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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10326864 No.10326864 [Reply] [Original]

There are Anon's in this board who will UNIRONICALLY tell me with a STRAIGHT FACE that BITCOIN, a digital code that isn't really used for anything at the moment, is MORE VALUABLE than MCDONALDS, a company that generates profits every year.

Explain your reasoning and why we shouldn't put you in a mental institution?

>> No.10326880

there are unironically people on this board who literally believe bitcoin is less valuable than netflix. explain yourselves

>> No.10326883

fuck off you government kike shill

>> No.10326890

Are you one of those morons who constantly complain about how nurses should earn more than professional athletes?

>> No.10326903

>comparing the worlds first asset which the feds cant seize from you, possibly the biggest invention since fire, with junk food
imagine going through life this dumb

>> No.10326909

Btc is a global currency not a company. Look up the market cap of the dollar, then every other 1st world currency, then add them together. Let me know how that goes.

>> No.10326915

I am one of those morons who value investments and purchase them at a fair price.

Currently, Bitcoin is more overvalued than Netflix and Amazon combined. But the free market will correct it self eventually.

>> No.10326917

mcdolan has shit margins and the most mediocre profit per employee

>> No.10326919

you newfags really don't realize there are ACTUAL paid shills here working for the gov to peddle this shit. why argue with them

>> No.10326924

There's nothing that stops Bitcoin from being regulated by the government, it's already taxed in many countries.

>> No.10326939
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>Currently, Bitcoin is more overvalued than Netflix and Amazon combined. But the free market will correct it self eventually.
oh yeah, the overvaluation indicator for btc is 14.88 while netfix+amazon is only 13.37

>> No.10326947

Netflix, Amazon and Mc Donalds are profiting from laziness and exploiting millions of employees. Bitcoin is solving a world wide problem.

>> No.10326948 [DELETED] 

nigger you dont get it. only you have control of your private keys you dumb motherfucker. your kike bank can close your account and not let you withdraw money like they did in the eu crisis in greece. kys

>> No.10326950
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>> No.10326962

>But the free market will correct it self eventually
Indeed it will when BTC hits 50K eoy and the traditional financial market bubble pops we'll see who comes out better off

>> No.10326973

topkek it's as if the employees are put on gunpoint. They pay them at market value. Employees except it, if they can get paid more at another place they'll go there. That's the magic of Freemarket, commie scum.

>> No.10326987


>> No.10327001

Bit Coin P/E pretty much the same

>> No.10327009

voluntary exploitation is still exploitation. The wagies who take it are just morons, but that still doesnt make these sandwich noses good.

>> No.10327010

"Only you have control" over your wallet means nothing if the government decides you are required by law to comply to seizes and taxation, which is what they have done with literally everything else before buttcoins, it's not some magical concept that makes you immune to legislation.

>> No.10327024

Because market cap and value are the same thing. Fucking retards on 4chan almost exclusively these days. When did you normies flood this board?

>> No.10327025

Hard to feel bad for em when they get my order wrong so often.

>> No.10327028

nothing will make the people overthrow their government faster than trying to take their bitcoins away.

>> No.10327031

It isn't. McDonald's has assets and actual shit that can be monetized.
Bitcoin is price * circulating supply.
Market cap means jackshit in crypto.

>> No.10327033

How's that trade worked over the long term, chief?

>> No.10327042

You’re a brainlet OP. You’re comparing a currency to a company. Moronic. It’s like saying that McDonald’s should be worth more than the USD. Bitcoin is digital peer to peer electronic cash for the entire world. McDonalds will be valued in terms of Bitcoin in the grand scheme. Zoom out.

>> No.10327049

It's already taxed and no one cares, paper money is far more important too.

>> No.10327067

This is the only response that actually makes sense.
The problem with that circulation supply is, there needs to be a economical circulation supply. Not just selling it to a bigger idiot until the last one left holding the bags.

>> No.10327146

>It’s like saying that McDonald’s should be worth more than the USD.
No not really. Difference between US dollar and Crypto is:
>USD is more staple
>is traded everywhere in the entire world for goods and services
>The total value of US is 80 Trillion dollars after debt
>Backed by all the companies and jobs in the US market
>Backed by the best universities in the world
>Backed by the best economy in the world
>Backed by the best people in the world
>Backed by the most powerful military in the world.

>> No.10327173

Who gives a fuck about fake food, which actually COSTS our fucking country billions a year from health issues caused directly by this food.

Bitcoin is the most important invention since fucking coal boats.

>> No.10327409

>Removes people who have no self-control from the gene pool
>Gives doctors more jobs

I see no downside to this. Also that wasn't the point.

>> No.10327424

Part of the reason I cashed out last year most of my gains. Just sitting in profits now

>> No.10327427

Exactly bitcoin never gave me heart disease

>> No.10327428

Nationstates & asoteric money laws are what gives crypto it's power brainlet.

Big Mac can't do that.

>> No.10327451

mcdonalds corp mostly holds royalty rights and IP though right? I'm sure the book value of all McDonald's assets you see everywhere is much higher than that number but they're all separately owned franchises.

>> No.10327460

do you KNOW how i KNOW you're a BOOMER, take a GUESS

>> No.10328243

its digital gold you fucking boomer. get over it.

>> No.10328385

last i checked bitcoin wasnt designed to cripple beneficial gut bacteria leading to systemic organ failure. mcdonalds should be worth minus 100billion all the damages they should have to pay out. but you retards had to get your stupid chubby kids the happy meal he wanted the toy

>> No.10328444

Bitcoin is MONEY

These crypto currencies are REPLACING money

We currently value all money in existence to be worth $100 trillion

All property in the world is around $100 trillion

Bitcoin is worth 0.1% of that and has actual value of being able to carry it in your finger nail or hiding a lot of it from governments

>> No.10328496

>this, but this

>> No.10328667
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>a digital code

>> No.10328675
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As silly as it may sound, code can be both digital or analog.

>> No.10328686


Dumb fuck OP. There is a HUGE difference between a security’s Market Cap and value vs. a Currency such as Bitcoin. I know this is a retarded larp but c’mon man, we’re not that stupid here, go back to Facebook faggot.

>> No.10328708

This, accept for the /biz/ being stupid part. /biz/ is actually fucking retarded