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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10302325 No.10302325 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to do some serious rresearch: Seems like the only other coins /biz has shilled this heavily have been:

1. btc
2. eth
3. antshares/neo

If we could take a moment to stop being so self-deprecating for a second, Crypto is /our/ revolution, and it makes sense that the backbone of the internet's soul (4chan) would have some level of influence/synergy/whatever over the space

trying to draw a pattern here to go all in in this coin, what makes /biz so good at picking winners? is there a selection/survivorship bias that I'm overlooking here and we aren't really that good? are these picks self-fulfilling prophecies that 4chan autists meme into existence?

>> No.10302371

Link is a meme. Don't fall for the meme.

>> No.10302384

This is a meme

>> No.10302400

Compared to those they had discussion outside of /biz/ (antshares less so) and the anons posting about them weren't as obsessed. linkies seem to have a strong emotional investment in their coin.

>> No.10302429

it doesn't you dumb nigger.

>> No.10302452

>This is a meme
kek linkies always have some RETARDED comeback to any fud. They strait up cannot be reasoned with.

>> No.10302453

This is a meme

>> No.10302465

This, too, is a meme

>> No.10302507

Not sure even close to same feel. But biz had less underage fags back then too

>> No.10302536

>yes that's what I'm afraid of, it seems as though the density of serious posters has decreased considerably.

but having a bunch of teenage autists siupporting link isnt necessarily a bad thing, means that when the pump occurs its going to be shilled harder and more organically than any crypto project in history except for maybe btc (i.e. not by the team)

>> No.10302584

>is there a selection/survivorship bias that I'm overlooking here and we aren't really that good?
There are far more losers than winners.

>> No.10302592


ETH was fudded to hell by BTC maximalists, same way AMB gets fudded on here by desperate Vechain bagholders.

>> No.10302606

DGB, SIGT, ARK, etc. Survivor bias.

>> No.10302624

PoSW, BitBeans, Swarm City

>> No.10302642

Is Milhouse a meme yet?

>> No.10302647

were these really shilled/fudded on the same level as antshares/eth though? genuinely curious for some insight here

>> No.10302658

I still remember the chinkscam posts and justed antshares logos everywhere. Good times.

>> No.10302673

none of these are memes

philosorapter is a meme
courage wolf is a meme
keanu is a meme
xzibit is a meme

>> No.10302681

Did you forgot about the hype around:


There are a few others that turned out to be complete flops that I can't recall the names.

Do not delude yourself into thinking that just because it is shilled here it is a golden egg.

You are only remembering the successful projects that were shilled.

There are far more that were unsuccessful.

But by all means, go all in on link.

>> No.10302701

thats the point, thats why im asking oldphags, i wasnt on this cesspool back then

>> No.10302702

OP asked if it was shilled at the same level is everybody itt retarded. Literally nobody answered the question.

>> No.10302715
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Probably not as much since crypto is bigger than ever

>> No.10302732
File: 41 KB, 327x154, EBF9C080-F5C9-4241-886C-057D44E9173F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not delude
>>Go all in links

>> No.10302762

Yes during early last year DGB and ARK were shilled as much as ANS but not ETH.

>> No.10302781

first good reply in this thread, i figured dgb was up there.

frankly it hasnt entirely failed yet, just sort of forgotten by 4chan. which I imagine will be unlikely with link

>> No.10302840

Also RDD was shilled heavily from low double digit sats. Less people had issue with shilling back then, it was more encouraged.

>> No.10302909

It's shilled as much as eth was, probably more. Similar kind of fud too

>> No.10303009

None of those were shilled remotely as much as LINK, and Bancor was a fail straight from the ICO.
Not even Antshares was shilled for this long. I don't remember any shilling campaign that lasted as much as LINK did (except ETH), it'll be 1 year next month.

DGB and ARK were shilled for relatively short period of time and it was just meme threads mostly. LINK has also had way more real discussion around it then any of those mentioned.

>> No.10303370

Yet another meme, actually.

>> No.10303568

another interesting response. this is what I figured frankly.

there really is no precedent for this. the fact that theres not much shilling outside 4chan probably means some major confirmation bias is going on (i.e. 4channers are seeing what they want to see and focused on what is right in front of them) but also means it could be a major opp.

I mean this is how major opps happen: youre never going to be a billionaire off something like eos where every normie knows about it from the get-go. The real opportunities happen on the fringes, and then melt faces out of nowhere

>> No.10303636

Couldn’t have said it any better. Being this early in link will make you look like a genius in the future from outsiders perspective.