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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10310297 No.10310297 [Reply] [Original]

>get in now!!

>> No.10310912

I got a 3x on this one

>> No.10311075

During the first pump on Bitbean last spring, it went up 25,000%. But that wasn't the only pump, for it got two more large hills, first at the start of January this year, and then again at the end of February. On the second pump this year, it went up 14,000% from spring price of last year.

That means, if you went all in on Bitbean with /biz/ at $2,000 last spring, missed the first pump and got some heavy bags, but decided to HODL for seven months, then sold at the peak this winter, you would have made 14,000% on $2,000 and your $2,000 initial investment would have become $280,000.

Same for DOGE. If you had put $2,500 in DOGE at its November lows, you could have turned that initial into $16,375 in January when it pumped.

As someone who played this game a few times, I finally learned, the only way to safely win is to wait until coins hit bottom (and I mean BOTTOM), then just wait. All in on DOGE at 15 sats. All in on Bitbean at 26 sats. Then...patience.

Also, respects to the Digimarines. The first marines to land on these meme shores.

>> No.10311104

Read this again nucoiners.

>> No.10311161
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>> No.10311181


>> No.10311195
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>> No.10311208
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>> No.10311212

And as a short follow up to this, stop wasting your time trying to trade alts year round. They literally dump 70% of the year. Instead of doing this, and failing to trade bounces, then becoming a bagholder down 60% on numerous occasions, use the bear market as a time to work and save money. Then, when those 15 sats DOGE and 26 sats Bitbeans arrive, you have money to put into them, as well as more money saved for just regular life, so you don't lose it all if the trades don't work out.

>> No.10311228
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more like blomp zoin heh-eh..

>> No.10311247
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>> No.10311260
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>> No.10311285
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>> No.10311303
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>> No.10311319
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>> No.10311338
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>> No.10311349

>one of those relics will pump 100x someday

>> No.10311351
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>> No.10311363
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>> No.10311384
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last but not least

>> No.10311921

If you own any kind of crypto you are a newfag

>> No.10311967
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>> No.10312237

I started to get into crypto (despite knowing about bitcoin and doge since 2011/12 or so) thanks to someone who introduced me to bitbeans. At the time I thought 'wtf, I can't make much money out of this so why bother' but after reading this, little did I know that you could really make 200k. That same guy made like 2k because he had millions of bitbeans and the price mooned at the time

>> No.10312277

Shame how many anons blew their chance to make it on drugs.