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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10303192 No.10303192 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the biggest public communities of link holders and discussion. The team is aware of the memes and talk that comes out of here. There must be team members who browse here every so often. Rory at least. They could even shitpost here. They could even be the next poster in this thread. I had some questions for the team about biz. Larpers, feel free to chime in too.

What is like having so many unstable neets from a Ugandan kite flying forum so heavily invested in your project? Is it absurd to know you're going to make a bunch of shitposters, very very rich or very very poor? Do you feel any remorse at taking advantage of those of us most gullible, or incredulity at handing free money to idiots? Or is it just strange that so many people here are interested in your promising project?

How weird is it that no one else has taken public interest in the project? I mean, this being one of the biggest communities for it speaks volumes. Even if you have really strict confidentiality agreements, how come there's no real public interest elsewhere? Or has your marketing campaign been designed to attract the most naive?

What is it like for a bunch of strangers to take so much interest in your personal lives, Sergey especially? You've got a bunch of autists combing through every part of your public life, looking for hints. People making jokes about you, your families. The interest in you guys dwarfs interest in other crypto project team members. I can't imagine you signed up for this. How does it all feel?

Is November 1st the date to be looking out for?

Anyone else have any other questions?

>> No.10303214

Does anyone actually own these meme or are you all larping?

>> No.10303234


>> No.10303263

How do you feel about biz being links biggest community?

>> No.10303482

>How weird is it that no one else has taken public interest in the project?

Hello, I'm a top secret dev working on this project. AMA

>> No.10303506

chainlink is a fucking meme. you're guaranteed to lose your money

>> No.10303512


>> No.10303516

How hard do you plan on larping? Assblaster level or random pajeet?

>> No.10303529

Sergey here. I'll answer you soon, just need to pop down to McDonald's for my regular order of 5 big macs. Brb.

>> No.10303592

mainnet when

>> No.10303744

I started the thread so others could generate interesting larps. Keeps things interesting. And maybe provide a platform to an actual team member. I will not be larping. I just though I'd be interesting to hear the perspectives of what people think the team thinks, and maybe actually what the team thinks.

>> No.10303765

Replied to the wrong post

>> No.10303863
File: 34 KB, 633x758, 1516131290388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know when mainnet is. Fuck, I don't even know where I am. I need help; Sergey is a fucking madman. He has me locked in a utility closet basement in some building in San Francisco. I don't know where in the city he brought me, but I was responding to a craigslist ad posting for a dev position when he injected me with something. I haven't seen sunshine in almost 3 months now, and he only visits once a day with 2 big macs and an order of large fries. My blood is so thick with fats at this point, a heart attack or stroke is the only sweet release from this miserable existence I have to look forward to. He says he won't let me out until I finish the major aspects of the project, and keeps pacing in front of me during his visits, muttering "m-mainet b-before Halloween, mainnet b-before Halloween". I think he has an elaborate costume he plans on wearing to impress Boring that requires a live mainnet to be understood. I keep telling him codeship integration will take at least 18 years, but he won't fucking listen.

I think I'm going to die here.

>> No.10304097

Riddle Anon here. Riddle Anon is a good platform for larding. I encourage everyone to adopt this platform. I believe they are impressed but unsure about how to approach the animal that is biz. I believe they find some of the memes funny and clever, while others make them feel slightly uncomfortable. I believe they feel lucky to have this community on their side, they know the people accommodating this place are capable of creating very valuable contributions to the project when the time is right. I believe they hope you trust the team to know what's best for the project. I believe some team members in the past have larped as Riddle Anon.

>> No.10304207

There's no way to regulate who does or doesn't purchase Chainlink tokens because of their availability on Binance and decentralized exchanges. That being said, no work is being done with the intention to make anyone rich, not even the developers. The real goal is to transform the way business is done. With achieving that goal comes the overshadowing of any ill-minded followers of Chainlink. Besides, those people will likely sell before they can witness the true impact of Chainlink.