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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10353900 No.10353900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

LISTEN UP you heathens, https://fomoshort.me/official is the real fomo short game. Don't let the f3d core cucks tell you otherwise. They are lying to their own users and spreading fud about fomo short so that everyone waits and buys into their own version instead.

This is the true vision of the fomo short, who cares who the devs are? Plus you don't need to pay part of your divs to p3d holders, so the divs are even better.

You saw what happened with f3d, now you will see what will happen with fomo short. This shit has literally gone up 650 eth in less than a day, and no signs of stopping. Your last warning to get in.

>> No.10353971

saw a thread earlier about this and bought an eth worth. have 4x'd so far today. i cant believe the pot is over 700 eth i didnt think itd see 20. fomo has hit.
the environment in their discord is much better. f3d was creating fake fud and banning everyone who mentioned f3dshort. well, we prevailed. this is not going to stop. especially after a whale threw over 200 eth in

>> No.10354041

yep... found it at 50 eth pot today and was scared away by the fud image that was circulating. took too long to realize it was fake fud

>> No.10354124

i know theres more people joining in on this board lol wya boys we are over 1200 eth

>> No.10354316

Over $1m in ETH contributions

Pot is closing in at 1,000 ETH

If you still think this is a scam then I don't know what to tell you


>> No.10354423

i guess its just us 2 lmao. over 1400 eth in. this is going to be fun to wake up to

>> No.10354427

no one buy a key plz. I'm trying to exit scam

>> No.10354471

Hey nice ref link Op

Anyone reading use mine instead


>> No.10354493

when did you guys join in

>> No.10354543

Here we go. 4x'ed my investment from the original F3D long con when I got in at 200 ETH over a week ago, and made a good $200 in referrals from my f3d link (theurl.me/forever).

Ready for the gains on this one, even if it's a clone. Hop on boyos, it's going up FAST as FUCK lmao I bought 300 keys ten minutes ago and am up $3


>> No.10354548


got in at 500 which was just a few hours ago. 30% return so far.

>> No.10354830

keep shilling your link everywhere it will add up trust me

>> No.10354869 [DELETED] 

They just banned me for mentioning https://fomoshort.me/official on their channel

>> No.10354917


>> No.10354926

which channel? f3d channel will ban any mention of it of course. they successfully kept me believing their lies until I decided to check it out for myself.

>> No.10354936

okay I will unironically buy into this, but I need a bit of shilling first, how does this differ compared to the other game

willing to use someones ref to get in:

got into the other game super early and love the results

>> No.10354941

lol fake fud.

go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1 and check it yourself.

>> No.10354957


it will take you maybe 200k eth to break even in f3d if you buy inright now. it is exponentially less if you buy in fomoshort. pot is about to hit 1000 eth. some whale threw 235 and 193 eth into it. the timer is an hr instead of 24 hours so theres more fomo.the community is also super chill and also f3d is spreading fake fud about fomoshort. they even posted a fakepic of the contract lol

>> No.10354963


All clones get hacked in the end. They just don't have the skills to secure contracts.

>> No.10354970

Fuck off pajeet dumbfuck your just making scammers rich the code is compromised

>> No.10354973

Team JUST is releasing their own FOMO short and have had it in development for a while. This shit is a hack job and a cash grab by the dev. Read the contract before you buy into this shady shit my dudes.

>> No.10354997

ehhhhh only an hour, I'll keep my money where it is probably, I trust the fomo contract and have been burned bad on clone games before, IE pep farm and trump whig

>> No.10354998

Fucking literally this, I did what this anon said and saved the diffcheck:


Look for yourself you sheep. Do CTRL+F "p3d".

All the lines involving that variable give the dev the p3d divs. That is fucking it. The winner still gets the pot, everyone else still gets the divs. The rest of the contract is the same.

Hhahahahhaa god it amazes me how dense some people can be. Doesn't matter, I'm going to bed. I expect I'll wake up to the pot being 5000 ETH tomorrow

>> No.10355005

actually you know what, I cahnged my mind last minute, just vouch that the contract is good and I'll throw like 1--500 in tonight and just let it ride probably

>> No.10355009

Use my ref link you faggots


>> No.10355034
File: 82 KB, 466x316, BEWARE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute fucking scum trying to scam /biz/ again out of fucking thousands like last time.

>> No.10355035


send some of that my way https://fomoshort.me/official

I have looked over the contract and others in the channel have as well. The fud is complete BS from the f3d team

>> No.10355040

are you an idiot lmao. if this one is hackable then that means f3d is too. idk what your argument is. you must be anti eth games entirely and i cant help you there

please prove it. if you want to find out yourself then please look here go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1

this has better divs and gains bc it doesnt go to p3d. pot is almost 1000 eth here


>> No.10355043
File: 33 KB, 1102x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally funneling all the eth into the admin wallet

>> No.10355049

how is this a scam? it was shilled at 50 eth and since then we've 4x'd. thats a scam? okay, not going to argue with you on that one.

>> No.10355057

the absolute state of biz baka

>> No.10355059

>they are lying to their own users
>meanwhile in code
>// deposit to divies contract
> uint256 _potAmount = _p3d / 2;

> admin.transfer(_p3d.sub(_potAmount));
anyone buying into this deserves to lose money

>> No.10355070

thats the wrong one. if you werent such a retard you would check this and relize it on your own. its the same shit. but with 1hr time not 24hr and faster growing pot

go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1

this is facts. it cant be fudded.
team JUST is lying to you idiots and youre missing out on gains for their own personal greed. theyre already rich enough. fomoshort is biz' game. we've been here since it was shilled here. lot of us are sitting pretty. dont fomo in later. im warning you now. europe is just waking up

>> No.10355079
File: 82 KB, 466x316, BEWARE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10355085

Thought this was a scam, but other anons are correct, only the p3d divs go to the devs. Everyone still gets their divs and the winner gets pot and yes you can withdraw like normal

>> No.10355086

nice, thanks for the bump. please explain that lol. easy to post copy pasta

>> No.10355101

and if you dont want any fees going to devs, you pick team bear. go ahead and join f3d. you need 200k worth of eth to get your initiall investment back. lol cyonara

>> No.10355119

Fomo2D dot io just started. Not listed on dappradar yet. Ground 0 faggots. You are late every time

Fomo3dshirt is also a clone. The official short game will have an ico and different rules. Read on their wiki idiots

>> No.10355124

the games are nothing without a big backing. fomoshort has had a 235 eth buy and a 193 eth buy. this is set for launch

>> No.10355207

This. Fomoshort is a scam. If you want check out Fomo2D io That's a legit clone that just started, also 45% goes to dive, that's a lot

>> No.10355225

> Fomo2D io
>literally everything to msg.sender
oh boy you fucking pajeets ahahahaah

>> No.10355232

lol that has had 0 volume the past 11 hours. this sint a scam. diff check it and you will see. dont be sour anon.

go to diffchecker.com and put this contract in (fomoshort) 0x0aD3227eB47597b566EC138b3AfD78cFEA752de5 and then put this contract in (f3d) 0xA62142888ABa8370742bE823c1782D17A0389Da1

>> No.10355238


get out of my thread. fomo2d .io has been live all day and hasn't moved from 1.9 eth. are you kidding me? the site doesn't even work.

don't call fomoshort a scam when you're promoting shit where people will actually lose money

>> No.10355243

ahaha some retard from biz just bought into it without even looking at code
holy shit

>> No.10355255

Link to the fomo2d code?

>> No.10355266

lmao rekt. biz has literally been warned about fomoshort since the beginning. imagine being on the sidelines watching the hole time praying on its downfall. and now the pot is worth over $400k. what a time to be alive.