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10348718 No.10348718 [Reply] [Original]

Do you fucktards really believe youre still early? Its laughable how many normies i know who bought in december january

>> No.10348762

there's literally no-one involved in crypto right now. most normies are still struggling with email. bying interent money is on a different level.

>> No.10348769

I know a couple who got burnt

>> No.10348776


>> No.10348849


>> No.10348873

Normies actively despise Crypto and think it's a scam that's going to disappear any moment.
They won't buy into this before there are actual use cases and by then all the institutional money owns the market while link is at 1000$.

>> No.10348918

found the boomer

kill yourself, ian*

*the all-time boomer name

>> No.10348959


Both are delusional. Normies don't give a fuck about this shit and they propably NEVER WILL. Why would they? Most normies think exactly like that Sherman faggot. They think fiat is fine and crypto is only for drugs/terrorism/scam. Why would that change? The government or media will never support crypto. They'll just keep fudding it forever. Why would they support it? It takes too much time and effort to research and understand the tech so the normies will NEVER do that. They'll just go by what "experts" say so basically rich people like Buffett and Gates. They both just FUD it. They're both rich so they must know what they're talking about right? If you know more than they do why aren't you rich. This is unironically how normies think. Some of you are pretty dumb but the average normies is just awhole new level of dumb.

>> No.10348970

hang him

>> No.10349012

Meh maybe.

Being young, I saw the death of home phones, DVDs, block buster, ect..

Now we have all kinds of mobile devices that can do basically everything, Netflix which streams so many movies and shows, no need for any specific hardware just a phone or computer.

Companies have gone paperless, everything is digital. Dot come is huge, there’s a freaking site for everything. Digital marketing took over big time.

It may not be clear to you now, but crypto *may* be able to pull a similar growth parallel to these examples.

It takes time and development. Round one of the bubble began - speculation.

>> No.10349136


Banks can improve their tech too you know? You think they're just going to sit there and take it? Money is already digital anyway basically. Almost no one uses cash. The banks have way more resources to improve their tech thant crypto fags. Obviously blockchain will end up being useless for them but they'll just use some centralized tech to make everything faster, smoother and easier to use. Why wouldn't normies use that instead? You think normies want to play around with these public and private keys and shit? Why would they? Na man, they want banks to handle all that shit. They don't give a fuck about it being centralized. The opposite is true actually, something that is centralized will seem more LEGIT to most people. They want to be able to walk into a bank and find someone there that they can shake hands with. It makes it real for them. This decentralized "code is law" purely digital shit just seems like it's not even real to them. Like it doesn't even exist. You people obviously don't have any normie friends or something if you don't have any idea how they think. Only crypto fucking weirdos care about decentralization. You basically almost need a degree in CS level of understanding of tech to even understand crypto and how it works and if you don't understand how it works you'll never see any value in it. That's how it was for me at least.

>> No.10349526

You can’t see ahead is the problem. You may be correct, I’m just saying technology has always found ways to improve.

All that CS shit is in the background. Electrical, data transfer, half this shit already exists in the background. None of my friends have any idea what the fuck is 3 phase power and how it works, or why it matters. Same idea here.

>> No.10350196

Go outside
Even some engineers at my university only asked me about bitcoin in late december

You think the "normies" know better ?