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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 597x519, The+poor+bastard+too+dank+for+the+internet+to+behold+_64844bb68f5bd1213751a4e0d2e41edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10346445 No.10346445 [Reply] [Original]

who /rockbottom/

everything ive worked for is gone, i have no future, wtf do i do now

>> No.10346449

Work for your future, again.

>> No.10346459

Buy BNB, hold till next burn.
Hold BTC till EOY - when Alts take off, jump in a lowcap.

>> No.10346466

complain about kikes, spics, pajeets and niggers like all the other people here

>> No.10346472
File: 46 KB, 388x387, 1383403674702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf do i do now

>> No.10346491

i honestly have no hope left

>> No.10346514

At least you aren't in prison

>> No.10346535

hey, you're right

>> No.10346615


i have never posted on /biz/ before, but didn't you think that there was a risk

didn't you know the risks

now be a poorfag like me, happy and free on neetbux

>> No.10346680

Fren, if I'd tell you about my bottom you would not believe it.

If you are all the way down it can only go upwards again.

>> No.10346706

im kind of sad because im going to have to restart again from where i was 2 years ago

pls share

>> No.10346710

From 1 million to $150k in shitcoins here. Love my shitcoins though, so I'm just accumulating more.
Going to spend all my career contributing to crypto dominance. Sold my 401k/IRA/stocks fuck the boomer's plans.

>> No.10346717


Without hope there is nothing.

>> No.10347421
File: 20 KB, 400x400, yWRigl6B_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing sounds comfy

>> No.10347434

^this is not a smart man OP. Dont do this

>> No.10347440

that is some zealot shit right there... ill be watching though, I've always thought bodies flying from high buildings towards the ground were almost artistic as they flailed.