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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10362741 No.10362741 [Reply] [Original]

room temperature IQ poorfag here with no family or connections, immigrant shit. I've got a BA in econ but its useless and banking & finance employers generally wont look at me. So far I've conjured up two choices, either take out a massive loan and go to graduate school and network my ass off until I find something, or take up another in-demand language and become a legal/paralegal interpreter.

Is there anything else? I've read all of the self-help & finance books, but I need a skill set to narrow in on, I think thats my big problem. I am in my late twenties and don't know if its too late to learn computer programming, at least not if I wanted a job in that field in 3-4 years.

>> No.10362794

Also, I have a steady job now and I'm putting away bout 20k per year straight savings, but I don't want to wait a god damned decade to buy a house, trying to hurry this up.

>> No.10362796
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Your resume is probably shit. It’s worth it to pay someone to improve it so hiring managers give you a shot. My sister is head of HR for Fortune 500 co. She fixed up my brothers resume after a year of him job searching. He was employed within a month of her tweaking it.

>> No.10362818

Yeah self-help books seem to hinge on you having or getting some kind of skill you can make a lot of money in.

>> No.10362821

you're an immigrant? maybe you should fuck off out of America then cunt

>> No.10364049

Fuck you.

>> No.10364085

How is life in America?
I saw people earning a lot...minimum wage seems like 2k dollars and everyone has a conspicuous amount of savings
I guess you have some high expenses