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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 400x400, 6RriS9A5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10296417 No.10296417 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10296431

god im so fucking sick of this retarded team

>> No.10296441

>no skateboards
opportunity missed

>> No.10296479
File: 69 KB, 130x237, omise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeshhh....rats right rities. pretend to be compretery aroof and edgy...yess good rities..the more you dont take this seriousry the faster I can start cashing out ron these omisegoyim...ronderful..im grad thomas greco do mushroom a rot...very good fow me

>> No.10296504

Talking with a glass of water on your head is actually a way that you can reduce anxiety and stress when speaking in front of an audience. These two people are talking to their investors/people that are watching/going to watch this video so they used this method and as you can see it is actually working. You can notice that their lungs expand very minimally, they appear calm and the voice is quiet/soothing just because of the water. If you notice the Asian guy also is not looking at the camera most of the time which means that he is even more nervous than the girl.

>> No.10296551


Seriously want to kill myself watching this. This bull run can't start soon enough. Need to dump these bags fast. Water on your head? Fucking kill me.

>> No.10296574

This girl sounds like such a moron. She wouldn't be worth more than a Saturday night fuck and dump. Probably hairy ass, sweaty bush too.

>> No.10296586

You need to do some research on why they have the water on their heads or just read my response to the thread...

>> No.10296592
File: 188 KB, 619x594, 1531749471699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These two people are talking to their investors/people that are watching/going to watch this video

... With a bottle of water on their head

>> No.10296611
File: 26 KB, 572x496, 1523541232292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are glorious times that we're living in

>> No.10296639

I explained why... read what I've said

>> No.10296647

how about they hire actual professional marketers who can know wtf they are talking about without sounding like a stuttering pothead pussy

>> No.10296659

If the bull run comes. OMG for sure is tanking in satoshis. Shit already valued around $ 1bill. Most of the other alts are going to stay around the same in satoshis or go up a little since they took such a hard beat in the bear market. Then once people realize bitcoin is going up, all the alts are going to tank in satoshis for bitcoin. So you may get higher value in USD but you're losing bitcoin.

>> No.10296710

Not too bright are ya.

>> No.10296723


This makes me want to invest more, they are one of us guys

>> No.10296739
File: 31 KB, 600x900, BGN-6lLCYAAzQ8-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're supposed to do that (if at all, it still sounds outlandish as fuck) while practicing, not the actual video

>> No.10296807

Holy shit lmao. This is awful. First the badger dance now this. Now they're just trolling that they dumped their bags on you morons.

>> No.10296913

USD price is all that matters.

>> No.10297031

Badger shit was ETH devs, not OMG. Anyway you want the most autistic people possible working on your code so what is the problem?

>> No.10297072


But why put the waters in the video? So dumb. Gotta question the IQ

>> No.10297133


>> No.10297156

Look at the eyes of these two. They are completely dead inside.

>> No.10297175


>> No.10297191

i bet she could suck dick while having the bottle on her head, sooo fuckin hot omg im cumming guys

>> No.10297200

This is the weirdest shit I have seen in crypto so far and I have been in for almost a year. WTF

>> No.10297208

Yes but this is just cringey and dumb. I mean, this seriously makes you feel better about the team?

>> No.10297284


Target practice with the bottle after. If you knock it off her head. She has to tongue the bung.

>> No.10297341

no buttkissman, bitcoin goes up and pushes alts up. you absolutely intolerable fuck man

>> No.10297367


He's right you retards. Everyone will dump their alts to ride the Bitcoin pump.

>> No.10298579

Maybe this is part of the asian culture?