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10331006 No.10331006 [Reply] [Original]

I have bad news. I am a senior CSS developer and I've found a fatal flaw in the design of the A.P.I. connector, by a its nature its a non-prepietary source and can be copied by the data providers at no cost. Thus Chain-LInk will be squished like a small bug by the big companies the moment the mainenet comes out.

THis realization made me sell my sizeable stack earlier today. I am sorry, it is a pity. Sergrey and the team do seem like cool compentent people after all, I wish them the best.

>> No.10331039

i came to the same conclusion months ago. also after seeing the kernel leak in the json parser i market dumped everything. shit leaks worse than nano.

>> No.10331042

I was about to invest one million dollars in Chainlink token but I just changed my mind now.

>> No.10331045

buy signal

>> No.10331047

not to mention they're being sued by Warner Brothers for infringing on the json bourne franchise trademark

>> No.10331054

I have some bad news; for a senior CSS Developer your spelling is atrocious. Does your code ever work?

1/10 for old FUD pasta spelt terribly.

>> No.10331086

>CSS developer

>> No.10331330

PC developer here. OP's unfortunately correct. Sold all link today.

>> No.10331429

Why didn't you sell it when this stale pasta was doing the rounds a month or so back?

>> No.10331528

because I knew it would influence you to perform action today.
I care about frens.

>> No.10332125

Thanks fren, buying more later today.

>> No.10332199

Senior html dev here, OP is unironically right.

>> No.10332248

position: pathetic;

>> No.10332254


coping mechanism

it's not very effective

>> No.10332276

>can't even code css
>being a pajeet
>cant even fud right

>> No.10332287

>1 post by this user

>> No.10332288

HTML Architect here. Can confirm that Chainlink has some incredible security flaws and the code is Ukrainian level at best. They didn’t even take the time to <br> and <p> properly, and that’s just the start of the problems.

>> No.10332318

>I've found a fatal flaw in the design of the A.P.I. connector, by a its nature its a non-prepietary source and can be copied by the data providers at no cost
if you were a real senior CSS developer, you would've killed yourself by now for spouting such jargon filled nonsense. that literally means absolutely nothing

>> No.10332332


>> No.10332429

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.10332464
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1516345887423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found a critical flaw in the chainlink code. I have a PhD in Spanish and I was performing a code audito (audit in English) and found a parsing error. If any link node processes non cryllic text, it causes an overflow error, which could lead to a chain reaction. This would overload all the nodes on the network. If the nodes were setup properly as described in the white paper, then any aircraft carrying a node would crash, leaving no survivors.

>> No.10332468

>Senior CSS developer
I'm a senior html 4.01 you pleb

>> No.10332570
File: 55 KB, 587x587, L6pJclJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dios mio, I saw it too. It is too late to fix, sell now while you still can. I myself just sold 100k.

>> No.10332786

HTML CEO here, he’s right the SEO of the json parser in ChainLink doesn’t even compile into assembly.

>> No.10333584
File: 1.45 MB, 332x332, 1530801220271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the fucks that fall for this low quality fudd. First of all, CSS is cascade style sheet, it's learned in highschool in my country and its used in web design, when you make the webpage prettier you use CSS, doesn't have anything to do with coding per se, functionality or programming. You had enough time to accumulate. I'm sorry for any anon that falls for this daily fudd.

>> No.10333601


>> No.10333613

Well to be honest , it's written in GO. A language actually maded for kids so they could easily program a simple robot who can wave his arm. Why this language is going to be used for ChainLink blows my mind.

>> No.10333620

ASS developer here, came here to say that this post just doesn't smell right to me. Investors be cautious not to fall into this hole!

>> No.10333621

I just bought more.

>> No.10333925
