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File: 22 KB, 804x743, 1518248769014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10318303 No.10318303 [Reply] [Original]

It seems as if many of you unironically still believe in a dead 2016 meme deity called Kek. This alone makes you a pack of brainlets, but I'm going to try to be civil here. So let me set the record straight:
>choosing to unironically believe in the 'chaos god' Kek in 2018
Sure, to each his own. I get that it was fun back when it looked like everyone was getting digits and that the posts were seemingly coming true, but they aren't now and they never will again. That's right, numbers are in fact just numbers even when they repeat.
>thinking that a meme deity would predictably help you make it
Believing in a meme god? Whatever lad. Believing in a chaos god from ancient egypt that rules through repeating numbers? Cringy, but I'll ignore this for the sake of argument. Believing that a so-called 'chaos god' would PREDICTABLY help a specific group of people every time? That's just downright retarded, even when you ignore the rest of the bullshit. If I were this Kek of yours, I'd trick you faggots into JUSTing yourselves to suicide just for the laughs.

>> No.10318391

It seems as if many of you unironically still believe in a dead 2016 meme deity called Kek. This alone makes you a pack of brainlets, but I'm going to try to be civil here. So let me set the record straight:
>choosing to unironically believe in the 'chaos god' Kek in 2018
Sure, to each his own. I get that it was fun back when it looked like everyone was getting digits and that the posts were seemingly coming true, but they aren't now and they never will again. That's right, numbers are in fact just numbers even when they repeat.
>thinking that a meme deity would predictably help you make it
Believing in a meme god? Whatever lad. Believing in a chaos god from ancient egypt that rules through repeating numbers? Cringy, but I'll ignore this for the sake of argument. Believing that a so-called 'chaos god' would PREDICTABLY help a specific group of people every time? That's just downright retarded, even when you ignore the rest of the bullshit. If I were this Kek of yours, I'd trick you faggots into JUSTing yourselves to suicide just for the laughs.

>> No.10318449
File: 141 KB, 971x565, 1531692950942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great autismo detective work OP
> Is this pasta?
If it ain't it is now

>> No.10318523
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, PicsArt_07-18-10.39.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10318533

Yeah it is

>> No.10318548

Nah I made this shit up because I want you all to leave.

>> No.10318636
File: 197 KB, 802x616, pepewhitehorsedeath2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting to risk the wrath of chaos this badly

>> No.10318750

My point is that you think that a chaos deity would just sit down and be your bitch and that doesn't make any sense. If anything, he'd agree with my sentiment.

>> No.10318787

leddit Kekistanis are heretics. Linkies are the original cult's true successors.

>> No.10318818

You're still deflecting. What makes you think a chaos god would be predictable by always lending you a helping hand? A chaos god would not feel loyalty, because loyalty makes one predictable. Who is to say he wouldn't help you one time but fuck you over the next just to keep things interesting?

>> No.10318887
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1519158360084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright we will have it your way. Digits on this post and Kek means to help LINKers succeed and I apologize for my ranting. No digits and I am correct that it makes no sense for Kek to have any particular loyalties.