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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10344758 No.10344758 [Reply] [Original]

I had a nightmare tonight that bitcoin went crazy and started fluctuating between 3000 and 6000 in seconds, I panicked and started buying high and selling low.

I don't want to ever sleep again.

>> No.10344777



>> No.10344782

I had a dream that I was diving underwater with scuba diving gear and taking gold. Like there were some old gold nuggets and even some slim plates with catholic saints on them and I was taking them. It was like a pit into which I dove and on one side it was gold on the other one some soviet documents destroyed by water. But gold was awesome.

>> No.10344790
File: 7 KB, 208x242, greed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green id

fuck, im going to make it lads

>> No.10344857

I have similar dreams but when i wake up all the gold and jewelry and amazing ornamented guns ans daggers are gone
Remember that your last shirt has no pockets
Unless you want to have children accumulating wealth is a meme

>> No.10344914

Nice try shlomo I ain't buying your monster energy drinks.

>> No.10344969

I had a dream where some shares I owned started skyrocketing like 100x, and I was trying to log into my broker account and sell but everything was in slow motion and I kept making mistakes. When I finally was about to press the sell button the price crash to near zero. I woke up in a panic.

>> No.10344971

kek I had a dream today about how bitcoin was dumping to $0 straight in several minutes. Literally no one was buying even at 1 cent. Then it rebounced to $300