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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 460 KB, 1398x650, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10322729 No.10322729 [Reply] [Original]

will this shit ever fucking end?

>> No.10322743

Can't wait for the real exit scam.

>> No.10323814

of course not, not until the price of clicking is higher than the pot

>> No.10323849

can this ever happen? I think not

>> No.10323963

it can't happen. from 300 to 1000 eth the key price barely doubled. it's roughly x3 pot = x2 key price, so when (not if) the pot will be 10k eth key price will still be a mere 0.004 eth

>> No.10324178

You're assuming the price goes up linearly. It should be exponential (very gradual at the start but getting quicker with more time), otherwise this shit will literally never end, and the devs won't get any money.

People make bots for this sort of thing.

>> No.10324224
File: 105 KB, 666x660, 1510343161265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devs already calculated that even if 50% of the whole ETH supply was in the contract, a key would still only cost 0.125 ETH.

>> No.10324351
File: 99 KB, 649x676, being dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought 1 (one) key for the price of .0004377 eth like less than an hour in the game (iirc) just to see how it goes
still didn't make ROI
don't fall for this pajeetery, biz
whatever they are telling you, it's a lie

>> No.10324387


I bought 100 keys a couple days ago and already broke even...

I also bought a couple of the P3D tokens but those are much slower and will only break even after 2-3 weeks it seems (including the sell price).

>> No.10324396

lol how to spot a liar pajeet 101
i have literal proof i'm at loss and you have BAGS my friend

>> No.10324411

If it gets into >50k eth range it's going to be enough for miners to cooperate and censor transactions.
That would be wonderful, because that would make vitalik angry and cause an emergency hard fork to pos.

>> No.10324425

it's not exponential though, that's the whole point
they designed the game so people could buy keys until the very end
not sure what you're thinking with "devs won't get any money", they get paid on each buy just like any key holder (and they have keys themselves)

that's literally impossible, for starters the pot was already at 200 when key price was .00044 and for second i bought at that time and made roi
post etherscan tx

>> No.10324449

i mean, the only way this could be "true" is if you're retarded and include your transaction cost in your investment
obviously if you pay 21 gas to buy one key your roi is going to be fucked...

>> No.10324464


Lol what proof? I bought in 100 keys I broke even after a couple days. No reason to lie too, don't give a fuck about the 5 ppl in this thread who might be 1% more likely to buy a key.

>> No.10324479
File: 6 KB, 526x185, ss+(2018-07-19+at+12.43.42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inbred shill faggot pajeet fuck off
>0.0004377 eth paid
>0.0004324 eth in vault
never took anything out because i'm not retarded like you


>> No.10324548

>doesn't count lockdown
>didn't refer himself
>1% under roi in divs
yeah ok captain semantics
you're still not posting an actual transaction, understandably so because it'd expose your pajeetry pretending you bought 1 hour in when you actually bought late day 2

>> No.10324580

It can't happen. At least from my perspective. I'm just thinking I should have bought in the beggining but whatever. I'm happy with my p3d.

>> No.10324581
File: 11 KB, 780x346, ss+(2018-07-19+at+12.54.32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>key price is 0.0004377
>you said it was ONLY 200 eth in when the price was 0.00044
>200 eth were in after like 4 minutes
>refering myself for ONE FUCKING KEY AHAHAHAHA
yes, didn't make roi you inbred pajeet cunt

here, your beloved txn
now kindly fuck off

>> No.10324686

nobody cares about your gay ass screenshots where you purposefully obscure the transaction id that would show indisputably you're full of shit on timeline
it took more than a full day to reach 200 eth, your sad lies are pathetic
lockdown is proportional, retard. whether you have 1 key or 10k keys changes nothing, it'd fill up the 1% difference you're crying about
nobody ever advocated buying one single key either. you're a special breed of retard. everyone shills this game as something lasting forever, and you buy a single key and spend 6x as much on the tx fee... brainlet incarnate

>> No.10324782
File: 23 KB, 633x577, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha seething
cope harder pajeet
i've posted plenty of proof and all you do is shill
now FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING RETARD, the other liar gave up, so should you

>> No.10324793

eat shit
>inb4 "hurr it was at 300+ eth right away"
contract balance != pot you humongous retard, people pick snake so pot is roughly 20% of eth invested
graph clearly shows it pumped to around 80 quick, then took time to take off
scoot back to your wagecuck job and get those fries ready, idiot. can't even do middle school math and calls others pajeet. you're a fucking riot, "investing" 20 cents at a time

>> No.10324823

Couldn't you theoretically keep the ETH in a few accounts and link up with a financial institution to gain interest (probably variable) on this every single day until the pot disappears?

Isn't that how venmo/paypal make a fuckton of money?

>> No.10324840
File: 2.38 MB, 320x180, costanza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now show yourself the keyprice graph
and also check my timestamp and the time where the game started you absolute brainlet
you're fucking embarrasing yourself

>> No.10324909

>still hiding behind screenshot
>still trying to hide tx id and address
look out for mister highroller here and his whole 0.15 eth
we get it, you project pajeetry because you have to call everyone "sir" at your mcjob

>> No.10324936
File: 24 KB, 480x497, faget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice argument
>people only have 1 address
maybe that's with your "people" in india
so, no more arguments? thanks. fuck off

>> No.10324940

you guys should invest pyramid schemes always end with the majority making money

>> No.10324970

stop with these dumb ad hominems faggot.
I get it, you 'invested' in a ponzi scheme, lost money and finding new bagholders is your hope.

>> No.10324989

>"bought less than one hour in"
>first game tx 10 days 2 hrs ago
>your tx 9 days 23 hrs ago
>"haven't made roi!"
>lockdown + divs are above price paid
oops x2
>"you're a pajeet shill"
>literally never told anybody to buy
>merely pointed out your bullshit
oops x3

i see i was wrong on the timeline as well, doesn't change you being full of shit from start to finish
now go get me a box of 20 nuggers and a large fries boy, i'll give you a finney for your trouble

>> No.10325021

only if you show me proof of you buying 1000 keys right now mister big-shot

>> No.10325038

>fretting over $40 worth of ether and making 20 cents transactions
sure bud, no doubt your 300 eth stack is right around the corner in a cold wallet
afterall, pathological liars and anime posters are known for being privacy conscious captains of the industry

>> No.10325067
File: 26 KB, 599x337, get cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you also like my private keys with the rest of my addresses?
not like you know what to do with them or with eth since you've obviously put it in a thing literally called scam

>> No.10325068

sure thing, let me drop an extra ether on a game and sign a message just to show up a sad mcjob cunt i already proved wrong
kys my man, let me speak to your manager now

>> No.10325085
File: 2.87 MB, 375x250, look at this faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't even know how to reply on an ANIME imageboard which you lurk and where you talk shit about ANIME AHAHAHA
get bent pajeet

>> No.10325092

>made money back
two minutes ago you were begging to have me buy keys, now you're crying about priv keys as if i asked you to show shit
which i didn't, because it's obvious you don't have shit
shoo shoo, mccuck

>> No.10325115
File: 75 KB, 624x348, shut up nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally retarded
inbred, like the rest of you p3d f3d brainlets

>> No.10325130

let me explain this very slowly for shit-for-brains anime posters who don't know the slightest thing about blockchain
screenshots like you posted don't prove anything, because they can be edited with ease
linking an address doesn't mean anything either, as anyone can link any address
proper way to prove ownership is through something called "signing a message", which lets you use your private key (obviously tied to a relevant public address in this case) to post cryptographically verifiable text
enjoy that slight bit of education, 10 more years of shitposting and we might get you to understand basic math

>> No.10325174

now now, don't go crying in that pillow
see this as a lesson to remember the blockchain is immutable and saying retarded bullshit just makes you look stupid when push comes to shove
also put a hair net on man, geez, don't need that shit near the food