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File: 92 KB, 1280x961, blockbuster-video-1122317-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10323823 No.10323823 [Reply] [Original]

Did they deserve it?

>> No.10323836

When I was a kid, I used to rent ps2 games

>> No.10323839
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I can still remember the smell

>> No.10323869

They didn't adapt. Didn't get an online streaming site going. Yes they deserved it.

I also miss it though.

>> No.10323883

hollywood video was better.

>> No.10323887

I worked at one in high school. They were a fucking mess. Can’t believe they made it as long as they did.

>> No.10323894

weren't they smug about netflix not working? netflix approached blockbuster IIRC and they didn't want anything to do with them. idk if it's true, but if it is, then they deserve it

>> No.10323914

Blockbuster had their finger on immortality but blew it because lack flexibility

>> No.10323926

I miss game crazy

>> No.10323931

adapt or die

>> No.10323932

I remember renting Command and Conquer for the PC and other games. In case you missed the irony, you couldn't really "rent out" pc games back then. Installed and done

>> No.10323937



>> No.10323939

I heard that too, pretty sure it was true. Smug cunts told netflix to gtfo then netflix exploded and blockbuster got gutted in under a year like a little piggy

>> No.10323942

In 2012 they had a streaming service, streaming + pickup dvds/games at your local blockbuster. They also started competing with netflix paying upwards of $20+ per trial sign up affiliate marketers could bring in. It was a lucrative time to be in affiliate marketing. I had a fren who signed up just for the game store pickups being part of their plan. Maybe if they did that years earlier though they would have survived in some format. CEOs probably dont really care.

>> No.10323958

Not how it works, you needed the cd everytime you wanted to play or a crack

>> No.10323981

Be kind, rewind..... fuck showing my age here

>> No.10323996

I worked there for 7 years. First last & only job I've ever had. Sitting on 4 rental properties & living in a 5th now, all paid no debt, waiting for link or sky to moon, living the neet dream quite literally

>> No.10324026
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>> No.10324033

Absolutely 100% yes they deserved it.

"Blockbuster's CEO once passed up a chance to buy Netflix for only $50 million"


>> No.10324044

Same thing is gonna happen to Netflix IMO.

Movies will be financed via ICO, actors and directors get paid in digital tokens. Ownership rights of the movie are transferred on the blockchain.

Adios Jews.

>> No.10324059

I don't think deserves really play into it, they were just heavily invested in a business model that got obsoleted. They could have gotten heavily invested in streaming but it seems like none of these companies survive major technological advances once the newcomers built around it get established.

>> No.10324067

i bet a small video store with 4k blu rays and video games would work.

>> No.10324118

>waiting for link or sky to moon
anon i....

>> No.10324126
File: 63 KB, 675x601, 1529609020362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember renting Automobili Lamborghini and Buck Bumble for n64. Who else played these games? So underrated.

>> No.10324136

gofundme does this in a way. SuperTroopers self funded after the studio told them no. They smashed their target in like 24 hours, raised more money than they needed.

Now only if funders could get a portion of the box office receipts....hmmm

>> No.10324160

IIRC Blockbuster had the chance to buy Netflix and they passed. Blockbuster definitely deserved to go out, basically unchanged business model for the better part of 3 decades. They made the mistake of just continuing to exist rather than sticking their foot into the pool with a fraction of their total available capital. They were probably very scared of making themselves obsolete, however that was going to happen regardless, they just should of road the train and double dipped into both markets. Once most of America started to have half-way decent bandwidth the only markets left were rural areas where internet was either exceedingly slow/and or expensive if it was available at all, but that era is coming to a close.

Kodak has a fully functional digital camera in the early 1970s, they never release it out of fear they would bankrupt themselves since all of their profit was in film development and sales. Well fast forward 2 decades or so and now Kodak is so far behind the market curve they can't hope to catch up.

>> No.10324175

No, there was an install to hard drive option during setup.exe

>> No.10324185

I think the problem with having any sort of return on investment for things of that nature are the SEC regulations on being an actual investor.

>> No.10324199


Yeah but that was during the dotcom crash and Netflix hadn't started the business model that would ultimately make them wildly successful yet. Article says they were still a DVD mailing service at the time.

The much bigger fuck up was not seeing Netflix gain traction as a streaming service and not either buying them out then (for significantly more money obviously) or offering a competing service of their own pronto.

>> No.10324293

Yes they deserved to die and i hope they burn in hell. Arrogance and greed, same thing that ended a lot of record labels.

>> No.10325019

How were you able to get all those rental properties in the first place if that was your only job.

>> No.10325386


I still hum the original CnC soundtrack sometimes.

Those songs were bangers.

>> No.10325426

He didn't. He's making up stories on an anonymous message board.

>> No.10325440

Gets me in the nostalgia too. McDonalds and a movie & video game on Friday sleepover. It was part of the fun.

>> No.10325500

I used to rent N64 games

>> No.10325529

On one hand I agree. Adapt or die. But on the other hand, Redbox is garbage.

>> No.10325604

literal boomers couldnt adapt, just like toysrus and a bunch others.
they deserve everything they get

>> No.10325631

These niggers used to be like:

“Ummm looks like you owe 27 dollars in late fees because you kept your movies for 3 days. “

Look At you now you fucking cunts.

“S...sorry no more late fees. “

No, waaaay too late. And now you’re dead you mother fucker. You died and my unpaid late fees died with you.

>> No.10325666

Nice, people underestimate how much money min wage people with no hobbies or friends can save.
Not saying you're that but... I've been there.

>> No.10325686
