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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10316730 No.10316730 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw 28 year old loser working retail in a grocery store
>see former classmate come in while I’m in my stupid uniform
>I try to hide but his eyes meet mine
>the look he gave me just said “I’m sorry man”
God damnit /biz/ crypto was my last hope, being a NEET is more respectable than working retail at my age, I can’t afford to move out of my parents and I’m literally having to ride the bus like pic related until I can afford a new transmission. LARPs aside has anyone else gotten out of this situation? My bags are too heavy to sell and I invested a large portion of my savings in crypto in January. I can’t be the only loser on /biz/ right? Everyone pretending to be millionaires and engineers is a meme?

>> No.10316747

>Everyone pretending to be millionaires and engineers is a meme?
9 times out of 10

>> No.10316750

Learn welding

>> No.10316761


>> No.10316762

maybe move to a company that permits upward mobility. or learn a trade

>> No.10316764

You can get a CDL and make more money but welcome to a whole new level of slavery.

>> No.10316785

90% of people on /biz/ are total losers that come here to cope through the power of larp. That includes most crypto "millionaires" too.

>> No.10316803

seen some meat head chad from highschool a few weeks ago
apparently hes a fucking software engineer now with a trophy wife

>> No.10316809

I'm going to be a student until 33/34.

>> No.10316813

I'm a 28 yr old retail working fag also. 2 classes away from getting my MBA though so there's light at the end of the tunnel at least

>> No.10316815

found the loser that come here to cope through the power of larp.

>> No.10316821

Don't worry OP, I'm a 25 year old graduate student, will hopefully be a doctor of science next year, and then afterwards who knows.

Why am I telling you this?

Im from a working class area. Before I went to university I worked retail for 4 years. It was so easy, pay was steady and not too bad, I knew where I stood, I had a laugh with my co-workers, a few shitty bosses in different places but mostly everyone had a good time. I had a good social life, and worked very little, looking back. It was fun. Keep saving and doing crypto/investments, doesn't matter what your job is. Learn about retail while you're there. You never know what the future holds. And I look back now and miss working in retail a bit.

Grass isn't always greener on the other side. Remember higher paying jobs always mean more stress and responsibilities.

>> No.10316838

>Newfag buys at the top sells low and wonders why he is a loser
Seriously OP did you jump into crypto without knowing a thing about trading in the first place? Thanks for your bags

>> No.10316847

Ima be totally honest with you.

Im from Sweden, spent a year in america doing research at a university. At uni, everyone was very well off, i wasnt. Im not used to having a car, so i took the bus whenever i wanted to go to the mall.

In my estimation, even people working at the mall have a good life. But youre americans, you just dont know what you have, and i dont mean materially. As a Swede, i probably live better than alot of Americans, but you have an immense freedom, you are surrounded by alot of people who are ambitious, who have less fear, more open, less bullshit.

Here in Sweden, sure, you can ride that car or w/e. Id still say you are better off than the majority of, say, Swedes at 28 y/o.

Ofc i realize it hurts, when some supposedly more toptier guy walks in. That said, alot of things can happen. Make use of the gifts you have as an american man! If you have a strong body and mindset, you can work alot and there are not as many socialists who will claim that work for themselves. If you want to go for it, you can.

And i guess, in the end, that is whats bothering you. Its not your job, its not crypto, none of that. Its the opportunities you have, but are afraid to use. Do it man, just do it.

>> No.10316862

don't spend a dollar that you don't have to spend

>> No.10316869
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Anon you try telling that to the rest of your peers and people you went to school with. The shame of being a minimum wage cuck at 28 living with parents is almost unbearable, you can forget any chance of a girl when you’re in my situation. Is it worth going back to school? I just wanted to make it off of ICX and ETH anons why did the market have to die and I lost all my money? I don’t want to wear stupid uniforms and hats anymore.

>> No.10316877

after food transport and bills WTF is left when you are wagecucking

>> No.10316912

>As a Swede, i probably live better than alot of Americans, but you have an immense freedom

not memeing, just curious on what "freedom" you think we have compared to other first world countries like yours?

>> No.10316969

the "freedom" to wagecuck 24/7 so you can afford that second mortgage fro Stace of course

>> No.10317030

29 yo college dropout here. Basically wasted my 20s being lazy. Now I'm working as a support team member of a sexcam website. Been wondering if I should go back to college and get a degree but time is running out. Crypto is unironically my only chance to make it

>> No.10317056

Kek please tell us more about your work.

What kind of support you have to give?

>> No.10317066

why not go get a career instead of coasting in life like an asshole.

31 boomer here who has 2 degree's and I was able to quit my job to trade crypto full time. Yes, unlike most I actually made this into a profitable profession.....you're lazy. That is all.

>> No.10317107
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>> No.10317126

Understanding american freedom is difficult.

As i see it, even wagecuckery 14h/day in America is more free than having a supposedly whitecollarjob in Sweden. Cause in America, there is no roof, psychologically, financially or w/e. Meanwhile peeps in Sweden are like; "yeah, i may have a little more decked-out Volvo" but thats it. Having money or not having money in Sweden is about what kinds of brands you wear or so. Having money or not having money in USA affects how you live. You can live entirely different lives there. There is so much to see, and people (knowing that its up to them, if they want food on the table or not) are using more of their gifts.

Sweden is safe, and so on, but thats it. There is a standard defined box for everyone, only like 0.5% percentile can rise above it. In USA, i think like 30% can easily define their life in its entirery. Its up to them.

Even IF you dont make use of this freedom, you still feel it. But as i said before, Americans may take it for granted and they dont see an alternative. For me, when i come to the USA, i feel it right as i leave the airplane. This gift you have is, as i see it, worth even wagecucking for.

>> No.10317134

It's basically maintenance. Unlock pictures, videos, help the shows getting started and and answering their questions, help users if they have any problems and also help the webmasters if they need any. That's the basic works, then I have additional tasks like doing some light Webdesign for new projects etc. Most of the support job is really brainless though and I feel like getting dumber every day

>> No.10317211

I work in IT as a systems admin, but my last day is in a few weeks.

I moved to a new city with my GF, but we broke up just after Christmas. I haven't connected with my colleagues or made any friends here, so very lonely. Meanwhile she's made loads of friends at uni, feels really shit man.

I'm going to move back in with my parents for a bit, see friends in my hometown and then decide what to do next. I'll probably travel over Europe if I get over the social anxiety

I started investing in Crypto in Summer 2017, I've cashed out £11k and still have just under £17k. Also got £19k in stocks, so I'm pretty safe financially, just depressed with my life

>> No.10317252

At least you have a career anon, I haven’t gotten laid in 3 years or had a GF in 4. After girls hit the age of 24 they all want a CEO or someone who makes six figures. I’m either going back to school or becoming a drug dealer I can’t stand being a minimum wage cuck anymore.

>> No.10317253

If he thought about it for more than 5 seconds he'd realize what a cunt he was, not everyone is employed and certainly not everyone is doing a good job and even less people than that are doing the job their degrees prepared them for. Don't give up anon I'm working in a kitchen at 29 but at least I have a job.

>> No.10317269

What are you holding? What is your biggest bag?

>> No.10317312

The statistics reveal that it is a myth that you can arise of your class in USA. Your 30% is absurd.

>> No.10317319

He clearly says he didn't sell, dumbfuck

>> No.10317330


>As i see it, even wagecuckery 14h/day in America is more free than having a supposedly whitecollarjob in Sweden.

Lol, that makes literally no fucking sense. Wagecucking 14h/day sounds like hell to me. I think you've watched too many american movies bro.

>> No.10317341

You were here probably in 2014 laughing at the idea of buying bitcoin for 200 bucks.

>> No.10317355


I have 2 of them, guys. Now I trade crypto full-time.

>> No.10317362

You’re a lil fucking bitch aren’t you? Get a fucking trade you mutt.

>> No.10317370

>you are surrounded by a lot of people who are ambitious, who have less fear, more open, less bullshit

Western Europoor reporting in. This is your strongest asset. The constant complacency of most people around me is killing my soul, even as a marketeer. Having a conversation with an American on a holiday is always a breath of fresh air. Seriously, you have no idea how important that "thing" is

>> No.10317396

Im 25 and have a temp agency job on a production line, soing menial stupid shit that makes my brain rot every day. Live with my parents, no friends, no sex

OP at least your job makes you interact with people and you're still a real human being, I'm more like a ghost, a silhouette in the shadows of society

>> No.10317405

I remember Bitcoin being worth pennies. I remember seeing Bitcoin giveaways on /b/ in 2009 or 2010. I remember telling my brother
how Bitcoin just hit $200 and that we're too late. I also remember telling him again when Bitcoin hit $2000 and finally I bought in

>> No.10317418

you will start to lose your soul just now and fully became a slave living your life on automation

>> No.10317440

I know, I need to get a better job in 2 months with some sort of human interaction, even a call center or waiting tables or something. Im saving up money to invest later into something, also owning LINK

also Im writing a book since my life is fucked up and I have a lot to write about. I lived in 3 countries in my life and seen some shit

>> No.10317472

I'm not as cucked as you but I'm not an engineer. 50k in NYC which is barely getting by. I need to make it, can't do this any longer. Only been in the workforce 3.5 years, how do people do this their whole lives?

>> No.10317501
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ETH and ICX I got absolutely GOOK’d I bought ICX at 6.50. I’m down over 50% my initial investment.

>> No.10317506

it literally doesnt matter what anyone else think as long as you are okay with it
which seemingly you arent
sorry about that

>> No.10317513

> how do people do this their whole lives

i asking myself the same thing doing this shit for 30-40 years only having the weekend off eaating shit from peole you dont respect WTF IF this is my future i rather eat a bullet now i spent a month and a half waging a dn almost shoot up my job HOW THE FUCK DO PEOPLE LIVE LIKE THIS I WANT TO BUT I JUST CANT

>> No.10317526

I'm in the same position except I sell insurance. I probably make as much as you do though, i'm pretty underpaid and I suck at shilling so I don't make much commission. I also fucked up in college because I didn't know what to do so i'm just going to trade school to learn CNC machine operation. I'm too much of a pussy to all in on crypto so i'm going to keep learning programming/webdev to hopefully turn it into a side job.

>> No.10317537 [DELETED] 

The freedom to get get stabbed by terrorists as the government votes in sharia law

>> No.10317697

I'm 28 and I have a little over $1 million in my bank account (from savings and investments) and yet I drive a economic car, wear clothes from wal-mart and I work as a restaurant supervisor.

The restaurant I work in is quite well known so I see old classmates go there and they're lawyers and doctors, they order champagne and oysters. But I know deep down that they are in debt, they are normies, its all for show to impress other normies.

You shouldn't feel ashamed, just view them as weak followers who fooled themselves in life by following a path well-trodden.

>> No.10317729

>I'm 28 and I have a little over $1 million

you dont get it asshole you know you set and comfortable so when you see the doctors and lawers yu know to your self you are comfortable if you are a wagecuck with endless amout of bill and not a cent in your bank and see someone you know and they look down at you how woill you feel

>> No.10317757


>> No.10317768

this. learn a trade

>> No.10317782
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>you dont get it asshole you know you set and comfortable

I'm going to assume you're either Black or Hispanic.

In that case you don't have the IQ necessary to lead a disciplined life where you plan ahead and sacrifice.

In which case, you are also in that demographic where you are smart enough to know problems are there yet too stupid to solve it.

You'll toil forever in your hamster wheel and you wont see the light till your death.

Good luck sir.

>> No.10317832

It seems the meat head wasn't him

>> No.10317840

How did you reach financial independence? Crypto moon?

I'm 22 and I'd love to have even half a mil in the bank by the time I'm your age

>> No.10317896

Here is what you do, I tell every neet I come across to do this.

Step 1: Pull out of crypto. Just take your gains or losses and get out.
Step 2: Get a job that trains you. Heating and air/plumbing pays a ton and you have to know literally nothing to get a job, they will teach you. Alternatively you can go to a coding academy and learn HTML and CSS and be a webdev, but I don't think most neets that take grocery store jobs are smart enough to do anything with tech.
Step 3: Pay as much of your debt off per month as you can possibly manage.

After that you will be free from menial labor jobs that pay literally nothing.

>> No.10317958

A fucking men. Americans will never understand, cannot understand. I used to think I was asocial because I couldn't connect to people. One trip to America, and holy shit. People actually talk to strangers? People smile and chitchat in grocery stores? People aren't afraid of showing wealth?

Europe is good if you want to be a slave to the state, and many people will find genuine happiness with that. Wagecuck 40 hours a week then party the rest of the time. It can be a better deal than America if that's what you want out of life.

But if you aspire to something greater, there's no place like the US for a breath of fresh air. Fuck it is liberating. That's what "freedom" is - not only the place or the rules, but being surrounded by people who have that definite optimist outlook Peter Thiel describes.

>> No.10317981

Are you a brainlet? Because if you have even slightly above average intelligence, It's incredibly easy to become successful. If not, then yeah you're going to be stuck working at mcdonalds for the rest of your life.

>> No.10318191

what the fuck would some european immigrant do in america? sell some sort of plastic bullshit on the street and struggle for 30 years?

>> No.10318222

just wait 6 month

>> No.10318226

33 y/o europoor here.
Engineer from Croatia now in western Romania (Ireland).
Live here with my girlfriend in shared apartment.
Can't afford my own. All my friends have married and have kids.
Hope to leave this shithole soon.

>> No.10318248

You need skills anon. Plain and simple. Coding, sales, physical, it doesnt matter what they are you need them. Spend all your time learning them. I mean ALL of your fucking time. When you’re at work practice coding in your head. When youre on the bus practice coding etc focus and work hard. Like 12-14 hours a day.

>> No.10318312

Except for that student debt and no job.

>> No.10318327

I don't blame you, anon: this is what being born in ez mode country does to your mind. But as someone who lived through socialism, all I see in America is opportunity. I've found jobs and deals just showing up at public meetings and introducing myself, and all the information for these meetings are available online, and all the people put their whole profile on LinkedIn and AngelList and MeetUp - do you know how insanely cool that is? No of course you don't, you don't know what's it like to live in a country where all business takes place offline and behind closed doors between people who have known each other for decades, and you'll never get a seat at the table. I even found stuff off Craigslist, for Christ's sake. In America all you have to do to make it is to try.

But I understand why it's not so easy when you're born in it. There's the other side of that coin: the hyperconsumerist culture, TV bombarding you with ad breaks every 5 minutes, bad food making you slow and fat and tired, getting trapped in a loop of low wage job and drugs, abysmal medical care and prevention, and the fucking nigger worship. Compared to Europe's handholding that never lets you climb uwpards but never lets you completely destroy yourself either, America is really a sandbox in which you can go to either extreme.

>> No.10318339

Start a laundry mat, restraunt, or ethnic grocery store. Either you get big or at least your kid can become a doctor or engineer.

>> No.10318344

Money will come without you expecting it. Go wagecucking build your side huslte. Do not be lazy, just think about it, your laziness is the only reason why you think that your future will be bad. Of course you need to have some luck aswell, but luck has no value if you never try it.

>> No.10318358

Nigga I work for a software development lab and have to step outside because of panic attacks. Theres no shame working retail as long as you dont fuck up your health

>> No.10318365


> BIZ is a loser's board full of bitter Autistic NEETs larping about their stack.

You're actually not the loser here bizbro.

>> No.10318403

20yo NEET here, pretty good at graphic design. Kind of autistic, I want to further my career because so far i'm just freelancing online and it's not really fulfilling. What do? I honestly want to learn fullstack development/web design but I don't know where to start

>> No.10318405

Join the military since you're still young. Look at it as a prison sentence and don't buy anything while enlisted. Eat their shit food and don't leave base. Save all the money your earn and in 4 years you'll have $100k portfolio minimum and if you're lucky a skill that you can transfer into a job. Or you can just go to college for free on the GI bill.

>> No.10318440

Im from Poland

>> No.10318451
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Start gambling online. Do sports betting and just play long odds. Better than the lottery. Put all gains into BTC.

>> No.10318493

AI is taking this sector over. You're better off learning python and getting into machine learning. People don't need graphic designers anymore

>> No.10318559

>2 classes away from getting my MBA
Anon... What is it in? Please don't tell us you chose something retarded...

>> No.10318608

I drive a truck. That's the only skill I have. The income is really good. But fuck me I don't want to grow old doing this shit

>> No.10318669


Most of the people I went to school with are in worse situations than you. My best mate is a unemployed heroin addict. He's still my mate.

Don't worry what other people think -Usually it's not as bad as you think, and if it is, what are you going to do about it? Cry? Be a faggot?

>> No.10318733

and you lost the world cup

>> No.10318926

OP I feel your pain. I worked retail from 16 to 25 and I learned to hate it. I made friends, but my pay never really increased that much because I didnt get past being a department manager. Get a degree. An associates is fine man. I was in school during all of that though. When I switched to manufacturing I had money all of a sudden. Within 2 years I got a promotion because I busted ass and was able to talk semi intelligently with the engineering dpt. You can do it too. When you start making above 40k gross, life gets better. Alot better. It'll make you want to work more. Also, crypto is difficult relative to other strategies. Start familiarizing yourself with real estate investment trust stocks. They pay dividends that you can pay bills with. Stop risking your money on things that could crash anytime. Learn to build wealth and generate income that you work one time for. How much did you lose?

>> No.10319086

I know the feel. You see these meatheads, douchebags, and roasties all who were 100% retarded herd animals get good jobs and make money and be happy, not because theyre smarter than you but because they have more charisma and can socialize better, and paid tens of thousand for a good boy/good girl piece of paper.
You realize success is an illusion and just given to those who play along. It shattered my world view. Before I was always under the impression smart people got good jobs, but then you get older and see the literal mouth breathers get AAA jobs just because they played the game. The world isnt fair. You wont get yours just for being smart. Go out there and take whats yours, because it sure as hell wont come to you. Use the success of your peers as reaffirmation of your actions.

>> No.10319191

retail is dead in the future, going to McDonalds and more people use the self checkout replacing the cashiers also robots will make the burgers.

>> No.10319238

romanticizing "muh trades" is a meme and no one who works blue-collar is ever happy or satisfied

>> No.10319242

40 Yr old unemployed here
Tfw actually sipping a monster
Will suicide make it better? Maybe I'm in hell now

>> No.10319257

>be 23
>just graduated after spending 5 years doing a bs meme arts degree
>do a few internships in teaching, PR, marketing
>learn basic SQL off amazon books / google and apply for junior database admin job, blatantly lying in application about having years of experience
>get job
>learning on the fly because given plenty of time to achieve tasks, nothing heavy, and so far so good

just stop being faggots and actually use your imagination/ambition a little.

>> No.10319475

That's fucking dumb. AI won't replace creative jobs, it can only rip off other shit, but mandane monkey jobs - sure. Even programming itself can be eventually automated

>> No.10319497
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w r o n g

>> No.10319526

If you think rich you will become rich

If you think poor you will become poor

>> No.10319654
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>> No.10319968

Look up generative adversarial networks. They are still trying to figure out the correct way to train (and realize end of training) but they have captivated the ML community and seem to provide avenues to exploring 'creativity' (really, local nash equilibriums around data sets)

>> No.10320012

Everything is a vibration, anon. Just close your eyes and take deep breaths, visualize it in your mind everyday as often as possible starting now and it will manifest into reality. Do it! I'm not joking!

Visualize as often and as detailed as possible!

>> No.10320034

unless they run the business, which many do.

>> No.10320046

crypto is a meme and you got jewed

go to school or find a career path that can make you good money down the line. 28 is late but not TOO late, never too late

>> No.10320058

This is true.

>was 23yr old working retail
>pretended I was also attending college whenever I saw someone like old classmates
>put that money straight into Monero and Bitcoin
>2yrs later am now transitioning to a low cost neet lifestyle that I plan to upgrade as Monero ascends

Only problem is I've gone hermit mode because I don't know what to tell people I'm doing these days because I'm sure as fuck not telling them I live off a fat stack of crypto.

>> No.10320094

>you got jewed
>go to (((school)))

>> No.10320200

Absolutely you should do this, OP. And the next time you bump into an old classmate you'll be a full blow crypto-chad.

>> No.10320240

This although I would advise to do match betting which is 100% money guaranteed. It works best in the UK because there are loads of bookies and gambling profits are tax free. £12k minimum and £24k maximum if you do it full time (3 hours a day or so) with a big bankroll (£4k). Either invest that in crypto top 10 or do compouding and you will be better off in the future

>> No.10320454
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>be in hell
>commit suicide to escape
>wind up in ultra-hell

>> No.10320530
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shut up boomer

>> No.10320715

iktf, very similar thing happened to me but I was NEET on the bus to the gym, classmate was going to work

Trust me, it feels 10x worse when this happens as a NEET

Next time just pretend to be asleep or just keep investing wisely and you will make it

>> No.10320787
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>> No.10320807

>unless they run the business
>which many do
Depends on your definition of "many." Majority of people who go into trades do not run any sort of business.

>> No.10320997
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Need to come up with a digital-nomad tier side hustle that can be exaggerated maybe. Is that a good idea?

>> No.10322174
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why is everybody so obsessed with having a run-of-the-mill career? whats the accomplishment at the end of your life? you lived a life everybody else couldve lived, totally interchangeable. totally pointless. and all for getting social approval, or at the least no social condemnation.
theres nothing wrong with doing work that everybody else could do, quite the contrary - but getting obsessed with it, and making it your sole reason to exist, your purpose in life, is just unthought-through. pretty retarded. all it does, in the end, is making somebody else rich - except for the unlikely case you win the lottery in our current state of absolute casino capitalism.

go find your space, what /you/ are good in, what gives /you/ fulfillment. keep your retail job, or find a job with same salary and less work hours, live this normal life so you dont get into debts, and then do your own thing in your free time. in my opinion, only painting /one/ picture you are truly proud of is worth more than 40 years of a shitty career. there are only two good options currently: life as an artist, or life as a criminal. chose wisely, your time here is limited. the man who goes into the desert, and digs a cave for 30 years, with ornaments on the walls, will have lived a better life than the typical instagram normie. fight acedia, fight your desires, go read some deleuze, tiqqun

try to build the discipline to build skills yourself, dont depend on institutions so much. you can learn a language perfectly without a school (try to learn ONE language per-fect-ly, without understanding at least one language 100% you can't even understand your own thoughts...) , you can learn everything about anatomy without paying for a school, you can read the whole history of philosophy on yourself - its harder but also more rewarding. dont fall for the certificate meme. just do it yourself.

tl;dr: dont be a normie

>> No.10322244


>> No.10322288

What the fuck so I'm not the only one having experienced this?

Anywhere I go in the US I experience this, even in bumfuck biblebelt nowhere. Then I come back to my eurocuck country and everyone is rude and fucking closed socially.

Sometimes I believe I absorbed too much American culture through the internet and that's why I feel absolutely out of place in Europe. Everyone is so fucking rude here, people say ameriguns are rude, it's just because you're full of energy and have to let it out through exuberant extraversion.

I know it's not all roses but you guys aren't Leader's of the Free World™ for nothing, I wish I had the balls to emigrate.

>> No.10322322
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>> No.10322362

Id love to travel around, meet women and write about it. I dunno how because have no degree and dont know anyone who would fund me

maybe someone will want to puoblish my book, we'll see

>> No.10322493

Great post fren. Upvoted

>> No.10322510

Sell all your vidya you don't play for cash and donate plasma for dosh. Donate that into cryptocurrency. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.10322556

Because the chance of being a successful accountant vs being a writer are two different probability distributions.

If you’re an average accountant you’ll be able to support your family and build wealth through investing. If you’re an average writer you work at Starbucks.

That’s why you get a normie career to get financially independent and work on your passion project on the side.

>> No.10322562

Mfw fell for the trade meme, I put off my dream of finance and went all in on my landscaping company, making 40-100 an hour is great at 21, but my body is killing itself. Although, that 30k in the bank is nice ..
My point is, learn a trade, treat it like a cash cow but know your exit strategy when that cow dies, get enough money to advance and gtfo the trade

>> No.10322583

I have the most blue collar job on the world and couldn't be happier of the 8h a day m-f I work like 10 as much.
No boss, no stress, everyone tells me muh streetsweeper but god is the best job ever.

>> No.10322852

What are your bills like? Calculate your expenses my nigga. Or tell me and maybe I can help

>> No.10322894

all in on link.

>> No.10323832

im a loser baby, so why don't you kill me. I just had a $1200 root canal and this morning I ripped off my bumper which will cost another 1300 to replace and I have to pay fuckign rent in toronto

>> No.10324064

>living in Toronto
Death would be an upgrade.

>> No.10324105

I just found an apartment, payed first and last a few days ago. Told him I'd give him another 2 months rent to help seal the deal because I've been looking for 3 months of tiny shit holes but this one is ok. Won't have money for another 2 months now, so much for buying the dip. I just swing trade my balls off while I work and make marginal gains. Toronto is really brutal though, I'm living by Yorkdale

>> No.10324250

Nice OP. I'm 33 and got fired from my wagecuck job this year. Because I wasn't a good goyim I have enough saved up after 2 years to chill for an entire year and tend to my crypto farm.

I hate wagecucking but I absolutely love dumping my money into crypto. I'm ready to get back on the horse soon.

>> No.10324266

>28 from Mexico (Shit)
>8 classes away from my Bachelor's in Civil Engieneering
>1 year experience as an Intern was offered a contract, didn't take it
>Want to move to the UK or France
>Changed all my Ripple for Link

How fucked am i?

>> No.10324310

You have to go back

>> No.10324348
File: 233 KB, 2560x1600, Screenshot 2018-07-18 17.18.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10324360

Honestly i like the machines more. It's more efficient. The only time I want to deal with a real person is if I need a problem solved. A lot of those McD's people have attitudes and are either Hispanic or black. Some will even talk shit about you and your order to the other employees while you're standing there.

>> No.10324452

happy electrician here . i was an office cuck before.. life is so boring as an officecuck. i have so many great stories as electrician and i like my job.

>> No.10324595


Eh, you just kind of sound like an asshole responding like that. I'm don't think I'm completely naive in saying that it would behoove society as a whole for those of us who are fortunate enough to have intelligence and determination to not be so quick to look down on those who lack it. Practically all of these qualities can be attributed to genetics, rather than effort on our own part, so taking pride in oneself in this manner is delusional - like feeling proud of oneself for winning the lottery, as if that is somehow an accomplishment of their agency rather than a mere statistical anomaly

I hope that you don't attribute my dissenting opinion to my race or IQ.

>> No.10325063

Greentext us a good electrician story please sir thank you

>> No.10325745

Im 35 and currently unemployed so yeah im a loser but my gf and i got laid off so we're bumming it collecting unemployment money. I've never been motivated by money and am content having little but i'm starting to get itch to make money. I know you guys think.life is over at 35 but there is time left to hustle.