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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10343869 No.10343869 [Reply] [Original]


Stock market crash today!

We're going down, boys!

>> No.10343891
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You'd better pick up a fat stack of these bad boys while you can

>> No.10343895
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>> No.10343905

Bull run imminent.

>> No.10343912 [DELETED] 


Check out bullion vault anons. We all know the shit is about to go south. Bezos richest man in modern history? Cmon.

BullionVault has

> Lowest Fees
> Actual market rate prices
> Allows you to store physical gold in non-boomer country and withdraw at your pleasure
>Easy to buy and sell

Use my referral if you please.


>> No.10343925

> Since Trump will restrict China
> China will give a big fuck you to Trump, and therefore will be more crypto friendly. In order to find alternate means to stabilize and increase their economic growth
> Bad for stocks
>Good for cryptos
And as predicted, in recent news

China To Introduce Digital Currency As A Substitute To Cash

>> No.10343934

Lemme guess... 5d chess?

>> No.10343936

what time does it open? i wanna watch live

>> No.10344097

China is not going to be crypro friendly just because whatever the US have done. They have to guard against capital outflow.

>> No.10344572

What do we buy tho?

>> No.10344590

Notice how every country thats "crypto friendly" just wants to roll their own crypto. Buttcorn is fucking toast. It will soon be b& everywhere and only state cryptos will be allowed.

>> No.10344609

Tariffs on countries that produce decent stuff might matter. Tariffs on countries that produce nothing but pure refined garbage won't matter.

>> No.10344637

Inversely they have to ultimately protect capital inflow, and the tariffs doesn't help.

>> No.10344688

They won't roll out there own shitcoins. The best thing to do is silently take over the dev team of some shitcoins that already got a solid community member, follower and product that already in use.

>> No.10344698

Venuzuela did.

>> No.10344706
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>governments matter

>> No.10344721

That is not their main worry as long as they can prevent influx capital from leaving the country
Say this to the post I replied to

>> No.10344734

And look where that shit gone to, y think chink is a retard like those Venezuela?

>> No.10344747


>> No.10344754

What good will this do? This shit is hurting american business and farmers. I do not think these tactics are working the way he wants.

>> No.10344772

Since they can't prevent the influx of capital from leaving due to the tarrifs, they're finding other means of getting more inflow of capital.

>> No.10344821


How does it hurt the farmers if imported food can't compete against them anymore due to tariffs?

>> No.10344840

Because the media says so.

>> No.10344860

>china puts tariffs on basedbeans
>basedbean farmer loses money in America

>> No.10344913

I hope you realize that China isn't entirely dependant on the US for consumers anymore, right? They are slowly, but surely building and buying infrastructure in almost every developing country, buying and trading oil and gold, and they have a market in the EU and Russia as well.

>> No.10344950

My entire summer job has revolved around basedbean pests, and how they overwinter on buckthorn. After getting baked in the sun for so many days walking through basedbean fields, I have learned to hate them. Why can't farmers grow anything aside from corn and basedbeans?

>> No.10344953

Kek it's all show, he knows you have to play hard ball sometimes to win.

That is not bad when you run a business, but when you run an economy its risky af.

I think America should be happy with a strong fearsome leader.

>> No.10344995

It's the banks. If the bank has you bent over a barrel with debt, they'll make damn sure you grow the most profitable crop.

>> No.10345021

What capital will flux into China now?
Venezuela did that because their main currency and their economy collapsed. Do you think China will get the same fate?
Other things would earn them less money? Also economy of scale and such

>> No.10345022

Haha, he fell for the 5D chess play. It was a 42D strategy, nobody ever tried such a move and it works brilliantly.

>> No.10345071

America exports food, it's not like you're going to be able to sell millions of extra onions products domestically, and you can't just arbitrarily jack up prices to make up for all the lost sales. The governments probably going to have to intervene to save farmers or there's going to be problems.

>I hope you realize that China isn't entirely dependant on the US for consumers anymore
Yes they are, for today any ways. The question is just who's willing to put up with more pain/can manage the situation better. Look at the difference between US/Chinese responses to the Great Recession, the Chinese state was much more proactive, also Americans really don't like having their lifestyles disrupted.

>> No.10345088
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Hah kid, you're wrong. I'm a boomer and about to retire. This will never crash

>> No.10345107

As a european I hope we cut ties with the US and join the Asian forces.

>> No.10345118
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>not inflation adjusted

>> No.10345333
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>Notice how every country thats "crypto friendly" just wants to roll their own crypto. Buttcorn is fucking toast.

Which will only make Bitcoin more relevant as people will naturally search for open source decentralized alternatives.

>> No.10345367

The average normie doesn't give a flying fuck about muh open sores, Bitcoin is a neat tech and concept but true cryptocoins will be backed by huge governments and companies.

>> No.10345386

Just like nobody uses gold to store value because fiat exists right buddy? Such a thing would never use a decentralized store of value that no government or company owns.

Now bow to your master like a good boy.

>> No.10345551
File: 28 KB, 800x517, wealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average normie (which has no money) will dictate what the schelling point is (which is Bitcoin)

>> No.10345703

>0.7% of the population have all the wealth
Capitalism is totally not a scam.

>> No.10345747

>he conflates capitalism with conpounding interest
good goy

>> No.10345759

>tfw you will never make it
God damn, I want to die right now

>> No.10345795

Thats literally part of capitalism you idiot.

>> No.10345816
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>See related link

>> No.10345837

>free market without interest can't exist
fucking brainlet

>> No.10345913


>-1% inflation.

>> No.10345937


It literally can't. Thats like saying communism works.

>> No.10345961

thanks rabbi

>> No.10345988

>Chinaman: We don't like what you're doing
I wonder if they have the balls to pull a Kennedy over this?

>> No.10346202

You can be well off if you own 1 BTC. If every $millionaire wanted 1 BTC they couldn't.