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File: 192 KB, 1910x1000, 104638028-2ED2-0807-FM-BITCOINSURGE.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10334367 No.10334367 [Reply] [Original]

>But muh media attention hasn't happened
>muh normies arn't even in yet
>it cant be the real bubble!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are in denial if you think there is another pump coming. Its popped and done, that was it folks. Enjoy your memories.

>> No.10334384
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>> No.10334391

t. just shorted and about to be blown the fuck out.

>> No.10334402

Watch this OP

>> No.10334406

Jokes on you, I don't have any boomer coin. Also don't fund the boomer retirement (401k & IRA).
I have to fund social security but jokes on the government. I'm not realizing my earnings potential and living off as little as possible while launching blockchain ai apps.

>> No.10334565 [DELETED] 
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The absolute state of bulls. You guys are delusional. Scamcoin were all over the media.

>> No.10334585
File: 124 KB, 1910x1000, 104493272-5ED2-FM-bitcoin-mody-052517.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The normies were already here, now they are gone. Get a grip bulls.

>> No.10334596

Everyone I mention crypto to has no idea what it is or is completely reactionary and angry.
Crypto will eat the world. It's iterable game theory at it's core and has captured a sizable amount of the imaginative and intelligent during a labor shortage.
Sorry boomer you are wrong.

>> No.10334636
File: 46 KB, 362x500, MJ 1995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welp, looks like the internet has attracted too much media attention. 1995 is clearly too late, I wish I bought in 1993! I should sell all my internet stocks now that the fad is over.

>> No.10334679

Basically everyone knows about it at this point and they are all angry and disgusted because it comes off as an obvious scam. Imagine how you would react if someone in all seriousness told you to invest in monopoly money and it was the future.

This is why its doomed to fail. The bubble happened, we hit mass awareness and now that awareness has turned to anger because the few who bought into it lost their shirts.

>> No.10334685

>media starts shilling again at new paradigms
>normies start fomo buying again
>bagholders dump on them

Rinse and repeat. Normans only care about what is trending and once bitcoin begins to trend then they’re back in

>> No.10334701

Websites are obviously useful. Nobody knows what to even do with these coins because no real place takes them.

>> No.10334711
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>normies can never come back

>> No.10334742

Remittance market alone is $500 billion. You sound like someone who has never seriously considered and researched counter arguments to your beliefs, if your not trolling that is.

>> No.10334751

"Basically everyone knows". Most people think fiat is backed by gold. Fucking nocoiner boomer nonsense.

>> No.10334756
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>> No.10334780
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>muh popped bubble

>> No.10334795

If you have to guess and nitpick to tell if normies are starting to get interested in something then the answer is that they aren't interested in it yet, everyone will know when it actually happens.

>> No.10334804

It's not over until senior citizens are buying in as an investment for their grandchildren's future.

>> No.10334817
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They already did.

>> No.10334858

> Senior citizens signing up for binance and cold storing IOTA
Cool story.

>> No.10334870

Nah, a bunch probably did see this but they struggle getting the dvr to work let alone buying crypto and getting a ledger.

>> No.10334877

Wow you people really are delusional.

>> No.10334897

BK looks less heart attack imminent. Feeling great about my longs

>> No.10334921

>immutable ledger is monopoly money

>> No.10334931

be greedy when others are fearful

>> No.10334962

Nice meme, but being greedy when something is already dead is just being a sucker. Don't throw good money after bad.

>> No.10334986

Fuck off nocoiner, I don't tell you which vanguard index fund to buy

>> No.10335009

anon this is your boss get back to work before I fire your ass

>> No.10335438
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1529844855973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn right

>> No.10335468

Fucking kek

>> No.10335586

>A technology that allows you to move millions of dollars with no government oversight is useless.

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.10335635

> Watch CNBC
> Do the opposite
> Get rich

>> No.10335755

With no government backing it or oversight, how can anyone trust it?

>> No.10335761

you are a retard if you trust cnbc for your trading advice. gas yourself OP.

>> No.10335766


....oh jesus christ anon.

>> No.10335788

What stops the government from regulating it?
Absolutely nothing, it's actually already taxed in many countries and flawless tracking of every transaction and account is very useful for the government, they can easily have far more control over it than paper money for example.

>> No.10335829

Back then you only heard of it through formal media. Nowadays you hear everything from the internet, which spreads news faster, and has way, WAY more reach. Everyone in the world who wanted tin invest invested already.

>> No.10335880

If Jesus backed a currency I would trust that.

>> No.10335895

Why would any government allow a currency to compete with their own? It directly undermines their control. The only reason why crypto still exists is because it is so small its hard to take seriously. If it did get big enough to be a real threat they would crush it immediately.

>> No.10335958

>Why would any government allow a currency to compete with their own?
They naturally don't want that which is why regulating it would be very useful for them, most countries won't outright ban it but they will keep adding stupid taxes and fees and limitations to keep it less attractive than traditional money.
People who think it will eventually be more than an internet gimmick are delusional, it's likely that the governments will eventually use the tech for their own cryptocurrencies but that's it.

>> No.10336009

>they will keep adding stupid taxes and fees and limitations to keep it less attractive than traditional money.

Which leads to the same outcome. It proves that there is no happy ending to crypto and really is a gimmick. There is no inherent use like the internet. No serious company even accepts crypto. So people are just holding it just for the sake of holding it. Crypto might as well be like fad like trading marbles or pogs on the school ground.

>> No.10336041

That's not the way market psychology works. This was the first sell off.

>> No.10336051
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>get wrecked

>> No.10336100

Prepare to get booty blasted

>> No.10336243

You're correct, but this isn't dead yet. Plenty of juice left in her

>> No.10336251

If by ass blasted you means having a safe sustainable investment future to retire on, then ok.

>> No.10336275

The most boomery of boomer portfolios.

>> No.10336310

>If you have to guess and nitpick to tell if normies are starting to get interested in something then the answer is that they aren't interested in it yet, everyone will know when it actually happens.

This... It will be blatently obvious once it happens. Nasdaq, Goldman sachs and other normie platforms around the world don't have enough on ramps yet. I know a boomer who said he can't wait to put 10k on Ripple once he finds an easy way to buy it. The monster bubble has a long way before popping.

>> No.10336334

>Why would any government allow a currency to compete with their own? It directly undermines their control. The only reason why crypto still exists is because it is so small its hard to take seriously. If it did get big enough to be a real threat they would crush it immediately.

Is this pasta from r/buttcoin?

>> No.10336914

someone needs to shop 100% LINK

>> No.10337082
File: 25 KB, 404x572, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Universe is a bubble too.

>> No.10337236

/thread and /rekt

>> No.10337298

retard confirmed, keep sucking your Nanny State tit you fucking loser.

how are they gonna regulate it exactly? will they have an FBI agent at every household monitoring what you do?
>already taxed
only gains are taxed like with every other investment, you sound like they just "tax" you for having crypto in some obscure way. You can keep a stack on the side not tied to your name and the government can keep tracking all they want without knowing who it belongs to, not to mentions mixers, monero etc.

how they would "crush it immediately". they can ban the banks to work with exchanges and that's it. No one will ever stop people from sending crypto to eachother.
You are probably a boomer who missed out and wants to be comforted in his sideline sitting.

Crypto was never created for "the companies". Fuck the companies, I don't give a fuck if some bank can reduce their cost by 1% by using DLT. Fuck them all.
Crypto was created as an answer to the kikes printing money out of thin air (yes the same money that you have to bust your ass off).
And no, gold isn't enough because the governments already hold most of the gold and can dump the price whenever they want so that you get burned once or twice and stick to your shitty inflationary FIAT.

have fun when you social security/401k/pensions fund/whatever goes belly up and hyperinflation eats your shitty investment

>> No.10337674


>both eth and etc
>no bcash

Based boomers

>> No.10337705
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>10% xrp

>> No.10337776
File: 1.98 MB, 1184x1196, 1531281111819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost every single crypto project is in testnet, beta, less than a year old, or on v2.0 at the very most
>it's oger

>> No.10338035

Unironically a Chad portfolio

>> No.10338220

this is why chainlink is literally the last moon do or die option. you can not lose op since you already believe everyone getting in now is going to lose anyways