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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10364195 No.10364195 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being that retard that bought into the college ponzi.

>> No.10364260

>Imagine being that retard who took out loans for his new car which he only uses to get from point a to point b but "in a more comfortable way" and has to pay an arm and a leg for replacement parts, not to mention the fact that you have a car you want to drive with it somewhere in turn making you spend more money on stupid normie shit
>Imagine being that retard who took out a loan for his flat/house and went in debt to jewish bankers who can create money out of thin air for his whole life instead of paying rent and trying to /make it/ with extra money
>Imagine being that retard who buys expensive phones every year which he uses for sms/phone calls/internet browsing only

>> No.10364271

Sounds like someone who's salty that they didn't go to college. I work as a CPA and do fine, something that wouldn't have been possible without a college degree.

>> No.10364293

Nice cope
Degrees are a waste of money and time

>> No.10364303

Imagine being that retard who cannot into mortgages

>> No.10364308

>spending 4 years of your life and paying 80k in fees to make 40-60k a year working 60hr weeks

Have fun with that

>> No.10364319

>what is career progression

I don't have anywhere near $80k in debt, and most managers in public accounting (usually make manager within 5-6 years) earn $100k+ before bonuses. Stay salty.

>> No.10364342

>What is career progression
>What is earning fixed amount of money and never making it
Oh the lil white boi the big black jews cock will fit right into your ass. The system taught you well to be a slave.

>> No.10364345

Anyone can make the same amount working in McDonalds or literally anywhere and investing in fixed income

Nobody is salty over your cuck schooling

>> No.10364540

>american education

I feel fucking bad for you lads, have it so good in my country. I even had a scholarship that paid out 6k a year, just over half of the degree cost (STEM)

Had a great time at uni, networked (the absolute most important thinh to get out of uni) and started on 80k a year in government.. work was a little underwhelming and mindless and didn’t fully utilise my expertise so now I’m overseas teaching (which I can do thanks to having a degree) and learning language while I wait for admission to a uni for syst engg.. and if I gain admission I will have my tuition paid for and a free 300usd a month thanks to the international student program there. The downside is it’s very competitive.

>> No.10365255


I went to college for free with scholarships.

>> No.10365488

My six figure income is pretty comfy. I'll be debt free in less than a year. Its worth it trades are a meme and NEET's are losers who will never see the outside world.

>> No.10365675
File: 4 KB, 215x235, 285E41D7-993D-4744-96ED-0DB7BCF95A50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trades are a meme

the absolute state

>> No.10366523

>career progression


I've been promoted or given new roles 9 times in 10 years. I'm currently 3 positions away from executive row in a pretty well known, successful Corp. I'm a high level analyst and act as a product owner for a few things. My job is actually interesting, fun, and i get paid far more than you hope to make on your stupid 5 year plan...right now. I have never spent one day in college working toward any degree. College is fucking worthless to people who are intelligent and motivated to become successful.

Your argument is fucking invalid.

>> No.10366573

Oh and I'm barely in my mid 30's. Glad i never wasted my time. I'll be done in less than 10.

>> No.10366709

highest suicide rate in the nation.

wage cucks don't even realize how cucked they are

>> No.10366979

Masonic mortar boards on their heads, really makes you think.

>> No.10366989

office cuck

>> No.10367744

I love how triggered /biz/ got by this.
t. accounting major

>> No.10367777

lol if you didn't get offered full scholarships you might be an actual retard. getting a full ride to a mediocre-decent state school is as easy as having a B average in high school and scoring a 1300+ on your SAT. people who go 100k into debt for an art history degree are autistic but so are you if you think that's the case for everyone.

>> No.10368879


>go and study on college I like, that provides useful courses and guided mentorship
>meet and talk with like minded people every day and build connections
>not too many qt3.14 to distract me during college
>fuck some faithful girl on the side, that wants to be in relationship, but I know I don't have time for this shit right now
>keep working hard and learning a lot of material for free

yeah, free college isn't really bad in Europe