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10364250 No.10364250 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else seen this concept? I saw it in another thread. Basically from what the website says:

>Shakedown0x is a decentralized, Ethereum based platform for sleuthing and coercion missions.
>Welcome to the future of research, publication, and aggressive coercion.

>Shakedown0x is a decentralized, democratic platform built with the purpose of revealing sensitive information, interacting with others seeking a common goal, and coercing action. We intend to allow users to streamline the release of documents, media, conversations, and any other valuable sensitive information. The platform will serve as an intermediary between confidential information and the general public.

It seems like they're going for a gangstalking/blackmail platform...if i understand correctly it goes:

>target is acquired by shakedown commander
>details are uploaded to an anonymous oracle
>commander posts a wager to shakedown the target
>users buy into contract to see information
>shakedown commences (like--harassment or blackmail?)
>target buys out contract and divs are spread to commander any players or contract expires and players recieve the commander wager

either way it looks like it could be big, the contract is verified and they're getting token buys


>> No.10364456

I saw this in the other thread as well. I think this could have potential and cause a lot of controversy which is a bit refreshing if this delivers.

>> No.10364518

Not sure about this yet. Looks different though.

>> No.10364557

I have literally never heard of gangstalking until today. This is really fucking weird shit and I went down the rabbit hole but yeah what the fuck.

>> No.10364595

yeah im imagining basically like a fomo3d thing but instead of keys its a random target.

>you hate your neighbor
>post a shakedown with a payout of 1m shake tokens (10,000$)
>upload his data to oracle
>make this assholes life a living hell digitally and in person until he (or a sympathizer) pays 4x the contract price
>everyone wins

anyone can be a target

>> No.10364610
File: 178 KB, 645x773, 1528910341005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, this could be written as a smart contract, and use ETH, without your faggy token.
Get your cyberpunk straight pajeet.

>> No.10364638

Yeah monetizing stalking and harassing people seems like the fucking actual worst shit ever.

>> No.10364652

i dunno, with all the pedo hunts and shady shit that goes on in the world, this could actually take off

>> No.10364708

But there hasn't been anything fucking cool like this before.

>> No.10364737

If you do something cool you do it right
not with some shitty ICO for a contract+website an amateur can write in a few days
also using fucking eth where there's no easy way to send transactions through TOR
basically enjoy getting literally raided

>> No.10364767


>An oracle is defined as an on demand data-fetching platform for smart contracts.

>To access a Shakedown0x Oracle, the following function is implemented to view the data:

oraclize_query('time','datasource', ‘query_info’,'gas_limit');

On Ethereum, on-chain data storage comes with a high cost: It costs 20k gas for each additional 32 bytes of storage taken, which at current gas price rate is around $.003. Each instruction of a smart contract carries a gas cost. The sum of all the gas costs cannot be more than the current block gas limit. Having long encrypted queries in a smart contract will eat up the available gas during contract deployment, reducing the number of instructions the contract can execute for
other useful things.

The Shakedown0x contract sends its query parameters to Oraclize as the data payload (hex encoded) of an Ethereum transaction.

>> No.10364778

I mean its a game but I see your point.

>> No.10364784
File: 218 KB, 982x429, angry_ribombee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse image-searched other team members, they're either not found or in the case of "Elijah Brennan" used in other fake profiles. Only one with a LinkedIn seems to be the creator with zero endorsements on any claims of employment. It's definitely either a satirical project, or even more likely, a scam like most dubious ICOs are. For those of you who are still interested in offering incentives for coercion and threats of violence, consider the following:


>> No.10364794

The fuck does that matter? Not everything needs its own token. This is why utility tokens like BAT and FUN are fucking retarded and will tend towards 0 value.

>> No.10364813

lol dude you really think the people behind this would just come out and say "hey this is my photo?"

this shit is gonna make waves

>> No.10364825

>blackmail organizations & people into giving you money
>it's just a game bro

I'll be honest, I like the concept of this, but the ICO part is just a money siphoning scam. And before this is done, there needs to be a relatively simple way of sending "untraceable" ethereum transactions.

>> No.10364827

It doesn't but I feel like it matters to you cause you didn't come up with the idea lol.

>> No.10364922
File: 233 KB, 820x1206, 1527108470179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a test of human gullibility anon. The whole economy is, but I think the success of this exit scam is really going to demonstrate the most extreme elements of this.

I'm going to add "addresses of token buyers actually tied to dox" to the bingo card if this isn't an outright exit scam but some sort of art project or government sting. This plays right into Brad Sherman's arguments too; it's a perfect false flag opportunity if enough of you faggots take the bait. If a Brad Sherman staffer is reading this, we're onto you.

>> No.10364984

Have you seen the video? If this was actually implemented it could be scary as hell


>> No.10365114

I don't give a shit I'm buying this.

>> No.10365197

sixophrennia go to bed

>> No.10365349

Sixo did you forget your meds again?

>> No.10365486
File: 672 KB, 1920x1080, 2 - mrrobot_s3_e10_elliot_01_1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao fuck.

This is real life Mr. Robot

>> No.10366284

who is that?

>> No.10366382

can't hear a fucking thing because the music is too loud

>> No.10366497

at least the music is cool

>> No.10366536

This could potentially be illegal.
It looks like a psyop to be honest.

>> No.10366622

a few problems....
1 its highly illegal, and would offend the sensibilities of most people (including myself)
so that means no exchange would list it.
Meaning you'd be stuck with small liquidity on DEX.
only the most deranged would want to participate, and deranged people normally don't have that much money.
and when they do, they're like Soros and don't need a shitty erc20 token to get their evil deeds done

1 sat valuation would be generous

>> No.10366742

i don't think it's that illegal..besides how could they prosecute a gang of users on the blockchain? the power of this is massive. imagine you want to know the earnings report for amazon before the release...post a shakedown and a price and you could possibly find out before anyone else...granted this is a bit far fetched but for smaller informational gains it could be massive

>> No.10366765

it's a game token.

I mean people commit felonies unknowingly everyday.

>> No.10366790
File: 9 KB, 230x220, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check those fuckin triple sixes

its a sign anon. buy shakedown