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10302542 No.10302542 [Reply] [Original]

YEARLY reminder anyone who larps as a happy NEET clearly hasn't been in the game long enough

It gets old so fast it isn't funny. Waking up, powering on the PC and looking at charts , vidya, fapping all to wake up to do it again. Such a shit life , all of that stuff becomes mundane as fuck all. Not like going out is better, meet up with normie friends and hear them talk about wagecuck uni life. Then you feel like a hopeless cunt because you realize they are making gains in life and you are rotting at home most your life.

I just got off work a few hours ago, I work as front desk for a hotel/apartment building.
Ultimate comfy, it has hot girls come in and out of it daily...some guests some live there. And when I'm not helping ppl like checking them in or letting a delivery driver up I'm trading crypto and watching youtube.

16 bucks an hour to sit down and be comfy. Not to mention I rack up lines in the bathroom most shifts and it makes the time just fly by.

So , jobless anons tell me how much better your life is waking up in nerd sweat fapping to anime till you find your next pointless activity to kill time for the day.

>> No.10302567

>$16 AN HOUR

>Sniffing coke

pick one

>> No.10302618

dropped out at 15
still a neet at 33
how many times do we have to get through this?

>low iq: subsistence needs are enough for fulfillment (blacks on welfare, etc.)
>medium iq: slight ability for abstraction requires external stimulii. miserable as neet, needs wagecucking or similar pretend work activity to feel fulfillrd
>high iq: rich internal world, does not require the outside world. can be neet or work, but likely to feel frustrated if work isn't highly creative

pretending there's one absolute rule here only outs yourself as a NPC. good going

>> No.10302619

You generalize NEETS which isn't accurate, where as every single wagie is exactly the same. Too much of a coward to try to start their own business, constantly getting fucked in the ass by a boss/superior (most times a female) and brown nosing just to stay relevant. It robs you of your dignity, which is more important than money.

NEETS often have small businesses or manage online projects that generate income. We also study, read, and enjoy multiple forms of art. Music, video games, graphics, anime, etc. Those of us with access, we also enjoy physical hobbies like tinkering with gadgets, going to the gym, and cooking.

$16 an hour? A single trade can make $1000 in a bull market. Apples and oranges, do not compare NEETS to wagecucks. We have different definitions of living. Ours is one without having to answer to anyone but ourselves.

>> No.10302627

Kek dont believe me if you dont want.
Every shift I'm zooted, today I took some xanax too which made the shift more comfy.

Also...who said it was coke ;^)
Realize it is burger time here fren, and I'm still been up...7 20 am

>> No.10302711

If true... ultimate cope
Humans by nature need to be productive and busy/creative. At least with some of their time, it builds morale and purpose.
Wagecucking can suck too, but if you find a job or career that you dont mind...and only work part time like me it is a great addition to my life.

Listen ...I've been NEET on and off for years, I've been part time worker, full time, uni student, full time drug addict, part time drug addict, normie ...you make it. Without a doubt having at least 20 to 30 hours of work or school is a must in your life. Unless you are an old shit and retired in which case you will kys in due time.

But let me guess, you happen to be the only NEET that has a social life, works out, learns new things and loves life right....? HAHAHA

>> No.10302767

>all these wagie
Next time i go to the cinema i won't feel so bad about rubbing the seats with chocolate

>> No.10302773

I'd rather be able to sleep all day so I can be fresh when going out at night, thanks.

>> No.10302942

And where do you go out night big boy?
Dont tell me clubbing or with friends.
Hey anon this is my friend Stacy.
'Hi anon how's it going'
>Convo goes on...
'So, hows life? What do you do?'
>stomach drops into pit of hell

I uh...-

>> No.10303053

>Without a doubt having at least 20 to 30 hours of work or school is a must in your life
Don't project your limited worldview on other people anon
It's like saying "I'm type1 diabetic and KNOW that everybody needs to inject insulin to live"
Its just self-centered, what the other anon said is spot on.
protip: making shekles for shlomo isn't the only way to be productive, being NEET is not being a slave to your desires (although I can see why so many people might be prone to it)

>> No.10303104
File: 18 KB, 181x187, FB2418D1-3080-4AD0-B64E-320FDACBF8C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only low IQ normies need the herd for mental health, its how sheep and NPC are programmed.
The wagecuck is not happy when money and time is in abdunance, thats why they never make it, they can‘t find something to do with themselves and even if they get lucky and win, they lose it all.
The normalfags job is simple, he reproduces as fast as possible to create more workerdrones that can fulfill some worthless low IQ job, his time however is limited because the useless normie burns out too fast.

>> No.10303160

I just tell people I'm a consultant in the blockchain space.

>> No.10303162

>doing meth
>gonna make it
chose one boio. speed's great if you've actually got something to grind out, otherwise it's a waste.

>> No.10303226

Can I get her name please? I NEED the full collection.