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File: 24 KB, 220x278, 220px-Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10362832 No.10362832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you not a Marxist? It takes willful ignorance to believe capitalism is a legitimate economic system.

>> No.10362869

Because I'm not a retarded faggot, that's why

>> No.10362881


>> No.10362891

Marx himself believed that capitalism was a legitimate economic system. Who are you talking about?

>> No.10362909

Here’s the problem with commies. Let’s rate everyone’s confines between 1 and 10.

Asumming communism works without corruption (highly unlikely) and as perfectly intended everyone gets to live at level 5. No less. No more. Sure that’s great if your happy with just a 5.

With capitalism you may live at a 1 or at a 10. But at least you have the opportunity of getting to a 10 unlike communism. So anon. Are you an unambiguous lazy leeching faggot or do you actually have some aspiration in life,

>> No.10362911

>Jewish bullshit
Same reason I don't what to be a Commie.

>> No.10362913

Because I'm in the top 50% so an equalization will bring me down

Also >>10362869

>> No.10362916

Marxism is stupid. He just had a huge beard that's all.

>> No.10362917

>helping the Jews even further centralize their power

now instead of working under threat of stress or having your car repo'd, you work under the barrel of a gun. what a marvelous system OP

>> No.10362920

Not confines

Not unambiguous

Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.10362930

>collectivist economic system that ignores individual incentives in order to 'work'

>> No.10362970

Here's your absolute rebuttal. Good luck EVER refuting any of it.


>> No.10362982

Capitalism is a game where you can beat the house. Communism is a game where only the house can win.

>> No.10363014
File: 54 KB, 452x303, 36F0B45B-2151-4CFD-9F40-FC71E182A9ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism has killed more more than 100 million of its own citizenry. No thanks.

>> No.10363064


Capitalism has killed hundreds of millions more.

>> No.10363097

Retard. Compare the same time period of stalin’s Soviet Union vs. USA. Worst period of capitalism was probably industrial revolution but now we have regulations in place shit like that doesn’t happen anymore

>> No.10363118

we all have better things to do than refute your retarded ideology. that doesn't mean you "won" the argument and we "couldn't refute" it. it means we have better things to do than argue with that retarded crazy person on the street corner.

>> No.10363119

sage and hide these bait raid threads

>> No.10363152

Marxism became obsolete with Uber. Marxism requires that all means of production are socialized, not personal effects though. Uber showed us that the way forward is to start using our personal effects as means of production, it's called efficiency. Marxism would only lead to an insane waste of resources.

>> No.10363188

Communism is an experiment which has produced the same results across different countries and cultures--rather than the workers earning enough for a living and a steady transition into a stateless society, you end up with a totalitarian shithole and struggling to make ends meet despite working two jobs. Capitalism's "1%" is essentially communism's "0.01%"--the high-ranking party members that earn everything at the cost of the 99.99%.

>> No.10363193

>nobody ever reading marx
>everybody has an opinion on what he written
ITT strawman banishment general

>> No.10363236

>To each according to his need, from each according to his ability
It's pretty in principle but the issue is who gets to decide everyone's abilities and needs. You end up with gulags full of enslaved workers and government higher ups living luxuriously. It may actually be feasible one day when we've got good AI that decides objectively how much everyone should give and take

>> No.10363248

I would be more humane to nuke the human race off the face of the planet than to purge, enslave and brainwash all seven billion of us by force. I know communists and that is what they think is necessary to achieve their goals. What the fuck is wrong with you people? You sick fucks.

>> No.10363282
File: 617 KB, 674x642, #1 trump fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Putin is #1

Vladimirovich !!!!! bitches

russia trolls 4chan and biz is autist

if only you knew where most IP come from

Putin 2020

>> No.10363327

its better than people sleeping on the streets while 2 lambos drive by

you are a greedy fuck with no soul/culture because you are American

I would rather give lambos in order to have a normal family without race mixing rap music tinder bullshit

its over capitalism has failed and if you dont believe me turn on the TV

civil war is next

those are facts

>> No.10363363

You are currently living at a 3 at maximum if you don't own a sizeable business or a serious amount of capital.
Communism uplifts 85% of population, equalizes and slightly disadvantages the capitalist class of about 10% and kills the 5% of irreformable, greedy rent-seekers that will hold on to private militias before the revolutionary army defeats them and distributes the fruit of our labours equally.
Thinking it would be a 50:50 distribution totally ignores how capital is allocated and assumes it would be a normal distribution, which it is not.

>> No.10363431

Ah so you admit it! You faggots unironically want to Khmer Rouge the planet in HOPES that you could run the world in a better, more utilitarian fassion. You would disrupt food and water supply chains during this process, causing hundreds of millions of deaths in the process. Get fucked, all you would achieve is death and destruction before realizing you haven't the slightest idea how complicated it is keeping our world running on a daily basis. Not on my watch, you commie fucks.

>> No.10363516

It's called egalitarian not utilitarian, there won't be any kind of disruption in production nor violation basic human rights.
Why do you think that removing a small capitalist minority from power would change anything about how those systems are run when they are thought up by scientists and engineers, built by workers and maintained and operated by workers? There is no need for a wealthy management class that has done fuckall since they came up with a random business idea a few decades ago and monopolized part of the market to amass an insane amount of wealth both through rabid consumerism and exploitation of the workers that actually built their business empires and served their customers.

>> No.10363523

Being a Marxist is like being a Lamarckian, it makes no sense. You can be anti-capitalist without being a Marxist.

>> No.10363529


>Communism uplifts 85% of people

Imagine actually unironically believing this. List 1oneJUAN communist country where the is true. I'll wait, andost likely die waiting

>> No.10363557

You're assuming that consolidaing power and wealth will be redistributed to those who need it.
The soviets, red china, cuba etc may not have been communist. But they tried to be communist and failed. Maybe the redistribution of wealth and power is more difficult than it sounds. Perhaps it's even more prone to corruption and oppression than Marx understood.
Resources that are confiscated for redistribution, only wind up being used as leverage to secure power against those who would rather distribute wealth and power to the bottom. Which is why communist regimes have killed more communists than any capitalist regime has ever dreamed of.
Don't get me wrong, capitalism is no picnic either. But wealth and power are openly distributed, rather than centrally managed and planned.
Personally, I'm a libertarian-mutualist, which I guess you can call free market socialism, where you choose your own government. Maybe we won't be saving children from maleria or whatever. But we sure won't stop them from escaping the swamps.

>> No.10363576

Business and Finance!

>> No.10363589
File: 12 KB, 314x316, 149334238695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are you not a Marxist?
Because marxism has countless holes and contradictions that make no sense.

There is no surplus value.
The working class consumes 99% of consumer goods.
There's nothing else for them to receive.

Also every marxist country in history has been a miserably failure.

Also marxists ACTUALLY believe all human action is purely the result of economic forces and that biological instincts do not exist.
They are that fucking stupid.

Just kill yourself.

>> No.10363619


>capitalism killed millions
lmao everyone laughs at this retarded "statistic" marxists come up with

You include every authoritarian anti-free market country as "capitalism" and pretend that capitalism is the reason all of these people died.

There are countless examples of free markets dramatically increasing people's lives.
Why not include Switzerland or Singapore?
Kill yourself.

>> No.10363638

Bad Mouse is a great intellectual and has a solid grasp of Marxism. I don't know why you'd question his credibility.

>> No.10363641

>all of the deaths in every war in history are capitalism's fault
>all of the horrible market restrictions governments have placed on their people are capitalism's fault
No, these are the results of government and government interventions.
All things YOU PEOPLE love and desire.

Do you realize why people don't take you seriously?

>> No.10363643

>there won't be any kind of disruption in production nor violation basic human rights.

Production involves more than just workers operating tools and machines. Every country that had tried "seize the means of production" for the workers ended up with a mass disruption in their economies. You can't guarantee "egalitarianism" without ruling with an iron fist. At that point, it's worst that the system you're trying to replace.

>Why do you think that removing a small capitalist minority from power would change anything about how those systems are run when they are thought up by scientists and engineers, built by workers and maintained and operated by workers?

Because the workers will fucking do the same thing as the capitalists when they're given power. You're not a saint just because you're working class.

>> No.10363651
File: 21 KB, 260x247, 1493291979041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad Mouse is a great intellectual

>marxist teenager that believes marxism isn't pure pseudoscience
>great intellectual
That's like saying flat earthers or scientologists are great intellectuals.

>> No.10363669


If you actually believe this crap, I suggest you grow a beard and start preaching.

>> No.10363673
File: 23 KB, 352x395, 1491708718787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monopolized part of the market to amass an insane amount of wealth both through rabid consumerism and
but if the workers took over the means of production it wouldn't increase their living standards
the working class already consume 99% of what is produced
They wouldn't get anything more.
Why can't you be honest and just tell everyone the truth?

>> No.10363686

>Because the workers will fucking do the same thing as the capitalists when they're given power. You're not a saint just because you're working class.
They think horrible dictatorships are fine just as long as the people running the dictatorship call themselves "the workers"
It's the biggest cult on earth.

>> No.10363720

>Communism uplifts 85% of population
Every single country which has tried it has enslaved and impoverished like 99% of the population.

>> No.10363721

Marxism is great if you're stupid, lazy, bottom 25% of society. If you're intelligent and/or productive then it's a disaster. There's a reason only retarded spic countries like Venezuela still subscribe to this anon.

>> No.10363747

>its better than people sleeping on the streets while 2 lambos drive by
But I support free markets and abolishing central banking.
If I had my way those homeless people would either have jobs or have a place to stay because housing would be incredibly cheap.

>> No.10363768
File: 510 KB, 500x500, 1506492428960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We honestly need another pinochet to kill all of the marxists.