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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10341284 No.10341284 [Reply] [Original]

How to properly get a promotion or climb the corporate latter, doubling your salary in 2 yrs. or less...

>be me
>just went from making less than $35,000 / yr. as a 28 yr. old millennial bammer
>to making $93,000 / yr. at 29.

Anyone else have a similar story of being a faggot (OP) and climbing up the corporate ranks fairly quickly? We are in an employee’s market. How’d you do it? Share your tactics below and if you feel stuck in your position, I’ll tell you how I did it...

>> No.10341296
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Where do you work cunt

>> No.10341390
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last wage slave job i was at it wasnt about how hard you work but how much you lick the boss ass and tell him how cool his shoe was and play to his ego i and 2 other was working fucking hard while 2 fucking other all they did was praise the boss and go for his lunch wash his dishes and carry his shit to the car i talked the other two into quiting with me at the same time and it fucked the boss and made to two ass lickers to work hard for once that was a month and a half ago not im selling drugs

>> No.10341392

Not important... corporate is corporate.
Step 1: Pick an Industry you’re interested in.
>if you like video games go for a programming job. If you like herding cats, intern as a vet tech or start at a yarn barn.

Enthusiasm goes a long ways. You will never do well at something you aren’t passionate about.

>> No.10341487

Excellent. Love the passion. There’s lots of business skills you can learn from selling drugs. I personally sold weed throughout Highschool and learned more than most MBA’s. Supply and Demand, “cut” the supply and you may lose some quality but you’ll have more to work with. Just don’t get addicted and lose it all.
>You have to be able to walk away at anytime.
>Smear as much poo on your sniffer as you can.
>Do it fairly.
If those guys were smart they’d be kissing your ass too.
>There’s no shame in this game. Only a never ending drive to win.
>Remember this is the short game 2 yrs. or less.

After that you’ll have much more power and the kissing of the asses will only depend on how much higher you’re willing to climb.

It truly is an an art. They don’t call us wage cucks for no reason.

>> No.10341543
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If hard work was the secret to success every waitress, construction worker and hooker would be millionaires.

Smarter, not harder... you know this.

>> No.10341557

i learn it the hard way and the day i walked out i was gonna fuck up the boss but i said fuck it

>> No.10341569

>be me
>just initiated a bidding war between current and former employers.

>> No.10341595

Sometimes that the best way to learn. If you have to, fail your way to success.

>> No.10341602


> be me
> started working in 2010 with $8000 yearly salary
> changed in 2012 with $12000 yearly
> changed in 2014 with $20000 yearly
> changed in 2016 with $50000 yearly
all this in india, wishing i could earn in real $$. think about moving to US
> 2017, move to US
> salary now $190000 yearly
itching to change the job again but sadly my visa doesnt let me until i change the visa status.

>> No.10341603

forgot to add
> 31 y/o boomer now
> 25 y/o wife with me making $100k per year here

>> No.10341633

Now you’re feeling it.

>Step 3: Know who your company’s rivals are and keep them close.

Once you know enough about the company you work for apply for a job at the competition and have them in your back pocket when you go to negotiate your raise and promotion.
If you don’t get the raise or the promotion, quit and go work for the other company. At least you’ll get the satisfaction of knowing your competitions every move.

>> No.10341699

Very nice pajeet. Bonus points for being an ermagrunt. Your waifu is American, yes?

>> No.10341765

What do you do?

>> No.10341774

thanks man
no she too is a pajeet but works hard seeing me grunting all the time
super poor childhood makes me push hard so i never be poor in future. i like the country but visa regulations and other things, not sure i will be able to live here more than 3-4 years although i wish i live here longer

software engg anon. just kept on learning new things and on lookout for newer opportunities

>> No.10341800

It's situational. Working smart and working hard aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.10341806

that's truly the way we do it, kek

>> No.10341957

You have done well then.

>Step 4. Just know no matter where you go you will always climb to the top.

Be an Innovator or an early adopter. As long as you keep that growth mindset you will always discover and overcome.

Those Visa rules are for your own good. If you become a citizen it’s too easy to get lost in the American Dream.

>Step 5. Never get to comfortable. Look for those in your company who are and go for their position.

>> No.10341999

thank you anon, i have this rule to relax but be aware of surrounding to not become lax

i never wish to be a citizen, but it would be nice if i had a bit of choice when i want to stay and work here.
i also volunteer for lesser fortunates and was planning to help few kids with schooling/basic necessities so that they grow up to be an asset to society. dont want to leave them too in the middle if i leave, so a lot of things attached to it. i already feel overwhelmed with whatever i see here, i dont care people talking bad about this country. people are nice and courteous (at least on my face), it doesnt feel bad paying taxes given the infrastructure here, opportunities abound, it truly is the best country.

>> No.10342699

I'm 28.
I make $103k.
Long live finance.

>> No.10342935
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Anyone have experience with sales jobs for industrial/construction equipment, or just really expensive items in general? I know you've got to be hot on the trail in regards to looking for leads to sell to. But any insight into that environment would great. The description for this one sales job said that, with commissions, a good sales rep can make about 65K a year, a great one can make 115K, and the best can see 200K+.
By the way OP, I would be enthusiastic about selling/renting heavy machinery, what do YOU think?

>I love these kinds of threads we get on /biz/, we get them like once every couple days.
Nice to see someone embracing the wagecucking by the way. Good thread.