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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 14 KB, 369x369, coinex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10294525 No.10294525 [Reply] [Original]

the chad exchange

>> No.10294833

amen brother

>> No.10296110

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.10296916
File: 47 KB, 1462x252, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at 8.15.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got paid today
got me a pocketful of mo-nayyy

>> No.10296964

The volume is fake, get out before the whole thing crashes (hint: it will crash when mining is over and the price will gradually drop towards it)

>> No.10296974

yo guys i locked my cet for a little over a day now and i'm only receiving dividends and not the mining shit as well, what gives?

>> No.10297010

you need to trade to recieve mining shit
its supposed to counter the trading fees/be a financial incentive to use the exchange

basically CoinEx paid a bunch of bots to trade on their exchange for them for 180 days, which caused volume to jump from 5 mil to (initially) 2 billion, but as mining gains fade so will the volume

>> No.10297100

how much do I need to trade? can i just make a couple 5 dollar trades and receive it?

>> No.10297210

its calculated depending on fees so no. the idea behind locking it up is that the bots that do millions of trades a day recieve more for their action and have incentive to stay and NOT dump the token asap. If you are not pulling considerable volume locking up does exactly nothing for you, its entirely dependend on your trade volume

>> No.10297311



>> No.10297374

hm ok, but hearing all of this, when the bots leave, this coin is getting dumped to the bottom right? when do you think would be a good time to drop this token?

>> No.10297418


24 hours coin lock to mine? WTF this is sus as fuck.

>> No.10297572

don't bother locking your coins, its unneccesary if you aren't trading large volumes

>> No.10297732

Anon I havent done the math on that but I dearly believe that exchange is going to get completely wiped once the mining ends

When I bought in the Dividend was still 1%> a day, the price is higher right now then when I got out, id advise you to get out with as much of a profit as quick as you can, which is really just basic logic

how badly the coin will get dumped

but practically everyone knows the volume is not organic, right now its the lowest ive ever seen it at 375 mil, and it used to be just 5 mil before they implemented mining
CET trading at 0.11 USDT right now is a great exit

do yourself a favor and look at trading pairs that should be popular, but for some reason arent, you will see what I mean by the volume being fake

>> No.10297944

hasnt this coin only been pumping for like a month though? shouldn't they want to run it longer?

>> No.10298062

you really think bitmain and viabtc don't have a plan for after the mining ends? Don't forget how the flippening was aborted: with Bithumb going down right at the peak. I guarantee you coinex is part of a larger plan.

>> No.10298066

they want to, obvioulsy, but will it?
Will bots stay on CoinEx even though no CET gets dropped for them or will they migrate on some other exchange who gives them a new deal?

Its like the game they let people play in studies (I participated in one) where ever 1$/1€ you give away returns 0.40ct for everyone in a group pool of 3 ppl. So if everyone gives their 10€/10$ away, everyone gains 30 * 0.4 = 12$/€, but if you give away Nothing, and only the other people give, you will get 10 + 20 * 0.4 = 18$/€, a much higher return. because statistically, you retain 1€/$ of every one that you dont give away, and lose 0.6€/4 on every single one you give away, the best play is ALWAYS to not give any money if nobody is able to punish you for it. So in a perfect world, maybe everyone would gain more money if everyone agreed to give it his all, but in this world, everyone gains the maximum if they let other people pay.

This is the same thing for the bots, they will enjoy the dividends from the coins they already have, they wont continue trading for "nothing" though. And they might sell their coins before its too late.

>> No.10298077

Yeah, I think they really dont have a plan.

>> No.10298178


>> No.10298202

>long term dividend
>(that can technically be changed anytime)
>based on trading fees
>trading fees that were MORE than paid off by CET drops
>CET doesnt drop anymore after the mining ends though
>bots migrate to new exchange because they dont get paid for creating volume
>volume evaporates
>fees evaporate
>dividends evaporate
>CET gets dumped
>price evaporates

Once the CET is gone and out, its gone, they can only burn it to create value, but if their exchange dies so does CET, wether the volume can be regained is a huge gamble, thats what im talking about in my FUD.

>> No.10298247

yeah thats true, just like if binance dies so does BNB. i'm betting that viabtc has the will and bankroll to see this exchange to success.

>> No.10298287

binance is an exchange that has NEVER disappointed its customers

CoinEx was a literal
>who the fuck uses this
before the mining rolled out

You cant pay people to use your exchange forever, what does CoinEx actively do better than ANY other exchange except for the current financial incentive to trade there? Its a risky play to bet on the botting volume to turn into organic volume.

>> No.10298553

Don’t listen to the core cuck tards, CoinEx is the new number one exchange that they are scared shiitless of, CET will be first smart contract coin released on the bch chain in coming months, this is just the beginning as bch begins to replace the failed core project.

>> No.10298717

>CET will be first smart contract coin released on the bch chain in coming months

>> No.10298749

twitter and r/btc

>> No.10298750

this is correct

>> No.10298753

>source: my ass

>> No.10298858

Haipo Yang is ceo of ViaBTC and CoinEx he gave a speech over the weekend and offered a million CET for developers to help. Satoshi said it’s already available and doesn’t want money just the success

>> No.10298944

>volume is fake because certain pairs aren't popular

What kind of bullshit is this. Popular coins are already heavily traded on dominant exchanges, volume is winner takes all. Of course popular pairs on an unknown exchange is going to have dwindling volume, if you wanted to trade those coins you'd just use binance.

>> No.10298998


Binance is literally shit compared to CoinEx. I've been using both for a while and CoinEx is superior.

>> No.10299001

>if you wanted to trade those coins you'd just use binance.
>if you wanted to trade those coins you'd just use binance.
>if you wanted to trade those coins you'd just use binance.

>> No.10299015

If I wanted to trade zrx/btc I'd use binance.

Why exactly is this controversial?

>> No.10299166

maybe because its kind of odd for an exchange of supposedly that size to have no fucking volume for common pairs at all, maybe because it indicates theres certain pairs that are being heavily traded for CET gains and others are not traded at all?
maybe because youre directly telling me you would use binance as the standart exchange and chances are if not for CET you wouldnt even know about CoinEx?


Look at the pairings on Binance and see for yourself if these numbers make any sense at all.
CoinEx has like 300 Mill Volume in BTC, how can a pair like EOS/BTC have 17.5k Volume?
On Binance its $55.803.100 on the same pair, thats 3000x+ .

17k Volume is pair number 330 on binance
On CoinEx its number 31

Under 10 Million volume is after pair 29 for binance, for coinex its pair 6.
Volume on CoinEx is incredibly concentrated, nothing is used to buy any altcoins, its just circulating between existing coins, nobody
uses that exchange for anything, theres evidently nothing being bought, if thats not controversial regarding that exchange dropping 1.5B Volume over the last two weeks then I dont know what is.

>> No.10299206

dude of course bots are trading for CET gains. the exchange is brand new so they are pulling out every incentive they can to get people to use it. and it is steadily working.

>> No.10299225

You realize Binance wasn't always the top alt exchange and pretty much came out of nowhere right? Whos to say a competitor wont come by and do the same thing to binance? The whole point of the trade driven mining is to draw eyes to the exchange and get people using it. Give people a taste of the dividends and the advantages the exchange offers. Not sure why you're spending so much time in this thread anyway.

>> No.10299231
File: 917 KB, 2742x2248, coinex-UI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the app is best one out there too

>> No.10299238
File: 832 KB, 2518x1056, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 14.06.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earning ~0.2 BCH per day just for holding CET

>> No.10299273

I apologize, I was wrong. Of course, if bots trade then humans must follow, so many people will know this exchange just by volume now, and by all the coins that are traded. I think theres over 50 anon, this could totally flip binance. And just look at the app, ive literally never seen an exchange app like that before. you can buy and sell coins and make favorite pairs, wow!

since youve been holding since day 1 (it seems) you might be the only anon pulling a profit when the dust settles, good job

>> No.10299288


Haven't been holding since day 1, bought my first CET maybe 2 weeks ago.

>> No.10299297

>Not sure why you're spending so much time in this thread anyway.
I want to know if anyone can crack my FUD. I want juicy dividends too anon, believe it or not. I just cant find anyone making a decent arguement against what Ive posted here except "I dont believe you."

If you think that 1.5B volume loss over 2 weeks and a gain from 5 mil to 2 bil is genuine, and if you think 17.5k Volume on EOS/BTC is perfectly fine for an exchange of this size, by all means, buy more.

>pretty much day one of dividend distribution

>> No.10299298


I don't think there's any point comparing it with binance. If you go look at the historical order book and see the volume isn't being reported accurately and/or you start having orders getting filled even though you know for sure the order was on the books you'd have a case.

The exchange is owned by bitfinex so frankly you're likely right, but your methodology isn't the way to establish it.

>> No.10299303

>11 posts by this ID
Whats your obsession with coinex friend?

>> No.10299336
File: 175 KB, 576x262, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at 8.08.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cet holder and doing the trade driven mining for the highest daily payouts - cmon biz bros

>> No.10299344

gimme a break with this bot volume shit man. The vast majority of volume on every exchange is bots. This is nothing new. Also considering the exchange's emphasis on BCH pairings i doubt they care much about driving volume to an EOS/BTC pair.

>> No.10299355

like 99% of eos is sitting binance because people are too retarded to figure out how to use eos and there is no ledger nano support. so no, people are not daytrading massive quantities eos on coinex

>> No.10299367

no one thinks the volume is legit. but viabtc prints money, and they want bch to succeed, so coinex isn't so much about the exchange, but rather bch pairs. that's also why they share 80% of tx fees--they are basically operating at cost to accomplish a larger goal: mass adoption of BCH

>> No.10299384

do you have a bot?

>> No.10299400

CET is jihans baby, you really think its going to fail.This has been planned and executed flawlessly.

>> No.10299403


>> No.10299409


More like the scam exchange or Bitconnect part 2.

>> No.10299419

buy more CET, everything is just a coincidence, you are the only smart people making the right call, you will forever enjoy crazy dividends or the price does a 30x very soon

>somebody owns a car dealership
>just happens to sell 1/4000th of every car except for 6 of the big brands, even though its supposedly the same volume in sales
>this means that out of 4000 people that normally would buy something else, 3999 suddenly decided they want one of the big brands
>literally starts happening in these ways on multiple dealerships at the same time that offer special discounts if you buy and sell cars there
>tfw my methodology isnt a way to establish something and everything is fine, these are real customers

>were gonna force BCH on people by inflating volume through some random dividend shitcoin for 180 days
Not gonna happen

>> No.10299436

where'd you get it?

>> No.10299449
File: 41 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10299471

website: transminerbot.com

english and works as advertised

more cet locked the bigger payout or higher the difficulty

set up account as they suggest

payout on the hour

works with coinex api

developers man the telegram chat

This is a new wave of mining so best to get in and learn the ropes as more and more exchanges will be using this

>> No.10299568


>> No.10299646
File: 328 KB, 1948x1230, cet-long-term.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what they have planed after the mining is complete, dividends will continue.

don't believe the lies

>> No.10299945

Anyone trying to get the free Maybach from this promotion?
