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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 94 KB, 577x659, 19BB63DE-F772-4BB8-8A6E-6229EA80B79B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10359182 No.10359182 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10359189

Yes, thank you for making my stomach turn

>> No.10359218

so the queen of england is the head of the pyramid?

>> No.10359242

the head is the eye

>> No.10359266

If humanity still is stuck in cuckitalism by the year 3000 instead of a Resource Based Economy it might as well be better off dead.

>> No.10359273
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>> No.10359405

what is the eye?

>> No.10359463

"the illuminated ones"
Mostly jews and shabbos goyim (non-jews who serve jews for money and power)

This pyramid is exactly like the description of the world in much Jewish literature, and even their religious book "The Talmud"

And that is not some "weird occult book", it's not a book that sits on a shelf and no one even reads anymore. There are actual Talmudic schools where Jewish people study how to work together to create an organizational structure like OP.

Interestingly Seth Rogan went to a Talmud school in Vancouver!

Now of course, not every Jew is in on it, however every Jew does enable it. Think of it like an Italian Pizzeria, they're friendly when you go in. But it's actually a mob front and you would puke if you saw the shit they were storing in the freezer beside your pepperoni.

>> No.10359511

Back to /pol/ you dumb faggot

>> No.10359536

What if I work in mid level management at a corporation? Do I count as them? Or am I still a debt slave despite having no debt?

>> No.10359547
File: 21 KB, 300x295, OYVEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enters a thread about conspiracy and specifically attacks me and me only because i mentioned the juden

>> No.10359564

Corporations level is reserved for the CEO's of multi billion dollar companies. Sorry anon.

>> No.10359583

Fuck off commie reddit fag

>> No.10359599

he's right you retard. technically the tippy top of the pyramid goes into some weird demonic shit that these families swear their loyalty to, but anon's summary is basically accurate

>> No.10359615

actually the ceo is often a wagecuck himself the owners more likely. but since you can be shareholder i guess we should clarify as major shareholders.

>> No.10359619

>someone posts a couple of arguments
>"herr derrr feget"

It's pretty obvious you're the dumb faggot here.

>> No.10359621
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>mfw soon moving up to World Financial Control

>> No.10359654

fuck off commie

>> No.10359709
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>> No.10359865

ok, if I were to want to read the Talmud which parts would I have to go to in order to see this?

>> No.10359958
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Heres some sources. It's a really weird book, Jews are so weird. How can hatred for these people be irrational?

They have so many meticulous laws "from god" in this book too, and they're always constantly trying to "outsmart god" by cheating these rules. Outsmarting god. They're born rule breakers and nation wreckers.

They've been expelled from over 300 nations in recorded history FFS.

>> No.10359977
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>mfw imf

>> No.10360251

>How can hatred for these people be irrational?
hatred is irrational
distrust is logical
my personal philosophy is let them live and don't give a fuck but never ever ever trust a jew!

>> No.10360308

Threads like this are /pol/'s revenge for /biz/raelis shilling ChainLink over there.

>> No.10360550

Are you trying to say the old testament references Jesus? Where are these statements from if not?

>> No.10360599

Do you honestly think capitalism will stay here for thousands of years?
Do you honestly think humans should compete for survival forever?
It just shows that you have no vision.

>> No.10360756

the talmud is not the old testament brainlet, its more like a conduct and moral codes book for jews

>> No.10360836

>Do you honestly think humans should compete for survival forever?
what's your vision UBI leech?

>> No.10360855

You won't have to compete, the commies will probably kill you first after the revolution.

>> No.10360883

Jews don't follow the Old Testament, they follow the Talmud which abrogates and corrects it.

>> No.10360890

This is kind of dope but how lazy is putting 'god tier rich people' then 'really rich people' as your top two tiers? Try harder.

>> No.10360901

ironic how biz wants crypto to moon but is filled with commie fucks now

>> No.10360905


>> No.10360917

Really rich tier is like the richest people in the world. Jeff Bezos.

God tier are the ones who have never appeared in the public sphere and we don't even know their names.

But yeah not really creative wording.

>> No.10360953

Daily reminder only time Christians were ever really based was when we were persecuting Jews all the time. There was a time when you couldn't even be known as a Jewish actor or been elected to any office as a Jew. Now its 24/7 everything everywhere is Jewish.

I used to be a protestant but fuck nuprots, they caused all this peace and love BS and Christianity is only good when its keeping the Jews and Muslims down. When its good its the best religion too.

>> No.10361338

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a commie, shitwank.

>> No.10361383
File: 204 KB, 900x900, keep pol in pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.10361422

You really believe hatred by definition is illogical?

>> No.10361465

It's the best answer to the question imo. Like the Republic of the United States is the best current answer to the govt. question. Neither capitalism nor the Republic is perfect, and both are often ugly, but both are preferable to the alternatives that have been tried

>> No.10362368

The devil

>> No.10362387

You'd know better if you'd be homosex.

>> No.10362504

lol at UN above the FED

>> No.10363538

>go back to sleep bad goy

>> No.10363758

no but hating someone based on preconceptions is by definition illogical.

>> No.10363780


>Think tanks

Can someone give me a quick rundown on why these are considered so OP?

>> No.10363795


Assuming that views about jews are preconceptions is in itself a preconception.

>> No.10363836

It's how they stay 5 steps ahead of everything and everyone. They brainstorm and theorize and because they can see ALL angles (unlike you who can only see 2-3 false angles). It's essentially war room planning at the highest global level.

>> No.10363871

not really i highly doubt you have met all of them or even more than a handful in your life. so all you can have is preconception. you sure as hell don't have a statistically significant sample to work with.

>> No.10363894
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>tfw commie and have more money that 99% of /biz/

>> No.10364054

The Eye is Wisdom.
It's an intelligence not bound to time and space.

>> No.10364082


Brb killing myself

>> No.10364596


You can't have a statistically significant sample of ANY group of people yet only mouth breathing retards actually believe that forming preconceptions and biases is inherently bad. We evolved highly advanced brains that are currently the single best tools for recognising patterns (in terms of versatility) in the entire universe. Our conscious and subconscious brains work in concert to process information and find ways of predicting events and outcomes using the smallest possible amount of information possible.

For example when I'm standing in a queue my brain can already form approximations just from attire and posture and behaviour about a lot of the people in front of me, and very often those approximations will be correct. The older I get the more my stereotypes only become more refined and more accurate and I'm often shocked at how predictable a person can be just off a handful of characteristics including race.

In fact we'd all be vastly more efficient at processing this useful data if so many of us didn't have pathetic hang ups about never ever assuming anything and intentionally playing dumb to score points for being 'colour blind' aka obtuse.

>> No.10364658


>> No.10364695

>Do you honestly think capitalism will stay here for thousands of years?
Why would you think otherwise?

Capitalism means voluntarily human interaction.
What's wrong with that?

>> No.10364709
File: 656 KB, 650x1350, 103295379044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We hate commies here.
You're seeing a leftypol invasion.

>tfw libertarian and think commies should be killed and I have more money than all of leftypol

>> No.10364747

What does any of the shit in OPs pic have to do with "capitalism"?

Why do people speak in these vague manipulative terms?

>> No.10364763
File: 1.28 MB, 3729x4010, 1493754209781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you a minarchist/ancap yet?

Why don't you want to kill all socialists?

>> No.10365035

I agree, slavery kind of sucks

>> No.10365059

low IQ

Not being a slave when technology will be able to cater for everyone's need? On a long enough timeline we are all fucked by automation and we will have no choice but socialise the automated machines unless you want to continue to get fucked by an elite that controls said machine for some reason.

>> No.10365071

>Why don't you want to kill all socialists?
Because I've had surgery in one of your socialist hellholes (Australia) and between 3 doctors visits, surgery under general anaesthetic, x rays, follow up consultations with the surgeon, a physio and a hand specialist, my total costs were $75 (for the x-rays).
I understand why people in the US hate socialists, because their social programs are a flaming pile of shit, so they don't actually have any faith in the government to administer them. But in countries where we actually have working public health, a completely different attitude is justified. Perspective and context matter a lot.

>> No.10365079

>t. autist manchild with well off parents

>> No.10365103
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>"in the entire universe"
>I clearly have visited the entire universe to guarantee that

>> No.10365106
File: 1.25 MB, 1097x2706, WHY IS HEALTHCARE SO EXPENSIVEe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my total costs were $75 (for the x-rays).
So you're not from Australia and got free gibs from the Australian taxpayers?

Did you know that a system of free market healthcare would be far superior and CHEAPER than the current american system.

In fact USA has a system of mostly free market healthcare in the 50s/60s and it was incredibly cheap and nobody was denied access.

Why can't we go back to that instead of moving towards MORE government and corruption?

>> No.10365115
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I was born into poverty.
That's why I support economic freedom so people like me can have their living standards increased and live good lives.

Instead people like you want to impoverish us with your central banking.
Kill yourself.

>> No.10365133

Point being? We can find shit like that in any of these old ass religion books. Keep coping by thinking massive groups of people are a clear enemy which if destroyed would solve your problems.

>> No.10365148

Good, in a long enough timeline you will be of non-use to "the market" as automation leaves you irrelevant. Then you or your kids will end up fighting the same elite you are sucking dick from now.

>> No.10365183
File: 25 KB, 373x373, 1491805384550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I love the "muh automation will destroy capitalism" argument
You wastes of life are in for a shock when this doesn't happen.

In a free market without central banking, automation causes prices to decline, raising standards for everyone.
The price of capital comes down so it becomes easier and easier to start up a new business.
People will need to work less and less to get the same amount of resources they got before, most people will want to work part time or simply retire.
A massive service sector industry will dominate the market because the production of capital goods isn't as important anymore. Most people would work in those industries.

>you are sucking dick
You support central banking and massive state control over people's lives.
Holy shit you just LOOOOVVEEE drinking cum don't you?

>> No.10365224
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>> No.10365284
File: 120 KB, 1200x488, The virgin ancom vs anarcho chadpitalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centralized "education"/indoctrination system created and subsidized by the state
>state funded corporate media
None of these things have anything to do with capitalism as a system of voluntary exchange of private property. Most of these things are products of the state and can only exist because of it.
This sociology class-tier propaganda only works with dumb teenagers in Che Gayvara shirts.
Go back to pleddit.

>> No.10365306

point being this is their monstrous code. they currently control all hierarchies and areas of the foodchain and they’re going to enforce said beliefs on us gentiles.

>> No.10365320

That's cool man, but that has nothing to do with working/middle class Jews who are in the same boat as you are and comprise 99% of the race.

>> No.10365328

>This sociology class-tier propaganda
I know, it's pretty bad.
The word "capitalism" is deceptive and useless.

According to socialists, both Switzerland and Zimbabwe are both capitalist.
So to them, the reason Zimbabwe is so poor and corrupt is capitalism's fault.
They are unironically that stupid.

>> No.10365340

we aren’t talking about a middleclass. we are talking about the elite practically god tier— which so happens to only be jewish.

>> No.10365389

Except he is right anon, I don’t know why you are offended by truth.

>> No.10365426
File: 104 KB, 640x640, common core education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>automation leaves you irrelevant
One of the most disastrous part about the state indoctrination system is this brand new wave of actual unironic neo-luddites.
Holy fuck. Jobs have been erased every single year since the first Industrial Revolution. New jobs appear to replace the old ones because the incentive structure of the market changes as people relocate resources doe to reduced costs of production. This will not change because the rate of technological innovation will increase.
For fuck sake, not even Marx was stupid enough to blame MUH EBIL MACHINE TAKIN MUH JERBS.

Fuck off, troglodyte.

>> No.10365449

It may, because soon the rate of progress and automation will begin to outpace the time required to retrain people to do a new job. By the time that cabbie finishes coding bootcamp, there'll be AIs that can improve their own code. And etc. At some point technology will be taking over jobs faster than we can even think them up.

>> No.10365452

Automation is unprecedented, you are going to btfod so hard by robots who can literally do anything you can do but better

>> No.10365457

So you're saying you want forced diversity in the elite? Isn't that a leftist ideal?

>> No.10366098
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>> No.10366258

You're on the containment website bucko

>> No.10366291

Oh god my sides. Kek

>> No.10366294

Not even a linky here and this shit is fucking top kek

>> No.10366404

t. Juden und ihren lügen

>> No.10366815

>that pic
wtf is this shit?

>> No.10366950

by this point prices would be so low, most people wouldnt even need to work

prices will come down so people wont need to work
fuck "jobs"

>> No.10366957

>be neet
>want crypto to moon so u dont have to work
>hate the rich

You fucking faggots are commies.

>> No.10367174

Project more, queerlord.

>> No.10367264

where does china play in all of this?

>> No.10367360

Conspiracy theorists are retards, lol.

>> No.10367370

*calming music plays*

There is no such thing as conspiracy and the government is going to keep you safe.

There is no such thing as conspiracy and the government is going to keep you safe.

There is no such thing as conspiracy and the government is going to keep you safe.

There is no such thing as conspiracy and the government is going to keep you safe.

*you feel happy now*

>> No.10367451
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>> No.10367655


>> No.10367697

>ancient Roman civilization running the entire world from underground tunnels and mega bunkers and playing 12D^2 chess with itself isn’t the top of the pyramid
>being this financially and liberally inept
It’s gonna be a yikes from me.

>> No.10367701

How can one picture get everything so wrong

>> No.10367961

Because ancap is objectively retarded, have fun enforcing property rights in the absence of a centralised police force.
Socialists usually give legitimate criticisim of capitalism, but their solutions are often extremely retarded, fortunately they dont represent the entire left wing.

>> No.10368149

left wing movements got subverted by jews, just like right wing movements have. There's nothing wrong with socialism if you do it the right way with a homogeneous population.

>> No.10368189


The extremist right is literally eating itself right now after Trump has proven to be quite a disappointment. In turn, the extremist left is growing in numbers due to NAZBOL GANG.

>> No.10368221

Trump is more than anyone could have ever hoped for, he was voted in as a fuck you to the system and so far hes managed to move the overton window miles to the right whilst exposing leftists as deranged eunuchs

>> No.10368249

t. brainlet who fell for the duginist psyop

>> No.10368252

I think society will collapse before large scale automation even happens. We are going run out of oil in 43 years. Unless we discover some new cheap energy source or aliens come save us, society will regress.

>> No.10368372

Ok holy shit you're delusional, I say this as a Jew who've studied the Talmud. Most Jews don't study it and it's full of fairy tails

>> No.10368488
File: 54 KB, 720x480, Varg-Vikernes-July-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I say this as a Jew who've studied the Talmud

>> No.10368630

even if link never actually succeeds to achieve what it planned, it's intristic value is still far-far above current levels simply due to the amount of memes that'll make more and more ppl aware of it for teh coming decade

>> No.10368641

>the queen of England at the top

laughing my fucking ass off

>> No.10368650

Varg is a kike too tho

>> No.10368667

dude everyone is a kike xP we're subverted!

>> No.10368678


>> No.10368689

this is actually correct. Hitler's great travesty was challenging the powerful financial banking Jews who have most of the power in the world.

AIPAC lobbies our government to send white men to go and die for Israel. yes, Jews are behind 9/11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2apeDYY6KY

>> No.10368697

t. Goldbergenstein

>> No.10368713


"Rogen attended Vancouver Talmud Torah Elementary School"

HOLY SHIT it's real!

>> No.10368717

solid post, bro.

because I'm not an open borders idiot...

>> No.10368734

wow lmao you actually believe that?

the left is in complete disarray

>> No.10368903

Blumpf is finished, haven't you heard?? Its all over twitter!

>> No.10369069

>Really rich tier is like the richest people in the world. Jeff Bezos.
He actually thinks Jeff Bezos even approaches the wealth of the richest people in the world. Anon I..

>> No.10369088

Sorry anon Corporations are treated as separate legal entities with their own rites and cash flow. You're a cog in that greater machine.

>> No.10369891


>> No.10369916

oh sweetie.

>> No.10370726

What if I hang this as a poster in the museum of tolerance?
not american tho

>> No.10370789
File: 7 KB, 256x256, 321213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wowoowwoowwowoowow did you ever got it? the west is the devil! the society we are living in, is the devil! we losing ourselves! we become the devil! we are not following the rules of nature! So we will question ourselves "WHAT IS SENSE OF LIFE" blablabla... guys c'mon if you would ever take a meditation, a serious, serious mediation, you will find the answers. Look! Why we have to learn so much crap (school, work, etc. knowledge about finances, etc. rules that someone wrote down, AND YOU have to work for it, or make it that it works, wtf?!) Look at any tree, any animal, any flower, see how it grows, how it dies, just like we human beeings. ( = PART OF NATURE) AND most of us are afraid of dying! WOW! It's just the flow! Not in a psychopass- way, in a really naturaly way it's something nice! (so stop beeing a child, and deal with it) Our brains are not ment to work forever. And still we try to live forever. All the technology, all the fast-living, is not the right way. I feel it. You can feel it, too! Somehow a cold feeling of beeing all the time online. Everything is a circulation! Wake up, people! It can not be, that you are all that blind! And I do not want to hang out with hippies, (who wants to?...) just because they truly accept the nature, as the one and only law. Oh, yeah, acting for them, for a little fame and money, beeing powerfull and other great abilities, blabla, you really need it human. Why we people are that stupid and destroying the world more and more? AND DO NOTHING ABOUT IT? There is no pressure from us! Nothing! We just commentating about how cool someones story is. Why is the one who shouts at loudest, the one who gets the right on his side? Can you guys just wake up? Please? Wake. Up. Do something. Fat Illuminati-guy loughs at us. Can you hear him?

>> No.10370820
File: 243 KB, 602x887, main-qimg-3939006e64e7af979751e2c385458a45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I found this :)

>> No.10370908

>We you rule

>> No.10371724

>Do you honestly think humans should compete for survival forever?
no, but you realize that's irrelevant, right? we are competitive at our very cores.
when will humanity realize hundreds of years of policy will NEVER replace millennia of evolutionary hard-wiring?
it's fucking dense to think policy can alter human nature. it can only mitigate. but the undertone of our species' soul will never be removed.

>> No.10372380

>but the undertone of our species' soul will never be removed.


>> No.10372409

agreed, this is why it's impossible to use a computer or even write. the human brain isn't plastic at all which is why all we can do is grunt and throw spears at animals.

>> No.10372922
File: 76 KB, 480x480, 1531767451871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant. Thanks for the chuckle, anon.

>> No.10372927
File: 30 KB, 640x302, ab8dda3ea34c08ed14992b6e833b5b67[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks; i'm gay
i like your asinine attempt at satirically refuting my point kiddo that's very cute, you may have a future in journalism making 35-40k!
this is your argument:
>humans can advance technologically, so our hard-wired impulses aren't relevant!
lol, what? yes, we're communicating on the internet. that's great, my computer is cool. guess how many rapes and murders happen every day? it ain't gonna stop because we're emotional apes at our core who do stupid things.
>If you don't wanna accept that I don't know what else to do for you.

>> No.10373125
