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File: 5 KB, 289x174, stellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10316228 No.10316228 [Reply] [Original]

am i stupid to FOMO in right now?

>> No.10316237

yes, wait for the stabilization of this unmotivated pump

>> No.10316239

you're a fucking idiot. at no point did i mention religion, or the consciousness of animals. you're a fucking idiot. dmt and ayahuasca are natural existing chemical compounds, just because your shitty US government classifies them as schedule whatever substances doesn't your stupid little faggot brain needs to classify them as """"""""drugs""""""". you've obviously never meditated so don't speak on it like you're a fucking expert when you have an infant level of understanding you fucking down syndrome toddler. you have no reading comprehension whatsoever. i can't even be bothered to continue picking apart what you said because you literally are so removed from any rational understanding of what i said that i can't even believe i'm responding to you. what a waste of five minutes of my fucking precious life.

you won the argument! congratulations! you won so hard please don't respond to me because you roasted me so bad! you should reward yourself with whatever it is that makes your brain neurons secrete serotonin! good job! you win, you're great! your parents are proud!

you're a fucking actual idiot, i didn't think this board actually contained people as pathetically low iq as you. literally kill yourself, for the betterment of human

>> No.10316241

no way, im just texting my wife`s boyfriend for a loan to invest in

>> No.10316250

>unmotivated pump


>> No.10316255

You for real?

>> No.10316257

Check the fucking link dumbass

>> No.10316265

>is it emotional
>should i do it.

>> No.10316267

We got that fucking ARAB $$$ coming in get in here.
Sharia certification = Saudi oil getting tokenized on Stellar

>> No.10316268

this doesn't mean partnerships will actually be formed tho but it is promising

>> No.10316270

No one said that faggot

>> No.10316275


All Arab and middle eastern govt's, banks and institutions will begin to use stellar - it's the only sharia approved crypto.

>> No.10316288

Oh you're a fucking genius. Who forged your transcript faggot

>> No.10316289

1v1 me irl fagg0t

>> No.10316295
File: 173 KB, 1024x432, doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say when

>> No.10316373

why are you so hostile today buddy?

>> No.10316468


>> No.10316533

Enlighten me, how can a digital currency be approved by Sharia Law? What parameters do they even use?
>Not a pig
>ICO for P2P goat trading
>Allah integration

Sandniggers.. I will never understand

>> No.10316555

Who knows, but it has weight with UAE/Saudi banks who have $$$

>> No.10316558

it means our old friend jeb paid some arab imam a couple mil to approve it. money is the universal language

>> No.10316559

They still worship a bloodthirsty pedophile, anon. Don't expect them to start making sense anytime soon.

>> No.10316565
File: 1.95 MB, 265x308, 1518731924398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you stupid? Yes

Are you stupid if you fomo in? yes

>> No.10316586

Not to mention xlm just signed a 5 year contract with the Australian Government, https://www.ccn.com/ibm-wins-aud-1-billion-contract-to-develop-blockchain-tech-initiatives-for-australia-govt/

>> No.10316627

All i know about arabs dont like usury. This coin probably skips out on that part of kike culture and makes them think its good.
Either way, getting another audience interested can only be good

>> No.10316671

>it's the only sharia approved crypto.
until next week

>> No.10317090

XLM was mentioned as a coin which is conseidered to be added to coinbase

when will we get the actual news of which coins are getting added?

>> No.10317139

JNT will always be number 1 in sandniggers countries.

What is the defintion of sharia approved crypto?

>> No.10317408

You had months to buy it cheap. MONTHS!

>> No.10317446

Also Kodak just announce they are gonna use Stellar as payment network for their blockchain solution. 50k of these puppies, couldnt be more comfy

>> No.10317447

>gains over 1 BILLION market cap in one day for no real reason
get in here anon! if you dont buy now you must hate money!!

>> No.10317458

i remember buying and selling this shit in the .70s lel

>> No.10317475

i fomo'd all in at 3700 and already made huge gains

why are biztards so low iq? you just refused FREE MONEY by not buying...................

>> No.10317493

Just sold everything but this shit keeps pumping, what the hell ?? 4300 sats ... who the fuck is buying at this price when it was 3500 yesterday

>> No.10317495

AGHHHHHHHHH! Sold at 2950 sure it was going to bounce off 3000 but the fucking things just keeps going! AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!

>> No.10317497

>no reason
honestly you might be legit retarded anon :(

>> No.10317500

I don't know. Hope this helps.

>> No.10317510

based allah pumping my bags

>> No.10317532

hahahhaha true shit. i fucking hate normies

>> No.10317559

It'll break 5k sats. This is about to make the same move that Iota did when going from 70 cents to $4.

>> No.10317572

you're gambling right now. this shit is so overbought people will start panic selling whenever it starts dropping

>> No.10317593

Correction back to 0.5 to begin with, this shits should never have gone lower in the first place.

However a rush of this magnitude can only mean major-ass institutional buying. They know something that we dont. Either that, or these Arabs really care for their Sharia certificates :D

>> No.10317595

Fucking hope so. I raised my Lumens from the cradle. They've been with my since they were 2.7 cents old and I want them back!

>> No.10317621

Don't FOMO

>> No.10317626

I'm not gambling. I've been holding XLM since below 1 cent. I will be surprised if this isn't 40 cents within 24 hours.

>> No.10317643

You have a poor understanding of market sentiment and what is happening right now. Just keep watching the chart over the next few days ;).

>> No.10317659



>> No.10317664

I've heard Stellar will be one of the eight coins chosen to be the cryptocurrency base.

Can't go wrong with any of them.

>> No.10317665


>> No.10317667

>selling the future internet protocol of money

>> No.10317671

well, this news is huge. wait for a little pullback and go all in for at least a week. This is seriously insanely positive news.

>> No.10317676
File: 31 KB, 600x900, BGN-6lLCYAAzQ8-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh how can I cope with all these gains

>> No.10317679

xlm will make me rich is 5k enough?

>> No.10317709

One thing is certain. Dips will be bought.

>> No.10317750

way more than enough

>> No.10317797
File: 36 KB, 515x606, xlmreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, when 1 stellar will be worth $500 you'll be rich

>> No.10317812
File: 5 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if youre right, how long would you wait for that?

>> No.10317825

>it's the only sharia approved crypto.

until its not. this smells like the Microsuft Azure "partnership" pumps.

Now watch every token become absolute halal until this scam niche doesn't move the prices anymore.

>> No.10317848

Wait until the Kosher pumps.

>> No.10317849


it has to be the coinbase listing, which is about to get announced very soon. some big player puts huge buy walls on both bittrex and binance.

>> No.10317872

had you FOMOd in like a genius you'd be up atleast 10% by now

>> No.10317962

Who the fuck knows, its an altcoin with minimal volume/market cap. It's speculating at best.

>> No.10318182

Can we get a consensus on a reasonable EOY for XLM ?

>> No.10318214

There's no point in asking people here what they think the EOY price will be. There are too many factors to consider.

>> No.10318231
File: 69 KB, 720x960, MecaAcid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man, fomo in and set a stop loss. Shit's reeeealll halal

>> No.10318258

between 20 cents and 20 dollars

>> No.10318264

100% chance this is a leaf

>> No.10318297

No. The price will keep rising up till the coinbase listing.

>> No.10318375


>> No.10318394

how high are you right now?