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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10317168 No.10317168 [Reply] [Original]

It kills me to see Lamden so undervalued. This is a coin that has gone up hundreds of percents in a bare market.

I remember buying this coin from their ICO and was pretty optimistic about it, tbvh it didn't disappoint as I had the opportunity to sell them at 10 cents but I chose not to because I personally feel that there's more to TAU. Possibly the main thing I'm waiting for right now is TAU's mainnet as I personally feel that will be the time when things will take wild swings.

Lamden offers everything that any other platform offers that too at a way cheap price (cheapest I should say). Sooner or later we will see lamden standing toe-to-toe with the market leaders and will be referred as the new LAMBO.

>> No.10317188

buy my bags

>> No.10317192

Stu and the team have clearly stated that we will be moving forward with community feedback and support.

He had many discussions about pros and cons with the community members.

>> No.10317208

Regardless of that,

Lamden is a very good AIO coin, and we are constantly spoiled with development updates, these guys are delivering like insane.

>> No.10317216
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>oh look another TAU thread

The Pajeet fears nothing more than the truth and he tries hard to kill every last bit of it in his thread. But since he is nothing but an empty uniform he will be easily overwhelmed and once his tread becomes a little bit to honest he will just abandon it, let it slide to death and create another one.

Cryptocurrencies are basically another “Cargo Cult” to the Pajeet. It is like some wired white mans magic to him. He thinks that he can just copy the code of Bitcoin, call it Bitnote, Bytecoin, Bitcoin Platinum or Super Bitcoin and it will will be just as good as the real thing. He does not understand that there needs to be a final buyer who will actually buy it because he has a real world need for it. With Bitcoin there were stoners who needed Bitcoin to order some weed on the internet. There was a pedophile named Bob who was trying to hide his purchases of child pornography. And there were many Ling-Lings in China who were trying to avoid communist capital controls. Pajeet however cannot differentiate between real world application and speculators speculating on selling their shitcoins to other speculators who try to do the same. To him volume was as good as utility and his shitcoin is as good Bitcoin. In his confusion he felt cheated and blamed the white man for his failure.

>> No.10317222
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I would, If I could.

>> No.10317229
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On another occasion he saw Monero rising and so he stole the code and cloned himself a new coin only to watch it die after a few months of pump and dump. He never understood that some people started to develop ways to connect certain wallets with certain individuals and that this created the need for a new coin with privacy features. Some people got also concerned that ASCI mining would lead to centralization and that this created the need for a coin that could be mined with a regular CPU. And so he once again in his confusion felt cheated blamed the white man for his failure.

Then he saw Ethereum exploding and so he stole the code and cloned himself a new coin only to watch it die after a few months of pump and dump. He never understood that more and more people with legitimate business interests used cryptocurrencies and that this would created the need for automatic payments in the form of smartcontracts. And so he once again in his confusion he felt cheated blamed the white man for his failure.

But then he finally got the idea that every new somewhat successful coin had something new in it. And so he one again steals himself a piece of code but also adds a feature only to watch it die after a few months of pump and dump. He never understood that nobody needed his new feature Z and saw another coin mooning. And so he once again in his confusion he felt cheated blamed the white man for his failure.

>> No.10317246
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There is however an even dumber and even more fraudulent group of Pajeets who claim to have created the new Bitcoin or new Ethereum. It takes a substantial improvement to convince people to abandon one standard in favor of another and there is no chance for a shitcoin to become the new Bitcoin if earlier even better coins have failed. This is basically the rock bottom of all shitcoins and scamtokens in the whole cryptosphere and the absolute low-point of the Ganges with respect to Pajeets.

>> No.10317271
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>be autistic fucker
>Alarm goes off
>Wake up in basement filled with dirty diapers and old curry
>"I-I-I must tell the good sirs!"
>Severe cognitive damage requires me to post this every 3 and a half hours or the seizures start
>go to /biz/
>subject thread: Altcoins..
>select usual file: DISGUST.jpg, 50KB, 450x437
>Family has lost any hope of me being a productive member of society
>Eat stale curry vindaloo as I post the same old charts and line graph
>Post the retarded image of charlie lee as diarrhea dribbles out my asshole
>They don't understand, but poor grasp of English makes it hard to argue
>Settle for posting tale of Pajeet.
>But i'm pajeet as well?
>Abandon thread and set alarm
>They must the truth

>> No.10317296
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>It kills me to see Lamden so undervalued
I hope it does

>no one needs your feature Z
>you always failed to explain how your features are of use to anyone
>see >>10317229
>it is clear now that your empty promise of "business will come" is just another pajeet lie

>> No.10317373
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Good stuff.

>> No.10317511

Lamden's ultimate goal is to facilitate the creation and use of blockchain technology for enterprises.

To achieve this, Lamden offers an open source developer's tool kit that allows businesses to launch their own fully-customizable private or public, blockchain in minutes.

The 4 main components of Lamden’s developer suite are Saffron, Flora, Clove and Cilantro.

Allows the creation of fully customizable blockchains in minutes. Similar to what ‘Squarespace’ does for web building, Saffron does for blockchain creation.

The smart contract package manager is a one-stop-shop for smart contracts, app creation and tuning.

Lamden's atomic swap engine allows the instantaneous and trustless trading of crypto assets and currencies (currently supporting 1,000 different tokens like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, ERC20, and soon Neo).

Clove also allows blockchains to exchange assets or data packages with other blockchains, even if they are based on different protocols. This will allow your shiny new blockchain to communicate with any other blockchain (think about the supply chain integration possibilities this offers).

Also, using Clove Lamden has developed different implementations to take advantage of this technology:

1. ClovePay
A Clove API that allows merchants to accept payments in any currency and receive it in any other of his choosing.

Furthermore Lamden is creating tokenized fiat pairings so that merchants can also receive payments in any fiat currency and instantly convert it to the cryptocurrency of their choice. Conversely, they can accept payments in any crypto and receive it in fiat. We like to call it the PayPal killer!

>> No.10317519

2. LamdeX
Also based on Clove comes our very own crypto/fiat exchange. By using atomic swaps, users can exchange between any of the 1,000 tokens supported on the network and/or our tokenized fiat pairings (i.e. crypto-crypto / crypto-fiat / fiat-crypto / fiat-fiat).

3. LamdeX Pro
A currency exchange engine that allows existing exchanges to increase the tokens offered to their clients to any and/or all of the 1,000 tokens already exchangeable. Additionally, it allows for exchanges to create trustless shared market pools to exponentially increase liquidity and thus create a better service and overall experience for their customers. (Note: I suggest an option for PRO users, to stake, say 1 million TAU, and get free Oracle verification)

4. LamdeX Wallet
Store, send and receive any crypto and store it as any other crypto. Fast, safe and easy to use. Metamask meets atomic swaps!

Lamden’s mission is set to increase the adoption of blockchain so that innovation can flourish.

To do so effectively, a blockchain with highly attractive features must exist, however, currently existing options like Ethereum or Bitcoin are very limited (i.e. they are very good for one thing and not so much for another). Thus they would carry their own limitations onto new blockchains based on them.

Therefore, a project with a non-limiting blockchain, free, lighting-fast transactions, future-proof governance, ever-evolving infrastructure and atomic swaps naturally embedded in its core was necessary.

So, the final piece of the puzzle was to create such a blockchain. We called it Cilantro and it will be deployed on Q4 2018.

Blockchains based on Cilantro will easily allow 10,000 tx/sec and will be fully customizable to meet the very different needs of companies.

Moreover, Cilantro hosts our Token, TAU, with which holders will be able to stake for profit and/or help its infrastructure by setting up a 100k TAU masternode (Obelisks) or 10k TAU Witnesses.

>> No.10317550
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10k Transactions per second

sidechain capable

Powered by solid lang like Python

240 Mil T.Supply

zero Transaction cost

only 7 cents

Based in Switzerland

These are a few check boxes you see and the others can be seen in this chart

>> No.10317581

People often accuse Lamden for not providing updates and keep themselves away from the community, which to me is a false claim as I personally keep a track of their weekly updates and It feels so good that they are punctual in it.

Since December here are the updates:

- 10 active developers working on the project
- Lamden has 4 suites Clove, Cilantro, Saffron, Flora
-Atomic swaps activated
- Lamden Clove swap interface is created.
- Lamden is going to launch its mainnet in Q4 '18
-Lamden has announced to make it own DEX in 2019
- Tokenized fiat for switching easily bw fiat and Tau.

>> No.10317615


It sounds funny to me when people claim that the coin is dying and it won't survive in the market.

ALTs can survive when they are :

-Create Adoption
-Have use-case

These points sum-up TAU.

>> No.10317641


-10k TPS
-Sidehchain capability
- Python powered
-Atomic swaps
- MN
-ZERO TX fee

I won't call any of this 'shit' and considering the price it offers at.

>> No.10318324
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It’s not only that the Pajeet lacks morals and higher aspirations but also the very intelligence to understand such concepts. In particular he is oblivious toward the concept of value. Whenever you ask him about the fundamentals of the coin he can only give you features.

>Pajeet: My shitcoin will be listed on some ABC-exchange
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has only 1$ market cap
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has feature-X
>real human: how does this change the fact that this is still a shitcoin?
At this point the Pajeet only understands that some criticism has been uttered but he does not understand the nature of the critique.
>Pajeet: Pajeet detected. Stay poor you shill. Feature-Z is the future.

reminder >>10317296
>thread was supposed to look like normal people posting and reasuring each other in their hype
>thread is now filled with copy pasta
>enjoy your thread Sugdiep Dat Hardig

>> No.10318717

why is it better than Ark and Komodo?

>> No.10318808

Or Neblio, for that matter.