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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10364428 No.10364428 [Reply] [Original]

Singularity is approaching. State your location and number of linkies marines.

If you are from Brisbame we don't give a fuck since we already know there are like 38 of you.

Also.... you stupid faggots wanting to get together and party in Thailand like every other normie in the world...

I have a much better idea. We meet up with our lambos in a college town like university of Alabama or Univ of Arizona and party there and fuck 19 year olds instead of HIV infected Thai hookers.

>> No.10364433

The singularity is never coming

>> No.10364446

Stfu and state your location and linkies number you stupid ape

>> No.10364458

I have an ever better idea let's talk about how much of a faggot OP is

>> No.10364479

t. IRS

>> No.10364489

too old

>> No.10364490
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>> No.10364497

I’m in your mom and I have 0

>> No.10364505

>wearing contacts and drinking orange juice

>> No.10364508
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>> No.10364519

sage all datamining threads

>> No.10364764

AZ and Aus sounds like a nice exchange, if you fags make it we’ll shoot backpack MiniGuns and drive around in lambos, and buy a jump jet . By 2025 have a nice Casino in Vegas. Think big let’s have Conerts and own land venues to have the equivalent of NEET-Stock, you cunts better go big or go home

>> No.10364793

Google trends chainlink

>> No.10365441

kys op

>> No.10365646

I lost my 6.5k link in a boating accident and went to Antarctica to find myself

>> No.10365702
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>Google trends chainlink

>> No.10365793

Hanging out in college bars when you're not in college is beyond pathetic. Also hookers are awesome. You don't deserve to make it faggot.

>> No.10365823
File: 33 KB, 400x300, tumblr_n8jqbgQtwy1rqfz16o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with banging Asian whores, anon?

>> No.10365864

>What's wrong with banging Asian whores, anon?

Well debasing yourself and some girl, STDS, HIV and the general shitbagness of people who use prositutes, hookers and pimps

>> No.10365899

>debase yourself
>debase them
What's your point? It's happened for many years. Stop acting righteous on an anonymous image board

>> No.10366292

Aus, 20k. We gon make it.

>> No.10366302

its where young hot girls are drunk

>> No.10366357


>> No.10366363

you don't need to make it to bang whores. you can be a goddamn long haul truck driver and fuck gook whores by the boat load. your goals are shit. success is not sticking your dick in trash. what's worse you need to leave the country to do it because you're too much of a loser to afford proper hookers.

>> No.10366377

OP is a phaggot. We’re gonna party at Arizona State Universiry with our lambos

>> No.10366433

12k - Malaysia
Increasing to 15k by the end of today if BTC remains stable.

>> No.10366652
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fuck off cia

>> No.10366676

Its dead op
The creator can't even ass himself to market it and has done no progress.
Ideas are cheap.

>> No.10366771
File: 72 KB, 500x744, INCREDIBLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k unironically