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10325166 No.10325166 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.10325187

nah, check how many humans were born and how many new millionaires were made worldwide, wealth is being added daily to crypto by a rapidly growing population
now pls buy my bags

>> No.10325207

Manipulation is always the excuse of losers.

>> No.10325235

Tl;dr I lost a lot of money and I'm angry

>> No.10325245

He's never right about BTC.
No, he's been salty about BTC for years and never bought in.

>> No.10325261

This shit is decentralized as fuck manipulation is basically a whale order, doesnt mean the whale is immune to the market going against it, they can try to prop it up and add some bullish confidence but not forever

>> No.10325304


Lol, these random pumps happen even when there's no tether printing.

>> No.10325358
File: 76 KB, 1200x703, 7A41E446-E733-4A4D-811B-CA2052518AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the accusation isn’t so much the printing of counterfeit tether itself is pumping the price, but bitfinex using the tether to buy BTC.

>> No.10325359

"I don't understand what happened, therefore this is what happened", the tweet.

>> No.10325372
File: 28 KB, 720x405, 1531903745981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i sold bottom and now Idk when to fomo in cause I a retard.
Sound like him

>> No.10325387

We had an inverse head and shoulders and so everyone that knew TA or just wanted an excuse put in longs got into place to play it. If you were in short you put your stops in place so you wouldn't be taken for a ride.

It played out and now we are pulling back and resetting to decide if we are going back up or down.

>> No.10325388


no shit its manipulation, but also this faggot has no fucking clue how price action takes place.

bulls broke 6.8k, then liquidations took it to 7k,, then they pushed it to 7.2k and even more fucking liquidations spiked it up to 7.5k.

retards dont understand shit these days, just "muh tether".

>> No.10325395

Tether FUD? looks like incoming bull run after all

>> No.10325396

Manipulation is the government setting interest rates colluding with bankers, like the new york cab study showed

>> No.10325402

Did you guys talk about Mr. Musk apologizing already?

>> No.10325408


He's right. I say shut down Bitfinex and Tether. Simple as that.

>> No.10325427

most of the media didn't report on it
looks like pedo guy deserved it by being an asshole

>> No.10325429

Cryptocoins are literally nothing but manipulation, that's what makes them so fun.

>> No.10325441
File: 282 KB, 1200x900, workerdawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurry ups nd moon so i can buy stuff

>> No.10325450

This perma bear laughed when bitcoin dropped from $100 to $40.

Boomer cunt

>> No.10325451

he shouldnt have cucked, it was fake outrage inflated by fucking jews on twitter because he outed (((THEM)))

>> No.10325462
File: 35 KB, 541x300, 1531957121403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an apology? I thought he was just fucking around with people.

>> No.10325465

Why is he so interested in Bitcoin? I thought he had repeatedly said that it was over. He seems to come back every time it goes up. lol

>> No.10325486

I think hes just mad he missed the bubble lmao. he'll fud the next big thing that comes around because he'll eventually miss out on that too

>> No.10325555
File: 81 KB, 1078x767, DZuEIXjW4AADl7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the definition of

hater gonna hate

>> No.10325711

Wouldn't be surprised if he hired someone to get that on the front page. Hur dur