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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10349979 No.10349979 [Reply] [Original]

>fall for the "college is a scam bro" meme
>join a trade
>do back-breaking labor with mexicans and meth-heads for shit pay
>spinal cord has disintegrated, knee caps turned to jelly
>work my way up to 60k a year after 10 years
>try to get into a desk job before it's too late
>"sorry anon, you need at least a bachelor's... we just have too many applicants right now"

>> No.10350015

Trade jobs are actually a big fucking meme, and good luck with unions if you don't have connections.

t. Tradie

>> No.10350023


LARP. If you had learned a real, marketable trade instead of just generic manual labor, you'd have been making a lot more than $60k before 10 years and you'd leave the back-breaking labor for the Mexicans and Meth-Heads making the shit pay while you do your skilled shit and collect bank.

>> No.10350039

I’m literally making more than you directly out of college lmao

Tradecucks eternally buttmad

>> No.10350057

Let's look at it this way: average hourly for a HVAC tech in NorCal is like 25/h which equates to probably around 45-50k a year.

The salary for techs caps out generally at 35-40/h and even still you need to clock overtime to reach anything above 6 figures even after tax.

>> No.10350086

>t. 25 year old boomer who drinks monster and soda all day and eats Burger King and doesn’t take supps so his body is falling apart.

>> No.10350137
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highschol dropout

>fuck any form of wageslaving we going big or going home

>> No.10350203
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>be me
>go to college for a year
>this shit sucks
>develop software, start web development business to supplement it until I have enough subscribers
>once I hit 20k MRR, tell all of my web/seo clients to fuck off and live off the software
>drop out

non codefags will always be poor

>> No.10350330

Go to community college. The government pays for all your education in grants and tax credits + a nice stipend on top if you make less than $70,000 a year. You don't even have to quit. Just take 1-2 classes at a time for all four periods (summer, fall, spring, winter intersession) and you should be done with an associate's degree within a few years. Or do it all at once, again taking advantage of summer and intersession, and get it done in a little over one year. After that, as long as you have an associate's, your guaranteed entrance into a four-year state university (at least in this state), where the government will again pay for your entire tuition if you make less than $70,000 (if you go full time you'll need loans for living expenses though).

>> No.10350390

This. I did CC, undergrad, and grad with $25k in loans when I got out. First job was $75k and I paid that shit off the first year. Degree in instructional design.

>> No.10350403

CC was free btw. The 25k was undergrad mostly.

>> No.10350407

You were a mechanic huh? That's my story also. The auto industry just hires beaners instead of certified master techs because they're parts replacers and can't solve simple problems like "why is this making noise?" or "why is this leaking?" Wetbacks are so fucking low IQ I just want to knock them all out. Oh yea, my back is now done due to bending over underneath the hood for years! Working on cars should only be a hobby OP

>> No.10350422

back-breaking labor with mexicans and meth-heads for shit pay is not a trade

>> No.10350445

I have to agree with the op. I have 4 degrees and a professional qualification and have been previously in the top %5 of earners and its all bullshit. get a trade at least you can do something useful to people

>> No.10350782

I really regret not taking a year off my university to get a bunch of GEs done at community college full time (including summer and winter intersession for a year). I've done some at a local one (Grossmont College), and not only is it far cheaper and easier, the level of instruction given is generally better. There are normal classes where you can receive 1-1 instruction at will, while at university, you were put in a giant auditorium and had a limited amount of time with a TA grad student.

>> No.10350837

A plumber somewhere is making 3x what I make as a research tech walking through basedbean fields counting aphids.

>> No.10350850
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>Just got to college, breh
>No bro get a trade
>Just get a job and "invest", my dude
>Listen just join the military
>Bitcoin is the future bro, lamboland lol
>You gotta find a girl and loose hlaf of you shit and never see your kids

Everything is a meme.

>> No.10350872

Why didn't you google it beforehand?

>> No.10350898
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>> No.10350921
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It’s the only way out.

>> No.10350943

Seriously though, if you join the military you get fully financed education and living expenses for college plus healthcare for the rest of your life plus a pension. No one wants to make the four-year commitment however.

>> No.10351013

I got to that 35-40 range in the trades fairly quickly but idk what to do being so young and at the top of my pay scale for the trade. I have to start my own business to pocket anything further and have been compensating w lots of OT. Resume is polished, I have additional offers for desk jobs, but won't jump ship until I get all my back pay bc I feel like I won't get it otherwise. Its like F3D but soul crushing.

>> No.10351053

>Be me
>go to college, get masters degree
>working in office hating my life

>Be my brother
>Do a carpentry apprenticeship
>Starts his own business making bespoke furniture
>does maybe 3 days work a week, loves his job, earns twice as much as me

This isn't fair, my brother was shit in school everyone told me studying was the correct path.

>> No.10351093

Owning a business isn't the same as actually doing the work. I've lived in shitty (growing up) and good areas (now), it is very, very clear the college route leads to the better lifestyle.

I really hate the anti-college shilling here cause it simply disagrees with the facts >>10350898.

>> No.10351110

I was gonna say that he'll be replaced by robots or immigrants in ten years but thinking about it more his job is safe. He's an independent artisan selling personalized products. That's one of the few non-technical jobs that'll survive, as mass personalization ensues. Was that intentional or accidental on his part?

>> No.10351112

He has 2 employees, small business, spends his time with wood

>> No.10351128

accidental, he just failed at school and once starting carpentry he found something he's actually good at and enjoys

>> No.10351163
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Stay poor faggot
I got CS degree and know algorithms

>> No.10351171

Look on average it's just not reality. A lot of these people rent until death, it's very sad and I saw this tonnes growing up. At a good uni where borderline everyone came from a middle/upper class family, everyones parents had degrees.

The worst case I saw was a "chav" (uk redneck), great guy and everything who lost his job in the recession and had been stuck in wilkos for 10 years.

If you like woodwork then do it as a hobby or a side job, but it's just too much of a risk for a main source of income

>> No.10351309

From Montreal?

>> No.10351311

>get a masters in a useless major
>work soul-sucking retail or warehouse job for a few years because no one will hire you in your field
>finally get a job that pays something halfway decent
>still living paycheck to paycheck trying to pay off your rent, loans, and the $30,000 car you'll own for four years
>pretend you actually have money

I know so many people in this position it's depressing. As long as you aren't retarded with your money you should be fine whichever way you go

Seriously don't waste the money you don't have on a fucking new car