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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10351283 No.10351283 [Reply] [Original]

Post yfw:

>20K ETH are in the pot by Sunday and you finally realize that this game will never end because it just makes financial sense for whales to fight over the literal millions of dollars in the pot while making us small fish 5-10x dividends gains by virtue of doing nothing - finally we get to take from the whales
>then you realize once the game resets we get to play another one
>I fucking love FOMO3D

>> No.10351310


my biggest regret so far, only buying 0.7 worth last week (1,150 keys). I've made 1.5 ether already today. why the hell didn't I just sell my bleeding out shit coins and go all in with this? would have finally made it :(

>> No.10351316
File: 82 KB, 466x316, BEWARE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful anon, the scammers are approaching like vultures. There's people pretending they have a NEW GAME that takes 100% of the eth and gives it to the admin.

Dont get fucked over again this time /biz/

>> No.10351370
File: 177 KB, 1200x946, wallstreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I hear you - hindsight is 20/20 brother don't hate on yourself.

Can you elaborate? Just use my link it's legit. I've withdrawn 2x my original already, reinvested 2x my original as well for more divs.

>> No.10351385

I have seen this exact same post yesterday.

>> No.10351406

>why the hell didn't I just sell my bleeding out shit coins and go all in with this

that's exactly what I did. Bought 3 eth worth of keys when the pot was 500 kek

>> No.10351425


You're from the future bro.


Man that's high IQ shit right there.

>> No.10351451
File: 21 KB, 747x524, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some criminals are saying they're running a short version, but it just takes 100% of the eth.

>> No.10351497
File: 43 KB, 655x368, 1231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brutal, yeah don't play any short versions guys, use my ref link in the pics and you're safe playing the long con!

>> No.10351866

I think this will be remembered as one of the greatest social experiments of all time.

>> No.10351937

How can people fall for something that have a scam in their name?
I just dont get it....

>> No.10351948

it’s a game there is no “falling” for it..

>> No.10351950

There has to be something fishy about this though.. doesnt it seem to good to be true? who loses here?

>> No.10351951


Must be a brainlet to think that more people won't fall for it after you. If you don't understand why, there is no hope for you. (Hint: its not a scam because its transparent)

Stay poor brainlet

>> No.10352047

because its an ironic ICO m8.

They say someone will exit scam at the end and it can be you or someone else.

>> No.10352049

the final fomos will

>> No.10352088


It's just a gambling game. Here you are gambling on other people's continuing greed. If you got in early enough you make profit, if you get in late then you don't. Very simple rules.

It's a genius concept for a lottery/gambling game if you think about it.

>> No.10352661

So basically the more people who keep buying in make more money for the people already in? Say I get in now with say 1 ETH, and the pot goes to 50k will I break even with some return?

>> No.10352688


very smart user name anon

>> No.10352772


probably just under roi at 50k pot

>> No.10352853

Quick rundown anyone?

>> No.10352998

Honestly, I don't know, only the guys chasing the pot at the end probably, paying god knows how much per key at that point.

>> No.10353355
File: 124 KB, 1724x390, 1511112100388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devs are already preparing their next game, so get on early in this one when it comes out.

>> No.10353378

holy fuck

>> No.10353547

>F3D/P3D volume is higher than all other dapps combined
>a fucking ponzi scheme