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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10368639 No.10368639 [Reply] [Original]

Who actually owns Ripple on /biz?

>> No.10368645


>/biz janitor can you delete this thread please

>> No.10368659

I actually traded the~ $600 I had for stellar right before the .20-.30 pump. First time I've ever made a good call

>> No.10368760

I think it will 10x before Jan

>> No.10368765

You can't, like, own, Ripple, man

>> No.10368927


1. It's called xRapid [XRP]. Ripple is the name of the company. XRP and Ripple are not the same.

2. Nearly everyone has a bit of XRP.

3. XRP will not be labeled a security. If it will be, it means people holding XRP are shareholders of Ripple which makes no sense at all. In case it happens I do think XRP will crash though.

4. XRP was gifted to Ripple, not created by them.

5. XRP is being used by huge systems like Interledger, Coil and Codius Smart Contracts.

XRP 10$ EOY or 20$ before 2020 is very possible considering it is the only top coin that has always worked without an issue.

>> No.10369005

1. t.tard pretending.
2. I only use it for transfer between exchange.
3. I'm not a merifat I dgaf.
4. what does this even mean.
5. But first it will bleed to 1500 sats.

>> No.10369019

I trade it sometimes, but seriously, it just performs like a niggers shithole in the last weeks.

>> No.10369020
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Cope due to uneducation.

>> No.10369032

too bad i didn't save the "XRP 5$" brainlet.

>> No.10369044

Name a single better coin than XRP that actually works.

>> No.10369050

for the love of god, someone please post me the XRP brainlet

>> No.10369130

> 2. I only use it for transfer between exchange.

That's the intended purpose from Ripple's perspective, no? Moving value quickly wherever you need it. Thanks for supporting XRP!

>> No.10369171
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You mean xrp (xRapid). I own over 1000.
I'm planning on buying $3k worth next week. I'm also heavily loading up on Monero, XLM, ETH, and EOS.

Buy coin that have a future. The only shitcoins I own is NANO and ETC. Both are under $200.

Basically everyone sees a steady upward swing around the end of this year.

GUYS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IN AND HOLD HARD. This is how I made 4k off ETH last year.

>> No.10369194

nano but the wallet needs a little spit-shine.
ADA is somewhat overvalued but has lots of Asian potential.

I wonder who still holds that ARC red triangle trash.

>> No.10369591
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>> No.10369684
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>> No.10369696

>Who actually owns Ripple on /biz?
1. Newfags
2. Delusional ppl

>> No.10369747

when the credit cards enter crypto XRP will be involved

>> No.10369773

0 xrp here but reading comments on coinbase, the normie likes it.