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10338930 No.10338930 [Reply] [Original]

The thing that worries me the most is that they are using the programming language GO.

This language was originally developed by LeGO to let children program their own robot (it could only wave his hand).

How in earth could you use this language for a trillion dollar industry.

Why didnt they Lisp, like Corda?

>> No.10338949

Shitty team, they can only handle golang

>> No.10338970
File: 33 KB, 327x154, 1531867137945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10339013

Originally Sergey wanted to program Link using scratch but Steve said no.

>> No.10339842


Topkek. Fucking deluded Linkies. Honestly, should have gone for Rust instead. This shit is going to run slow, even if it is just a json parser. Lucky they're not using php or something.

>> No.10339863

>having to use a special library to read JSON

doomed to fail

>> No.10339910

is all of this tard level fud literally the same loser in front of his computer all day long
impressively pathetic

>> No.10340026

Please someone make a Scratch game with Sergey chasing BigMacs

>> No.10340041
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>> No.10340144

what the fuck even is the fud anymore

>> No.10340162

probably. i'm guessing it's Astro.

>> No.10340274

Eve Online (a massive online multiplayer with a large player base, complex economy, and giant ass space battles) is written in python. fucking python.

Who gives a fuck what the programming language they use is. As long as it works.

>> No.10340670

Didn't know this, wow

Do you play? I tried along time ago and got absolutely rekd by someone killing noobs after mining just a little.

Then the guy that killed me gave me a shit ton of stuff. EVE online hazing

>> No.10341687

If you don’t know Google made Golang then you shouldn’t be buying crypto you fucking idiot, it’s an obvious joke not fud