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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10354694 No.10354694 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this company so fucking slow at development?

>> No.10354708

honestly because its not a chink coin... chinks work harder

>> No.10354725

It isn't slow. What the fuck are you talking about?
Augur took 2 years to.deliver something. Neo took 3 years.

>> No.10354755

I wouldn't call copy paste harder... definitely quicker though

>> No.10355013


IOHK started in 2014 and it's still just a centralized wallet. Their competitor Block.one was founded in 2017 and already has a smart contracts.

>> No.10355153

Iohk also does ethereum classic.
The development of Cardano ONLY began in 2016.

>> No.10355168

Charles can’t comoete with dan heh

>> No.10355364

There is little time to develop between academic masturbatory sessions, Japan trips and gay parades, man.

>> No.10355523

What the fuck were they doing for 2 years then?

>> No.10355565

According to Charles, EOS is a complete failure.

>> No.10355570

He has plenty of time to post selfies on Twitter, but aren't his wage slaves doing anything?

>> No.10355637

Unlike Dan Latriner, Charles was creating the connections necessary to allow his coin to be listed on coinbase.

By the way, Ada waas first listed on Bittrex, which still hasn't listed EOS (and actually delisted Dan Latriner's Shit shares).

>> No.10355770

EOS is still an erc20 token. Cry more.

EOS brushed away a lot of governance problems by writing a retarded "constitution', wheres Cardano tries to find decentrlised solutions to those problems.

Not to mention that EOS 'soluition' to scaleability was to limit the number of nodes to 21... Top kek. Why bother with blockchains then? EOS doesn't find solutions to problems, Cardano does. And that is a path which takes longer, ovivoi.

>> No.10355984

EOS is a insecure cluster fuck with orwelian governance (freezing accounts, confiscating funds - JUST). EOS was faster to market because of its slapdash approach.

>> No.10356545
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They hired junior engineers, who did a substandard job implementing cardano-sl. The effects:

- Cardano synchronizes slowly, despite the blockchain data only occupying a few hundred MB. This should take only 10-20 minutes, but instead it used to take 5+ hours.
- Wallet restoration used to take 5+ hours, for a small blockchain.
- Some people have mysterious "Connecting to network" issues.
- I guess the underlying code is unmaintainable.

IOHK has parted ways with those guys and brought other engineers on board. The team has written a formal specification (https://cardanodocs.com/technical/formal-specification-for-a-cardano-wallet/).). This is cool because people can implement Cardano in any language based on this. The engineering team is now unfucking and rewriting cardano-sl, which will be done with the Cardano 1.4 release, scheduled for October.

IOHK has released the KEVM testnet (https://testnet.iohkdev.io/goguen/)), you can try running your EVM smart contracts written in Solidity there. The IELE testnet is scheduled to be released within 2 weeks. IELE will eventually make it possible to write smart contracts not only in solidity, but mainstream languages also. This "K framework" workstream that Runtime Verification does progressed pretty well.

There's "Project Prometheus", which is a new implementation of Cardano. It's a wallet library written in Rust and probably a desktop wallet also. It's supposed to be a lot more fast and lightweight than the current state of Cardano and the Daedalus wallet. It'll be announced around August 15. It works on pretty much all platforms, including mobile.

Although Cardano was supposed to have a delegation testnet by now, the delegation incentives paper is not even finished. But it's nearing completion, I guess that's something.

Proper working wallets and staking might be available by 2019 Q1. Until then, we "shit while we run": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n97zc0w0kVs&t=1h26m32s (Great Q&A section by the way, worth a watch!)

>> No.10356562

>Unironically buying cuckdano

>> No.10356775

>Proper working wallets
are available right fucking now moron