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10336741 No.10336741 [Reply] [Original]

I'm turning 22. Since 18 I've been getting a life insurance payment because I lost my mother at a young age (found out about it later on in life). At the same time, my family went through a major crisis that I had no skills to deal with. My inability to manage my stress and urges made it impossible to focus on school, and so I kept dropping courses and spent my money on weed, hookers, and a bunch of books I never read.

As I said I'm about 22, still with said income, have no degree, but I've been involved with crypto since january 2017. I heard about ethereum from a software meet up I attended back then.

I've made a good stack of money that I should have had anyways if I didn't spend my income away on hedonistic adventures.

I'm about to start school up again and I can't major in anything other than social sciences. So economics seems to be the best thing for me. The school is a good one. A top 20 world institution. I got lucky with my admission. I guess I'm not completely fucked yet.

What the fuck should I do? I mean, I want a career in the financial services industry. I enjoy researching investments. Right now I'm sort of learning how to properly distribute my funds across multiple assets.

So back to school. What should I do in school so I can get a job? I want to research equities. How can I get internships after my first year? Is that even possible? How do I go about finding and internship when my classes are barely related to researching equities? Do I gotta finish the degree and apply to a MFin program?

I know you can self teach, but I want to signal my abilities so I can be trusted. I have the opportunity to get a degree from a top school, but It's not a finance degree.

Any general life advice, investment career advice is appreciated.

>> No.10336793

22? Focus on making your life more interesting. Going and doing what everyone else does is boring as fuck, what's the point. Might as well kys so there's one less retard on the planet to support.

>> No.10336799

Trade stock on the weekends, stop smoking pot, and start smoking cigarettes, it's good for the soul

>> No.10336846

been off weed for a year. i drink more than i should tho, only during nights.

how would crypto trading be received? I've been trading and investing for 1.5 years.

>> No.10336866

>Going and doing what everyone else does is boring as fuck, what's the point
this is the exact thinking i used to have. "oh a degree is useless i can make it by myself by reading books"
i can hardly understand the relevant books. I tried to read alchemy of finance and i dont think i got much out of it.

now i might become a millionaire off of crypto, but I still want a job and to not feel completely useless. I have 0 status and command little respect from the people around me

>> No.10336967


>> No.10337038

i cant stand guidance seeking mofos on the internet and usually i would tell you to kill yourself but today I share a secret with your punk as that will cahnge your life to the better. I only tell you once. FOMO 3D

>> No.10337056

ok lol

>> No.10337338

This, if ur really gonna be a millionaire then theres no fucking in point in joining the rat race. Look into homesteading or making a start-up, or some other worthy venture

>> No.10337400

you need to develop a hobby or join a religious cult. Obviously crypto isn't making your life meaningful on it's own. Have you tried gardening or raising fish?

>> No.10337431

any more hobby ideas anon?

>> No.10337564

forestry, beekeeping, carpentry, oil pastel drawing, poetry, hand written letters, and since we are posting on Ebaumsworld: Rug weaving

>> No.10337921

Nah, if you are gonna smoke something then at least smoke cigarillos. Cigarettes are trash and full of chemicals. Cigarillos are more pure and not as addictive (if not addictive at all)

>"oh a degree is useless i can make it by myself by reading books"

That's true for many degrees, especially arts & humanities. For example, history is my hobby and passion but why the fuck would I pay thousands to listen to someone when I can just read books and watch docs for free?
In case of stem though, you are better off getting a degree for that. I mean, would you like to have a surgery performed by someone who just read books at home? And in case of finance, you can always network more easily and get a reference to get you started.

>> No.10338207

> And in case of finance, you can always network more easily and get a reference to get you started.

who would allow me to manage their money without a degree? even if i could technically get the knowledge elsewhere...

I'm not sure if it'll happen, but yeah you're right. I'm operating under the assumption that it won't make me a millionaire, just in case. Either way I want to run my own fund one day and hire people I like. So that's the goal anyways. I just think paying my dues is important.

Tell me if any of this doesn't make sense.

>> No.10338211

Indian reservation ciggarettes aren't too bad, but I was mostly joking. I prefer pipe smoking myself.

>> No.10338231

just get a securities liscnese and learn the trade. no one cares where you went to school.

>> No.10338249
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>trade stocks on weekends