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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10318549 No.10318549 [Reply] [Original]

post some guys

>> No.10318593

lol. that picture is SAD. that goy probably doesn't even understand how the blockchain works.

>> No.10318634

The only thing missing from your pic is that guy ending his post saying that's why he went all in on xrp at $3 kek.

>> No.10318702


>> No.10318753

He's actually right, except for the "hacking bitcoin" thing. You can create a cryptos out of thin air.

>> No.10318922

so what

shitcoin #4323 is worth nothing

>> No.10318945

>You can create a cryptos out of thin air.
Which is why I'm on the fence about the whole "protecting people from themselves" thing.
On the one hand, I believe people should be able to lose money to crypto or equity scams / injure themselves without nanny state interference.
But on the other, the people who lose money to markets end up on the public dole, and the ones that don't wear seatbelts/helmets suck all kinds of money out of the healthcare system.

>> No.10318976

>eliminate gibs
Problem solved.

>> No.10318996

i am a nocoiner but an oldfag, what alts should i buy today? I have 5k to start with ?

>> No.10319006

unironically platform alts


>> No.10319059

>platform alts
i will dmor but you mean like walton, wan, nano?

>> No.10319131

Buy Jibrel Network. Thank yourself later. https://www.unlock-bc.com/news/2018-07-18/jibrel-network-announcing-major-projects-in-the-middle-east

>> No.10319159

holy shit that guy is retarded

>> No.10319180

It's easy to hack bitcoins... it's just data, so you can copy/paste bitcoins

>> No.10319202

pajeet shill or does this have the white man's support?

>> No.10319292

I have blue eyes and light hair. 100% aryan approved.

>> No.10319321

eos ada tezos neo ark

>> No.10319329

Stop promoting pajeets shit then, faggots 11th

>> No.10319346


>> No.10319633

t. pajeet who put in blue contacts and died his hair blonde

>> No.10319758

You wish, you mutt. Pure European breed.

>> No.10320533


So you're a cuck then? Dropped.

>> No.10320567

But they aren't fungible, hence why they have different prices. The supply of coin A can't be changed just because someone makes coin B.

>> No.10320710

Yeah, but while I think it would push a lot of people to work, it would also make a percentage (perhaps a large, unacceptable percentage) desperate and angry enough to cause serious problems.

>> No.10320857
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, nocoiners dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10320984

There will be a growing pains period but they will eventually learn from their mistakes or die out. People fall for phishing scams and fake insurances all the time, this isn’t much different.

>> No.10321826

In the meantime, a lot of those rules are still in place. Ever hear the ppl on this board complain about the pattern day trader rule? I don't know who at the SEC came up with $25K, but it's apparently how much you need to have in order to make intelligent financial decisions.