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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10301773 No.10301773 [Reply] [Original]

any real wagecucks here? i want to hear your stories. just got cucked by my landlord during my rent contract, turns out i signed a contract that my specially alloted neetbux wont cover. gonna have to take up wagecucking for at least a couple of months before im free.

>> No.10301804

im sorry fellow NEETbro

I am now applying for a small time job

>> No.10301816

You didn't even look at the contract?

>> No.10301817

22/he wage cuck here could be worse

>> No.10301825

>arrive at work at 8:30AM
>no urgent mails
>no problems to solve
>now 3PM
>still nothing to do
I'm being paid 20€/hour netto for that.

>> No.10301884

i did, but after a signed it my social counselor said that my usual aid wont cover this contract because of special clauses. otherwise I was going to have a tiny ass apartment all for myself covered by my nanny state.

>> No.10302109

Based state employees.
24e/h here, busting my ass, and shitposting on biz

>> No.10302350

what do you do?

>> No.10302439


Teacher here.

Some days are good, some bad, most in between.

I lost my idealism a long time ago and am looking for another career soon. There is no saving public education. It needs to just die before we can rebuild it.

For what it’s worth I teach in the south at a heavily black and Latino school. Their cultures just don’t promote behaviors that translate to a classroom success as much as whites, Asians, Indians, Africans etc

The system is too cucked to even admit this so we have to take bullshit training about cultural awareness but we all know it’s complete bullshit and that blacks and Mexicans are just lazy as shit and disruptive

>> No.10302473

>Their cultures just don’t promote behaviors that translate to a classroom success as much as (...) Africans

I guess you have never been in a class with somalis before.

>> No.10302549

>M&A Analyst in a top 10 investment bank
>arrive at 9:30 AM
>leave work at 2:00 AM on a regular basis
>work on saturday
>work on sunday

At least I have a good salary and bonus. In 2-3 years I will quit to work in VC with a great salary, carried interest, and nice work-life balance

>> No.10302614
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>tfw bank teller


>> No.10302616

Lmao Jesus Christ could you suck jewish cock any harder? Pls be a LARP this is the ultimate shabbos goy if real. Wagies are pathetic.

>> No.10302692

TFW easy office job with decent pay and good hours (10 to 4) plenty of time to shitpost or read online/play stocks. Thinking of ubering a bit on the side. Anybody do this?

>> No.10303028

I sometimes love the sheer stupidity of some people on this board. Investment bankers are at the top of the food chain.

It's obvious you don't know shit about how the world works. Please, go back to fucking your mom in your trailer park.

>btw, I'm no goy

>> No.10303069

>Social counselor
What's wrong with you?

>> No.10303111


>I sometimes love the sheer stupidity of some people on this board. Investment bankers are at the top of the food chain.

Yikes, the amount of COPE / overcompensation in some of these wagecucks is incredible :D. You're a glorified wagecuck man, nothing more.

>> No.10303441

What do you even tell someone who has never worked a day in their life?
It's work man. Some jobs are shit and some are meh but you just do the best you can to find one that you can do every day without going crazy and eventually you just get used to it.

>> No.10303479

My job used to suck. Then I were an idiot and told co-workers about crypto about 2 years ago. My boss got himself 75ethereum at 70usd, since then I don't have to do anything at work lol.

>mfw only 38eth portfolio

>> No.10303495

Everybody here has good white collar jobs.
This isnt wagecucking, you dont even know what wagecucking is.

>> No.10303587

I truly admire the work and dedication of blue collar workers. Even sexually.

Not that I'm very good off being a white collar, I haven't got a paycheck in 5 months basically because women can't run companies.

>> No.10303611

She means Nigerians you stupid fuck. Master criminal tier niggers.

>> No.10303616

You are a retard, he will be able to retire in 5 years. What is long term goal orientation? Enjoy your box apartment and cheetos diet until you're 65

>> No.10303625

>It needs to just die before we can rebuild it.
I think like this about the whole government and fiat systems.

>> No.10303659

Sounds good. Don't burn yourself out before you work in VC though.

>> No.10303668

I'm 36 and do landscaping with my dad's John Deer mower. Im thinking about going back to school but I have a medical condition which prevents me from being around large groups of people (anxiety) so I am going to do it online.

>> No.10303717

>Working an internship between semesters
>16/hr working in a comfy office
>i have yet to perform a single thing for this company
>shitpost in biz all day
>im getting college cretid for this

>> No.10303883


Waste your best years wagecucking literally around the clock so you can die rich. Sounds like a great plan lol.

>> No.10304479

>Investment bankers are at the top of the food chain.
Slaves are what you are

Not really, and then what? Retired at 30 with 1 mil? Look like 45 from all the stress and have no life outside of work

>> No.10304490

just reported you to your boss and your mom

>> No.10304555
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>we all know it’s complete bullshit and that blacks and Mexicans are just lazy as shit and disruptive