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10322490 No.10322490 [Reply] [Original]

I lost another job after 3 months because Im antisocial. I work production line, I do everything Im asked to do, I dont leave early, I dont disrespect anyone. I just keep to myself and dont engage in their games. Other faggots at work do as much as I do, but they keep chit chatting and what I suspect later go tell on me to the supervisor that I do a shit job just because they hate me for being a weirdo. This is one of the many, many jobs that I lost and I am an immigrant in the UK living with my parents. Would they give me NEETbux if I got diagnosed with something and tell them I cant keep a job?

What the fuck am I doing wrong? I dont give a fuck about being friends with some disgusting stupid faggot at work and entertaining them with jokes or comments about the fucking world cup. FUCK. They all are my age and already have kids and wives, they never did drugs or had porn addiction or bad relationships with parents, I suspect. Fucking sick of this loser, fucked life. I know you probably dont have anything good to say to me, just wanted to vent because IM LINK marine by the way.

>> No.10322522

>What the fuck am I doing wrong?

You're trying to be a normie.
If you put a human in a zoo cage full of orangutans, do you think they will accept him as one of their own?

>> No.10322524

I was about to show some empathy until I read your last sentence.

Fuck you OP.

>> No.10322535

I'm from UK too mate. I also hate the people I work with. Try to be amicable on the surface.

>> No.10322546

How the fuck do I support myself if I keep losing jobs? I already realise that I need to save money and invest it and thats what I was doing, but still need a source of income

>> No.10322566

>immigrant in bongistan
M8 wtf are you doing? You can literally go and punch a white male in the face, sue him and get money.

>> No.10322573

Fake it. /thread

>> No.10322594

I am a white male

yeah but you have some sort of job I bet where you actually deal with human beings, your level is higher than mine. My job was doing menial monkey type physical labour and sweeping around

>> No.10322605

Porn addiction omg u bongs are fucking soft fags. Shitty parents and a porn addiction. Sorry to be a cunt but that doesn’t sound too bad in the scale of things. Unless your parents raped you, and that seems like something popular in the UK these days.

>> No.10322609

get out of our country you fuckin paki cunt, try not being a pajeet scammer learn2english

>> No.10322632

Im a slav

Obviously Im not saying that I have the hardest life in the world just my retardation is preventing me from living even the basic life consisting of supporting myself and eating, sleeping etc.

>> No.10322634


nope, independent researcher. Just fake you have family issues or something

>> No.10322696


anon try this http://digital-fortunes.co
Just listen to me for a sec before you say its a scam: If this takes off and normies pick up you may end up rich and not having to work

>> No.10322703

frick off

>> No.10322712

I lost my last job for pretty much this same shit aswell, my lead told my boss he doesn't like me or someshit or "I just don't fit in" even though I do all the worked asked of me, haven't taken any time off or been late once and I get fired over a guy who took 1 week off literally barely a month into his employment and literally barely does fuck all other then chit-chat with the lead.

My good friend told me this: we don't live in a meritocracy, you have to be social to get to places and keep your shit and desu I gotta agree 100% with him. Unless you work government shit.

>> No.10322713


No, am a NEET who has nothing to lose

>> No.10322719

Good analogy. I've been ostracized at work for not being a normie, despite doing a good job and doing nothing wrong. All because I don't care about the Sportsball or watch Game of Thrones or whatever is popular now. I don't even have video streaming services like Netflix

>> No.10322759

Im not clicking your link mate

yeah but I dont want to "get to places" I just want to keep that simple job for a while so I can save up some money and try to do something with it. Apparently thought thats not an option

>> No.10322794


Fuck it ok then, dont say I didnt shill it to you!

>> No.10322797

How about you fucking defend yourself and show you're a capable worker to your boss? Also you don't have to suck your coworkers' dicks to get them to fucking like you. Just say good fucking morning when you walk into a room with them jesus fucking christ anon no one's asking you to be best fucking friends with them.

>> No.10322808


What country you from originally?

UK here. I work in an office full of normies and just LARP as a normie during the day. The key is to keep them pacified by taking part in their usual normie rituals such as talking about what was on TV, having very bland and centrist political correct opinions, not stepping outside of the collective boundaries of the herd.

Normies love drama and politics in the workplace. You have to literally be prepared to backstab others before they do it to you. You might hate it and think it is a shitty way to live but this is how they like to live, and if you don't at least have the ability to utilise this against them then you will always fall foul of the normie herd.

Always be nice to roasties, they are the ones from which information travels around the office and they hold the key to your reputation. They will shit talk about you and that will spread like wildfire. Beta normies will tow the line of the roasties and ostracise you to win their approval.

The key is knowing you are not like them, using that to your advantage.

>t. literal sociopath

>> No.10322862

because the agency told me Im not needed, not the boss

and I greeted them every time I've seen them. I ask them how they are and I even made some small talk with them, I wasnt antagonistic with them. I think that I was 99% there to fake it but they smelled it, or I said too much sometimes. Like I say the truth instead of lying and it fucks me up

I did present very bland political views and take part in their rituals. I thinkt that I did a few social mistakes that fucked me up royally, but Im on my way to becoming like you. I already have another same type of job lined up doing monkey work, and praying to God to keep this one

>> No.10322885


I know you're a retarded slav, but there's a certain level politeness expected in the UK. Even our social retards can manage to say 'morning' to their co-workers, even if they don't speak for the rest of the fucking day. Deal with it, you whining cunt.

>> No.10322897

I say good morning and I am polite

>> No.10322931

You're acting like half the people who work in offices, not exactly special. The sociopaths are executives, not office rats.

>> No.10322953

Then idk what the problem is because i've worked with plenty of antisocial types and nobody has ever been sacked for it. Employers prefer them.

>> No.10322983
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How do you justify a situation where half of your duty is performing the task at hand, and the OTHER half of your duty is being a performing monkey for cretins who would stab you in the back at a moment's notice?

>> No.10322994

Nah, i'm kind of like this guy. I'll admit that I have social problems and it's not just 'not being a normie' but people start to hate you if you don't talk with them all the time. It was most prevalent at retail jobs or line work where people have fuck all to do but gossip and bullshit. Less people gave a fuck when I was doing manual labor. I'll do basic pleasantries like say hello and good morning and whatnot, but I just never approach anyone and bullshit or make jokes or anything and everyone ends up hating me after a month or so. I've never been flat out fired because I do my work, but they will start to do shit like slack off and leave work for me, constantly ask me to take their shifts, I won't get selected for any opportunities, etc.

Just stop giving a fuck man, I know it's hard but just find another job and do your jobs well. The agency might have let you go because they genuinely only needed you for a small amount of time. Fuck your stupid coworkers though, don't let them turn a shit experience into a shittier one. Just ignore them and move forward. There's always a couple cool people and a big in-group of faggots at every job i've had. They're the type to go to those shitty company events because they're insecure and can't handle anyone not liking them.

>> No.10322997

>>t. literal sociopath
More like
>t. R*ddit.
The most cringe post I've ever read on 4chan.
>politically correct
You have to go back with OP, Muhammed.

>> No.10323060

> I am an immigrant in the UK living with my parents. Would they give me NEETbux if
fuck off back to where you came from

>> No.10323069

probably just be social. you may be surprised to discover it makes you feel good

>> No.10323088

I used to work at production line for some shitty sandwich factory in London called greencore. Same fucking situation, immigrant and didnt want to talk about useless stuff with anybody but i realized i have to fucking swallow being around these types of people if i want to keep my job. Where I worked everyone was fucking retarded and immature, everybody acted like they were in high school so the social pressure was there... everybody was friendly to the romanian manager sluts and if i didnt start to act like them they would make jokes and talk shit to the managers about me so I wouldnt be able to work more ours and they would be the ones to get the extra hours. You have to fit in no matter how hard it is if you really need the money. When you get to the point where you're feeling comfortable with the amount you saved up and think it will be enough for you until you find another job then just treat this job like you don't care about it and try to find something else.
Believe me there is no other way, i tried many times but speaking with a superior about this issue will solve nothing. They dont care about it

>> No.10323119

I was OP for 2 whole years at my job and eventually something just clicked and I became a normie.

You gotta grind those social skills

>> No.10323121

I dont have a place to go. I dont steal, I dont deal weed, I just work. Why do you hate me? I speak your language better than any other immigrant Ive met

>> No.10323211

It just feels so much like defeat; to have to admit inferiority to these petty fucks and suck up to them, just to appease their fickle moods.

>> No.10323310

Everybody hates being at work. People consider their attempts to socialize another kind of work. So if they are "working", and you are not giving back, then, they might resent you for it.

Here are my rules:

1. Act interested in their opinions and what they have to say as if they were friends

2. Never say a bad thing about anybody

3. compliment people, ask them questions about their lives and be prepared to talk about your own

I know it sucks but these skills are life skills and you can't be a hermit until you make it so...

You might want to try getting a job that forces you to work with the public and bullshit with people. like a restaurant or bar or entertainment venue. Bullshitting is a key life skill. A job where you don't develop any skills (Charisma is a skill) isn't worth your time

>> No.10323333

>because Im antisocial.
stopped reading there
you're not antisocial, you're just a dick
stop trying to romanticize your shitty attitude

>> No.10323364

Welcome to the world. Fit in at work. Live life at home the way YOU want

>> No.10323392

Learn primitive skills like fishing

>> No.10323755

Best advice ITT kek
'Morning m8 how was your weekend'

>> No.10323813


>> No.10323909

Learn programming, it's the perfect profession for autists. Long term you will need learn basic socials skills to interact with normies in the real world, but if possible, it's better to work in an environment where people are more like you. I was in your position,where I nearly got fired many times because of being autistic,but eventually I learned enough social skills to do well. However faking being a normie all the time is miserable and I still hated my job. I quit to trade crypto full time, am much happier now even though I've been getting fucked in this bear market. In case this doesn't work out, I'm thinking of ways I can start my own business (other than trading), and am trying to learn programming on the side to possibly work in the tech industry

>> No.10324007

Think how you want to be and you will be it. Think like a loser, be a loser.

>> No.10324106

Been a scam linker buyer shows the low scumbag brainlet you are
Enjoy been poor and incel forever fagget

>> No.10324143

Even worse. Leave.

>> No.10324238
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>tfw you want to be that wierd dude at work no one wants to speak to instead you're the guy people always come to if they want to talk

>tfw you tell em you don't have any friends or social life and that you hate interacting with other people but they just ignore it and proceed to talk to you about theire marriage issues

just kill me

>> No.10324295

I hear you man, I don't want sports and I don't want to talk about the fucking worldd cup

>> No.10324304

Slavs are ok but can you not understand why people from the UK might not like immigration? It’s doesnt really matter if you speak English better than most immigrants although it’s better than nothing

It’s a numbers thing as much as anything. Where do you live? Most places in the UK are crowded shit holes. Immigrants from worse off countries happily accept a low standard of living - sharing a house, low wages, etc - which pushes rent prices up and wages down

I’m sure you’re an ok guy but can you not understand why many people don’t care if you speak English better than other immigrants?

>> No.10324336

Whats wrong with porn addiction???

>> No.10324386

Contd. don’t want to turn into /pol/ but...

The last shared house I lived in one of my house mates was a Romanian immigrant. He lived with his pregnant gf in this tiny room and the rest of us were a bunch of working lads in their 20s.

Compared to where he came from, that was a preferable situation in which to raise a child. But historically people from the UK have enjoyed a higher standard of living where a young couple could expect their own place on an average salary

Now British people are having to compete with people who are prepared to live like these people from worse off countries and it’s bringing our standard of living down. I’m not saying it’s the only factor but it’s a bit of a coincidence that the number of new houses that would have to be built per year to keep prices stable is almost exactly the same as annual net migration to the UK (~250,000)

>> No.10324445

Maybe try peeling the face off of one of your co-workers and wearing it? That might help you fit in.

>> No.10324625

Get a job in security. Do a patrol every hour, log down everything and then do what you want. Watch movies, TV, Studying.

>> No.10325343

>Not talking to people 24/7 makes you a dick
Why are you people so delusional?

>> No.10325391

>bully coworkers
>get fired
