this time

>> No.10373507

Ok thanks anon for the background, sorry that you're gonna get lol'ed at for this one considering your small stack and that this is a roastie coworker.

You don't have the kind of cheese that she thinks you have, so you've only got her interest until you reveal that you don't have many bitcorns. You need to deflect her inquiries into your bitcoin stack emotionally; act as if you're offended by her asking how many you have and that it makes you uncomfortable and its inappropriate because _____________ (maybe last person you told pestered you for some). Again, take her on some sort of date and she'll want your cock because you told her "no". Women behave like this all the time. You just need to be not autistic when you ask her out or meet up with her and you also have to initiate. Anyways, good luck. The hike isn't a bad idea either.

>> No.10373516

take her out for drinks yeah
then fuck her and then AND ONLY THEN reveal you're actually poor as fuck

>> No.10373518

>S-should I really just ask her out? She literally asked if you wanted to talk in person which is your go signal. You will be a virgin for the rest of your life if you're this much of a balless wonder.

>> No.10373539

he is a larper and in the slight chance he isn't he's a total cuck, even if he managed to see her naked due to some magical powers of the universe he would end up with rape accusations as soon as he revealed his shrimp status

>> No.10373540


Don't say you have 100 btc, it would be better to say that you are a believer in bitcoin long term and am holding your coins until at least 2020 for "retirement" or "down payment" or "mid life crisis car" because you can.

Asking her out is a grey zone.... asking a girl to dinner is a DATE. Asking a girl to go hiking or get coffee is a date, but is so much more casual. Just pick some activity or place that you're comfortable with that she will feel included and appreciated in.

>> No.10373554

Fucking KEK

>> No.10373563

Text her that you can tell her over lunch. If she asks you how much you've got when you're out with her, tell her "a few". If she asks the exact amount say 3 or 4

>> No.10373584


>> No.10373602

Don't listen to these inexperienced autists. The lies will catch up, and she'll act like the hyena that all women are when she finds out. On top of that, if she's under the assumption that you're well-off, she'll drain your fucking finances. She's just after your money. She doesn't actually like you. Get a fucking hold of yourself.

>> No.10373619
File: 82 KB, 400x710, next.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish me luck anons i took your advice...

>> No.10373629

>i don't mean to bother you :)
she already thinks youre a cuck beta and she is right. gold digger to the extreme. your only shot is to lie about having a lot of bitcoins

>> No.10373640

>I don't mean to bother you :)

>> No.10373648

>do you want to go on a date?
>if you don't want to it's ok i'm a virgin

good job op

>> No.10373650

You could've saved yourself. Now, best case scenario is that she realizes that a. You're not well off or b. You really are autistic and gives up either way. Worst case scenario? That depends on how far the lies go, if you decide to embark on that suicide mission.

>> No.10373652

>The hike isn't a bad idea either.
All first dates should involve physical exertion as it will stimulate the release of dopamine and serotonin, much better seduction tactic than the typical drinks laziness and sets you apart from 90% of men. Would normally recommend something a bit more strenuous than hiking like going to a rock climbing wall or going kayaking but a lot of anons are horribly out of shape.

>> No.10373677


>> No.10373678

U Gonna get stabbed nigga...

>> No.10373688

ugh your utter lack of game is painful to watch

>"if you don't want to that's fine too!"
yeah. You don't have to tell her she has the option of rejecting you. Trust me, she does it all the time.

>> No.10373693

should tell her that you will whisper it in her ear while you fuck her in the ass
Then while you are fucking her whisper that you have $20 worth lmao

we know this is larp though.

>> No.10373703

Anyone falling for this shitty Photoshop larp is greener than a dollar bill

>> No.10373705

>if you don't want to that is also totally fine!

Are fucking kidding me OP? Are you asking for advice and then totally fuck everything? Good god this faggot is dumb.

>> No.10373722
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>If you don't want to that is also totally fine!

>> No.10373734

>Hi Anon! How many bitcoins do you have? ;)
>Would you like to discuss that over a coffee? You can always say no, hehe

Cringe overload

>> No.10373737

>girl instantly replies that she would like to suck his dick
Nice LARP fag

>> No.10373742

Any strait up asks you how much money you have . One did to me and i pump and dumped her . They WILL take your shit anon

>> No.10373750

at least make the larp less obvious

>> No.10373754

I've always had an easy time picking up women, but even then, in highschool I used to think that this betacuck approach actually worked. Because, even as a strongwilled/assertive personality, I thought "it'll separate me from those other jerks and they'll see how COOL and PASSIVE I am!". Doesn't work though, especially when you're not actually passive at your core; leads to a lot of fucking fighting and screaming matches. On the other hand, OP probably is a passive betacuck, inside and out, and that just means he's prone to being used up and spit out by gold digging roasties.

It's better to be assertive (doesn't mean rude), confident (yet humble), and 100% truthful. Weeds out the shitty women (most women you will ever encounter) and you'll probably end up finding good wife material.

>> No.10373783
File: 90 KB, 400x710, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now what the fuck do i say. i am so confused why couldnt she have just said a simple yes or no?

>> No.10373801

why do you actually go to such hastle to make bait threads with fake text? can it get any more pathetic?

>> No.10373804

Sherman you just came off beta af congratulations. I hope she got a stap on because you are the bitch in this relationship

>> No.10373805

10/10 larp. Thank you, OP.

>> No.10373806

Dubs confirms

>> No.10373822

Meet her tell her that you have some 100 btc fuck her and leave her forever

>> No.10373823

there is only one answer.

>> No.10373830

Please tell me this a LARP

>> No.10373831

i know a lot of you keep saying i fucked up. i never said i was good at this shit. that is why i need your help. i am kind of inexperienced with this type of stuff

>> No.10373835

>Tell her you have a lot
>Pump and dump
>Show her how much you have the week after so she can't accuse you of rape

>> No.10373837
File: 95 KB, 720x856, DF3F3A49-4DF5-4513-9F57-5AAFB1DE67A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, another Sherman/Brittany thread. All these kids falling for it again and again. I’m tired, really tired.

>> No.10373840

You need to make yourself 100% believe that you have 100btc and act accordingly. Imagine it and believe it. You will not be making such shitty beta responses and she might actually be attracted to you.

>> No.10373845
File: 24 KB, 305x313, lemme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be boomer
>watching the millenial kids get buttdevistated for an obvious LARP
>tfw sold LINK for $1.00 and bought silver

>> No.10373848

Mention that the number is complicated or some shit because you diversified into alts

>> No.10373857

This doesn't mean you tell her you have 100btc. If you actually had that there's no fucking way you'd tell her. Just believe it and let it come out through your actions and demeanour.

>> No.10373858

Just tell her "apparently you are more interested in Bitcoin than me. You know you can just google stuff about bitcoin and not lose dignity with your pandering."

>> No.10373880

She sensed weakness from your weak ass reply and at this point is questioning if you're worth her time.

>> No.10373886
File: 490 KB, 449x401, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha that's so sweet
>do I make you nervous or something?

>> No.10373896


You’re a terrible LARPing faggot but I’ll bite, tell her it’s your dirty little secret how many you have and nobody, not even your family, knows the number you have and that you want to keep it that way so it doesn’t change your relationship with anyone

She’ll suck your cock within 5 mins of hanging out

>> No.10373899

please help me with a good reply to this. i feel like this is my last chance not to mess it up

>> No.10373925

Tell her you have 1.2 billion doge

>> No.10373945

tell her your internet name is Satoshi and if she googles it she'll understand why you don't talk about your corns.

>> No.10373966

“I don’t know, how many are you worth?”

>> No.10373982

this is probably larp, but if you are serious, stop acting like the biggest faggot on this planet.

>> No.10374004

Don't tell her you fucking moron

>> No.10374014

if she Shows tits tell her the first number and so on...

>> No.10374019

Reply this: "No, not nervous or anything. I just don't like talking about money. I think is a little rude that you appear from nowhere asking about bitcoin. Don't you think?"

Please OP, don't be a beta faggot again.

>> No.10374021

Just say enough BTC to get my dick sucked by any chick I want.

>> No.10374022

oh my god...
this must be fake

>> No.10374023

Post linkedin pic.
We need to see if she is worth the effort

>> No.10374046

> probably larp

>> No.10374053

write her "tits for the first number of my stock"
if get, reply with x,xx2.5
then next number on the date

>> No.10374082
File: 527 KB, 1536x2048, 849B3F2C-1488-4170-B3E1-7E228887392B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Flip the script you autist. For your sake I hope this is a larp.

“Haha nah, I barely know you. Let’s get drinks and see if the conversation gets exciting enough for personal finance :)”

Make her work for it

>> No.10374101
File: 63 KB, 400x710, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anons! do i need to say anything back or should i just wait until work tomorrow?

>> No.10374122

100% fake.

This is just sad.

>> No.10374134

This whole thread is so obviously fake and gay fuck you op kill yourself you stupid cunt

>> No.10374145

Don’t say anything. Make sure you get your dick wet on the first date and drop her or she’ll find out you were lying. Plus it leaves the door open if she keeps messaging you

>> No.10374344

lmfao you retard. why did you lie

>> No.10374359

You fucked it up but maybe use some leverage like creating a fake portfolio with 98btc and tell her you lost 2 BTC trading last night or something.

>> No.10374376

if you wanna larp as a woman might as well be a trap fgt

>> No.10374398


This is 100% a larp

>> No.10374469

Where are the fucking MODS to delete this pathetic larp?

>> No.10374472

>just checked my schedule
>every night is free

>> No.10374511

> :) :) :)
If I wasn't certain this was LARP now I know

>> No.10374520

>I have 100 btc
>But I still wageslave
Not only are you larping, but you're incredibly stupid.

>> No.10374535
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the OP is literally holding his dick in his hand while reading this

>> No.10374641


>> No.10374755

sherman, why are you such a betacuck.

>> No.10374803
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>> No.10374806

Fake as shit

>> No.10374827

If you trick her into having sex with you, and then she finds out you don't have any BTC, she will just file a rape charge against you even though it was 100% consent

>> No.10374853

I wonder wtf is the purpose of these threads. are there psychology tests or something? are they data gathering/mining threads?

>> No.10374903

It's to make /biz/ unproductive and useless as a resource. Why do we only talk about stupid unrelated shit? Posters become lurkers and eventually leave.

>> No.10374909

If you have to check your schedule and realize that you can do any day of the week then you never had a schedule to begin with.

Weak as fuck bait thread but yet i still responded...fuck my life, hurry up and release main net chainlink

>> No.10374956
File: 98 KB, 785x827, 1517616830091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the chainlink meme, it's really grown on me.

>> No.10375006

>land of the free

thank god I don't live in that shithole

>> No.10375030

>says the impoverished yurocuck