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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 441 KB, 2048x1536, 941C5131-CB4B-46B2-82FD-1713847B97A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10371200 No.10371200 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ do you have the six 6’s required to please a woman like her?
>6 figure salary
>6’ tall
>600 hp car
>6 pack abs
>6” cock
>6 months since last relationship

>> No.10371212

>he thinks he's making it with a 6" cock
Better start jelqing anon

>> No.10371223

80k a year
160 HP car
6 incher
Committed relationship for 10 years

Meh whatever

>> No.10371228

is 6" cock difficult or you have to shorten it to please her

>> No.10371230

i bet all my BTC that less than 5% of /biz/ has even a 4 pack of abs

hell i bet that less than 10% of /fit/ does.

>> No.10371231

6 pack, of a nice brew - check
6 cups of coffee a day - check
6 times BBQ in the week - check
6 different landmowers - check

>> No.10371234

I just turned gay. It was painful but so much easier to get laid than when I was straight. Traps are more hetero than pussy unironically

>> No.10371236

Why would you become her cuck when you can just be the bad boy and get sex for free?

>> No.10371247

White American girls only. Euro whites just look poor and pasty

>> No.10371272
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>6 figure salary
>6’ tall
x 5'10
>600 hp car
x no car
>6 pack abs

>6” cock
8 inches
>6 months since last relationship
x never had a relationship or sex

How over is it?

>> No.10371274

You disappointed your dad and you will never find a genuine hetrosexual love relationship.

>> No.10371275


>> No.10371286
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Gibs QT

>> No.10371292

All this shit is useless if you can‘t make her laugh.

>> No.10371293
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>> No.10371442
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>not visible
>perhaps with inventive measuring
>over qualified

>> No.10371464
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Id give you a hand but it looks like you are in a committed relationship with one already

>> No.10371465


>> No.10371481

>600 hp car

nigger you think girls like fucking racecars or some shit? Get a nice luxury car and stop watching the fast and the furious.

>> No.10371489

5 9
no car
Fat 7 incher
No serious relationship in years

Slay pussy all the time

>> No.10371504

Is this Iceland?

>> No.10371508

Do I need 6's because she's a 6 too? If she were a 9 would I need 9's?

>> No.10371521

>crappy ford fiesta that's falling apart
>skinny fat
>5'' cock
>no relationship for 8 years


>> No.10371527
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Even if you have all of those things and more, it'll never be enough.

You may only have one flaw, but they'll tear you apart for it.

"I love you, but you never make me laugh like he does..."

"I mean, at least he doesn't grind his teeth..."

"You provide very well working 60 hours a week anon, I just wish you had more time off like he does..."

Maybe not 5 years in, maybe not even 50. But everyone has these thoughts every now and then, just women are more likely to act on them.

Someone make me a market to short the female mid-life crisis

>> No.10371533

>make her laugh

biggest meme that will get you cucked and friendzoned

You have to make her cry

>> No.10371544

Icelandic women are top tier

>> No.10371552


>> No.10371558

that would be my opinion

>> No.10371598

Just to add
24 yo
>unemployed neet
>no car, driving mommys 80hp car
>about 4 pack abs atm
>6" average cock
>currently in a relationship with a much cuter girl than OP pic

>> No.10371628

Not worth it unless you like being a slave. Forget pussy acquire crypto.

>> No.10371669

i like these threads
~130k a year
292 hp car
5.5 inches
what the fuck is a gf

>> No.10371687

>6’2 tall
>truck fag
>negative on the abs
>6” cock
>3 year long relationship

>> No.10371709

20k a year
60HP car
7 inch
a year since last relationship

>> No.10371710

70k in lower cost metro
skinny enough to see abs but not 6 pack
6" schlong
5 years since last srs relationship

wtf is wrong with me

>> No.10371727

i have all except the cock. mines 7". will i make it???

>> No.10371774

no you are fucked. Consider surgery

>> No.10372246
File: 49 KB, 600x584, be a man among men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's the kind of girl she looks like, all you need is to act kinda manly, have your shit together, and have a decent income. There isn't just a lack of acceptable girls today, there's also a lack of family oriented guys who aren't super sheltered.
>be me
>army officer so ~$65k a year income with large portion of that tax free
>bought a $130k three bedroom home with two car garage, 2 years into a 15 year mortgage
>late-2000's sedan for daily, NA miata spec'd out for STR class autocross making about 160hp
>hobbies are racing (stupid expensive even low end, but I love it so that's where my money goes), shooting, and Jiu-jitsu/MMA
>live off 60% of my income, put the rest into my Roth, my TSP (army-run ROTH with higher contribution limit and less choice), and my mortgage
>have 15K I trade around with, used to be 10K two years ago but I made big gains when trump got elected
>fucking around with sluts and had pretty much given up on women
>met grill, 7/10
>she is really nice, in med school, christian but not obsessive about it. She's a virgin, takes us about 4 months to bang.
>she thinks I'm the greatest thing in the world for some reason, makes me happy and we've been dating over a year now
I deploy soon, plan on see how she handles that and then waiting another 10 months or so then proposing if everything is cool. At that point we will have been dating around 3 years
anyway you don't need that stupid list of 6's or whatever, just be a man

>> No.10372288
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just remember anons

even if you have all of those things

somewhere else there is a taller, richer, more muscular trust fund baby

women don't care if you earned it or inherited it, all they care about is their own comfort level and sense of security. the means of how it is obtained is irrelevant.

>> No.10372536

>>600 hp car
she's more interested in climate control seating. HP is a boomer meme.

>> No.10372582

She is going to cheat while you're deployed

>> No.10372745

that's the point, if she cheats its over, if she doesn't then I can trust her

>> No.10372781

>expecting someone to be abstinent for 10 months while you go murder for low wages on behalf of jewish billionaires.

I have some investment in the Golan Heights so I thank you for your service. Somebody has to clear the way for us

>> No.10372860
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>he wiped the Doritos dust from the corner of his mouth onto his cum-stained sweatpants, crushing up the Mountain Dew Voltage and tossing it onto the pile of cans on the floor of his room in his mother's house, content with yet another searing bait post.

You should get on board with the murder anon, it's great fun when you can see in the dark and your enemies can't.

>> No.10372890

Wrong, Humor and charm is everything.
If you can‘t make her laugh the whole thing won‘t last for long and you will get cucked by a more charming and funny man.

>> No.10373026

Went to afghan in 2010 and utterly obliterated my relationship. Said I came back different. No shit I'm different. Good luck.

>> No.10373083

thanks man

shit's different now, this will be my second one but there really isn't much fighting over there that we do anymore, the locals do it and we support them. You had it way worse in 2010

>> No.10373135

None of the above. Will An Hero. See you on the other side.

>> No.10373225

Based, see you there brother

>> No.10373325

hiv and genetic failure

>> No.10373340

brown person alert.

>> No.10373436

Fucking faggot. I hope you die soon

>> No.10373457
File: 235 KB, 2048x1536, >eurotrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a 10/10 in europoor nations

>> No.10373478

>tfw you'll never be european so you'll never be one of the ugly mutants they keep casting on Game of Thrones

>> No.10373492

>unironically liking a woman who drinks alcohol
have fun raising jamal

>> No.10373504

She's not asian

>> No.10373617

Six spliffs a day
Six times jerking off six inch cock
Six farts an hour
Six spliffs before bed
Six hours of sleep