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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 237 KB, 480x309, 1525138249487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10292257 No.10292257 [Reply] [Original]

>get to work and meeting is called
>marketing stacy whos best buddys with cuck boss is endlessly blathering about design branding from a youtube video she just saw
>stomach begins gurgling uncontrollably
>people start looking at me
>visibly sweating
>someone even asks me if im ok
>pale as fuck now
>meeting is finally over
>rush to bathroom and take explosive wet shit
>only one bathroom on our floor
>tfw destroyed the bathroom
>I wait until I don't hear anyone outside door to leave, want to make sure nobody knows its me
>open door and marketing stacy is waiting there
>nod a hello and walk to desk
>she goes in stops and makes some sort of grunting noise
>goes to stairs to presumably use the down stairs bathroom which we're not supposed to use
>tfw she comes back up and goes into cuck bosses office
>tfw shes probably talking to boss about how I exploded bathroom and I have mudbutt while sitting at my workspace

>> No.10292295

Do you not wipe your ass??

>> No.10292307

it's /biz/

no one wipes their ass

>> No.10292313

Yes but you can't fix mudbutt with just toilet paper brainlet.

>> No.10292326

stop drinking water, eat less

>> No.10292332

Fix your diet, then you will only shit smooth solid logs

>> No.10292349

>not using a bidet in 2018

>> No.10292352

What is mudbutt?

>> No.10292367

Its when you have a poopy butthole even after you wipe. Wiping doesn't get your butthole completely clean.

>> No.10292373

>doesn't know how to wipe their ass
what are you, a tree?

>> No.10292385

Invest in flushable wipes

>> No.10292398


>> No.10292408

How fat are you?

>> No.10292420

how fat are you lmfao this has never happend to me

>> No.10292434


>> No.10292440
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Protip: take some toilet paper, hang it down the toilet and press flush. The paper is gonna get nice and wet so u can remove all feces.

Alternately carry baby wipes with you.

>> No.10292452

Is this an American thing? Every other country - notably including India - has mastered potty training

>> No.10292476

OP is a pajeet

>> No.10292524

Use water you disgusting kafir. Or at least get some wet wipes...hell just use wet toilet paper if you have to.

No way anyone who uses water can ever go back to using the petrified corpse of a tree to smear shit all over their asshole and pretend to be clean.

>> No.10292527

Why tf would you save a picture like that, what if you die and your family sees it?

>> No.10292528

I just wipe my ass until it's clean. Usually I just shit smoothly without having a shitty ass.

>> No.10292560
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>> No.10292587

Wiping over and over again is a good way to burn your asshole.

>> No.10292884

Start taking psyllium husk.

>> No.10293140

HAHA i love biz

>> No.10293177
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>talking about "mudbutt" as if it's a common setback you deal with often
ffs how did you even get hired?

>> No.10293255

now imagine the same thing with but with hemorrhoids. inevitably when you go to shit, and wipe your ass, you start bleeding. I spend fucking 1.5 hours on the toilet at work once because I would keep bleeding.

>> No.10293279

India mastering potty training?. Lol.

>> No.10293296
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>stop drinking water

>> No.10293415
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>> No.10293548

You absolute fucking pajeet learn to use a bathroom you uncivilized heathen.

>> No.10293836


>Doesn't have a comfy office with wet wipes in the bathrooms

Absolute state of some wagecuks

>> No.10294012

Stop eating gluten OP. I had a lifetime of mudbutt until I figured it out for myself a few years ago. It’s gluten

>> No.10294105
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>never shit in public

>> No.10294151
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but does it squirt monster?

>> No.10295047
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>tfw about to drink a monster

>> No.10295323

god damn muricans are fucking gross

>> No.10295365

>He doesn’t know about the three sea shells

LMFAO, you fucking sewer rat!

>> No.10295429

I have to deal with you fat disgusting burgers everyday at work.

Americans are so fucking disgusting. Literally half my office is in the morbid obesity range. They all live on a diet of Doritos, soda and microwave food. Their shits take 15-20 minutes. THIS IS NOT FUCKING NORMAL. Shitting should be a 60 second process. EAT SOME FUCKING PLANTS YOU HEART DISEASE BATHING MORONS

>> No.10295473

>using wet toilet paper
That makes the problem worse because bits of toilet paper come off on your ass

>> No.10295528

>be me
>chronic mudbutt
>spend 1/4 my day in the sharter
>have 3 bosses in 2 locations so never question where I am
>last Friday
>11:24am, third coffee is a caramel frappe double shot - grande
>11:33am the gut gurgle begins, the ageless beat of the human intestines, thrashing under the pressure of three day old takeaway I didnt put in the fridge
>the time is nigh
>leave my desk, walk the path I know too well.
>favourite sharting room is taken (best Wi-Fi)
>stomach refuses to let me wait, it's war cry grows louder and louder until it drowns out the other sounds of the sharting ground
>I empty a few lines of tp down the boghole to soften the splashback, and then mount my stead
>the release is slow at first, hesitant, nervous. Unsure if it's time to reveal its true form .
>then it begins to flow, like the rivers of a melting icecap. slow at first, but quickly gaining momentum
>then the war cry reaches maxium. growls become roars and the sHart truly begins
>torrents of brown,black and red liquid of varying constancy pour, splutter, fire and dribble out of the anus
>the battle rages between the gut and the butt for what feels like an eternity, my only relief is the sweet sound of candy crush on my neighbours phone, yes, another lollipop kind sir
>then, as soon as it had begun, it ended.
>violence is replaced with peace, sound with silence, balance is restored.

to be cont...

>> No.10295540

Final part

>I wipe a few times and end up having to clean the entire outside of the butcheeks and front of the scrot, the battle touched far lands indeed
>a pityful flush from the toilet has no impact other than flooding the plans of war.
>this is when I realise the stupid modern wall flush is stuck in the wall, plastic trapped at an angle in my haste
> a slow trickle of water continues to flow and I quickly leave
>no one around ,wash once the hands
>as I'm leaving towards the safety of the office someone enters the hall of sharters.
>panic, anxiety, fear, my sweat returns
>relief, it is only the cleaner. He knows me too well but today he's in for something truly unique. As the drip drip of the overflowing bowl sneaks out of my shartingshack.
>he winches and I smile, for he cannot speak English.

Back to my desk and it was almost half 12 so I went to lunch. Love my job

>> No.10295587

You fuckin sicko just bring individually wrapped wet wipes with you in case this happens, it's not very complicated

>> No.10295611
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>> No.10295626
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>the battle touched far lands indeed

>> No.10295651

Holy fuck Huston we have a problem
The orbit of the earth is littered with sides

>> No.10295656

Absolutely wonderful ending

>> No.10295727
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On a serious note, having to shit in your master's office is one of the worst parts about wagecucking. To avoid this, I usually get up two, or even three hours before I leave to wagecuck. Not only does this give me time to empty my bowels for the day, but also gives optimum time for learning.

>> No.10295857

Both of got palindromes back to back, what does it mean?

>> No.10295945

Paliwhat? Typed of dubs?

>> No.10296045
File: 53 KB, 474x444, F5A08B12-DEBB-4DA8-83B3-A8F13BF43C01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A palindrome is a word, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam or racecar.

>> No.10296106


what fucking palindrome

>> No.10296121
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>> No.10296155
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>> No.10296185
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>> No.10296216

>poopy butthole
Cannot stop laughing

>> No.10296252

>wipe with dry and wet tp interchangeably
there you go fucking autist

>> No.10296315

how do you get the wet TP when your sitting on the toilet you fuck whit. and dont give me that stand up and go to the sink, no one here wants to spread shit all over their ass cheeks

>> No.10296371

They dip into the toilet water, fuck that.

>> No.10296402

This one time I was taking a dump and some dude in the cubicle next to me ripped the fattest fart.
I pissed myself laughing, couldn’t control myself. Anyone else had this happen before?

>> No.10296405
File: 21 KB, 300x300, cottonelle-wipes-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2018 guys, if you're not using baby wipes or a fucking bidet by now you're fucking up.

>> No.10296440

Sometimes even if you wipe completely, there's still some particulates left deep in the bowls that spatter out on some wet sharts

>> No.10296442

>implying any place of business within the continental United States has a bidet installed in the communal commode
I dread having to shit at work for exactly this reason, since I do have a bidet at home.

>> No.10296467

Same my nikkuh but baby wipes not a bidet, although I've thought about buying one of those bidet toilet seats off Amazon.

I usually start work at night or 10-11am but on the odd days I start earlier like 8 or 9am I dread it cause I know even if I make and drink coffee as soon as I wake up I'm not gonna have the desire to defecate till I get to work and I'm gonna have to use that 1 ply sand paper bullshit and either have a red asshole or swamp ass all day.

>> No.10296469

>taking a shit at work
>wait till everyone leaves
>don't hear anyone coming
>get up pants up open stall door
>5+ of your coworkers bust in the door
every fucking time.

>> No.10296480
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Please add me to the screencap. This is golden.
Best thread on /biz/

>> No.10296575

spit on it

>> No.10296588

This is why America is predestined for failure. You stupid fat fucks can’t even install ass blasters (water hose) for your toilets. Even fucking THAILAND uses these for cleaning their buttholes. I haven’t had mud butt for several years. You burgers are embaressments.

>> No.10296648

>wiping for what seems like hours
>legs are numb, back is sour, sweating profusely
>finally get that last popcorn shell out, almost done
>wiping so long your asshole feels like dry paper
>one more wipe for good measure
>its spotted with blood
>spend another 10 minutes blotting the blood
>toilet paper runs out
>have to go the rest of the day with blood butt

>> No.10296671

You know you breathed some of his fart in, you still think its funny?

>> No.10296696

Quit eating dairy

>> No.10296706
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Years ago I had a job at bestbuy. The fucking computer salesmen were all neckbeards. They would play a game who could stay in the stall the longest after one of them destroyed it.
>tfw I used to have to eat lunch with these plebs and listen to them talk about magic cards

>> No.10296736
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I talked about those ass cleaning toilets one time amongst coworkers, they looked at me like I was insane.

>> No.10296756
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>be me
>take a shit
>wipe my ass like a grown man
>no shit left on my ass

>> No.10296791

you'll get chunky shits
the drawback is that they'll probably be painful

>> No.10296804
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>tfw take poo at work
>think ass is clean
>boss tells everyone to stop working because unscheduled ass inspections are going to take place
>almost positive my ass is clean
>everyone lines up and drops pants
>boss tells everyone to bend over and spread
>first 5 people have clean asses
>boss gets to me
>"hmmm, yes we have one here"
>"sorry anon, looks like you have a nugget on the rim here. That will be 3 days garnishment, you can leave early, we don't tolerate that kind of filth here"
>the stacy next to me bent over gives me a look of disgust
>tfw take walk of shame out of building because failed surprise ass inspection

>> No.10296821
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>and red liquid
Not only is this post cancer, you might actually have cancer. Get that checked out kek.

>> No.10296865

Probably just hemorrhoids anon.

>> No.10296884

Depends on if it's dark red blood or bright red blood. The former would mean to press F, the latter is more likely hemorrhoids.

>> No.10296895

Is OP a Pajeet?

I've never had issues with this shit.

>> No.10296921

OP is cheap, cheap food tends to destroy one's health and one's bowels. Very sad indeed.

>> No.10296929
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>tfw you see stacy in the parking lot because she failed surprise ass inspection too

>> No.10296952
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>tfw ass inspection day ruined my ass eating fantasy

>> No.10296961

Women shit too, anon.

>> No.10296986
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>explains it so matter-of-fact

>> No.10296987
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>> No.10296997

Exactly! And I thought I am weird when I can be done with shitting in 1 min.

>> No.10297019
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Its literally your diet.

>> No.10297038
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>tfw she comes up to you in parking lot
>anon want to get a drink
>bond over failing ass inspections
>check each others assholes whenever we poo at work

>> No.10297138
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>> No.10298313

Its certain foods I think, overall i eat pretty healthy.

>> No.10298915

Does your diet include a lot of chocolate? Because that can cause "mud butt".

>> No.10298954

>Shitting should be a 60 second process.

lol fuckin faggot. if you ain't making big poops you ain't making poops

>> No.10299029

I work in a hospital. I use bath towels to wipe my ass. I wet one end in sink and use dry end for a nice finish.

>> No.10299104
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It does actually, fuck, there goes chocolate. Thanks anon, you've been a true help to my bunghole.

>> No.10299178
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>go to amusement park with some girls
>have to use the potty, but play it cool
>go on first ride
>seat so low it's like I'm squating
>the thrashing dislodges my bowls and I feel mud down 'there'
>suck mud back in with my well disciplined hole of my ass
I walked to a bathroom after the third ride, didn't want to look like a potty monster going after the very first one.
mudbutt doesn't feel good OP.

>> No.10299237

I was born in a third world country and I've always cleaned my ass with soap and water. Fucking ameritards

>> No.10299315

>yfw your alone in the office
>feeling the borito hitting the engine
>shift ass to fart
>suddenly the plensent expirience of evacuating gas is replaced by liquid avalanche
>clench my ass like im in a prison shower and move like a duck to the nearest restroom
>proceed to spend next 20 min cleaning my boxers and ass of liquified sewage
>whole toilet is a dank shithole now and almost no toilet paper is left
>proceed to hang my boxers over toilet seat to dry and work the remaining 7 hours without them
>after work put them back on and return home
>nobody at my work will ever know that i literly sharted myself
>handed in my resignation the next week
>had ptsd every time i was about to fart

>> No.10299521
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>> No.10299542

btw was almost 8 full years at that company...

>> No.10299659

8 years of sharts

>> No.10299671

no 1 shart ended 7+ years

>> No.10299703
File: 2.46 MB, 1398x1078, braaaaap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 years 1 shart, you got a 71, tf does it mean?

>> No.10299718

Business & Finance, you most special of special person.

>> No.10299720

I have been bringing baby wipes in a little toiletries bag with me to work for years now, the paperthey give us is like cobwebs

>> No.10299761

>buying your own toilet wipes
>paying to shit at work

you people really are brainlets. Just abuse the toilet and complain to HR until they get better paper. it's not that hard, fucking giving wagecucks a bad name

>> No.10299769

Hahaha, and then you claim you're not fat. Normal people don't include chocolate in their diet.

>> No.10299808

Carry wet ones in your purse plus those squirty gatorade bottles with soapy water.

>> No.10299827


>> No.10299832

This is a good idea but be careful, I used to use an old refillable monster can and ended up getting burning energy drink all over the edges of my sphincter

>> No.10299860

Yes, purse. Just make sure you it under your fat folds.

>> No.10299873

I could just slide it under my skirt

>> No.10299916

Yeah, but then it will hit your tranny balls or chaft your inverted penis.

>> No.10300077

You absolutely cannot be fully clean with regular paper because it dries up shit and sticks it on your ass as shit microdust/Dry paste. Showering is the best option followed by

>toilet paper for mass mess
>clean with wet wipe
>wipe moisture off with a final toilet paper

>> No.10300098

Because Americans have an unhealthy fear of touching their butthole. Like it’s a remnant of Puritan insanity.

>> No.10300114

No one's going to shower every time they shit unless they're some OCD freak.

>> No.10300127

I time my shits for after work at home. And I am not an animal I can hold it in and not put myself in nightmare tier work scenarios

>> No.10300274

I do if I’m at home. Gotta keep it clean anon.

>> No.10300373

This chick def got fucked by a family member.