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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 1200x750, 40555UNILAD-imageoptim-edward-norton-fight-club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10317877 No.10317877 [Reply] [Original]

>1 Your boss is going to be an asshole and you can do nothing about it
>2 Your boss will set you up to fail if he wants to get rid of you
>3 You will fail most likely if you have bad inherited genetics, mental and social IQ
>4 If you ask for help you will be belittled and seen as lazy, annoying and not a "self starter"
>5 Most job postings by employers are fake as a means to convince regulators they need to import cheap labour because they can't "fill their positions"
>6 Most jobs have between 100 - 10000 people applying per position
>7 Most people have to apply to hundreds of jobs before even getting an interview or an offer
>8 Those people who find it easy to get a job is through nepotism, favouritism and lookism
>9 Those people who succeed in their jobs do it through a combination of good inherited genetics, mental and social IQ, and luck which all influence nepotism and favouritism
>10 Your friends will not come to your aid when you most need it
>11 You are going to hate your job so much that you'll get used to it - stockholm syndrome
>12 Your rent will keep going up but your salary will stay constant or even get cut
>13 Your landlord is going to be an asshole and you can do nothing about it

Any more? Post em..

>> No.10317972


>> No.10317974

You're a weak loser

>> No.10317988

Holy shit man you seem to be at the absolute bottom of the food chain. I’ve never had serious issues with my superiors in the 6 jobs I’ve worked.

>> No.10318024
File: 59 KB, 208x240, SinfulJadedAmbushbug-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stockholm syndrome

>> No.10318046

K then. Whatever makes you stay in your bubble, fren.

>> No.10318063

This is some sad shit. There are plenty of great jobs in good companies with good people that you can get along with. Don't be such a cuck loser.

>> No.10318158
File: 486 KB, 720x960, 31BCDDFD-5604-4353-A747-F4D9CA9B3F43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading this while at my residence of work a half hour early
>sitting and reading 4chan stupidity like this to bide my time before I make hard-earned money the right way
>still have money in crypto that's gradually accumulating and helping me along my young life's journey
>getting giggles out of OP's venting of not being able to socialize and fit in with society and trying to pass off his anguish and false sense of enlightenment to the rest of humanity

>getting this ass-shitted over work
>getting this naggy-numbed over societal norms
>getting this quonbobbled over failing to fit in

Get skorgy bitch shilled, kid. You're shit

>> No.10318206
File: 478 KB, 1178x1462, 1530041447516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont even bother reading that since you failed to bring what you promised, 13 out of 1001.
pic related is about you.