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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 261 KB, 742x486, AE8B047B-8F2B-47EE-AC80-6C572FCD9C02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10291442 No.10291442 [Reply] [Original]

Already up a few percentage points and it’s not stopping

>> No.10291992

Bump for curiosity

>> No.10292511

bump for reality

>> No.10292932

AMB doesn't get discussed on /biz/ due to crazy FUD campaign. DYOR but mainnet is supposed to be coming this month, but so far there hasn't been a direct announcement on it. Might be delayed as is the case with so many mainnet launches.

>> No.10293028

forget this grab some SKY mate, bound to go big in Q4

>> No.10293059

no real fud except for SKY obv. the new internet has loads of detractors, i feel pitty for them

>> No.10293091

Brace for q4, skycoin will peak again.. also check the ecosystem (totally worth it)

>> No.10293110

too late to go in now, while with the sky ecosystem it s never too late... you can always join in and sell bandwidth.. the community needs you

>> No.10293125

Def buying some miners, that should do well monthly.

>> No.10293165
File: 84 KB, 742x486, fatchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, somebody had to do it

>> No.10293217
File: 80 KB, 742x486, fatchad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New version, with improvements.

>> No.10293223

>FUD campaign
>Doesn't get discussed on biz
Nigger there are five threads on AMB st any given moment because you people are constantly shilling it. I haven't seen an AMB FUD thread in months you delusional shill.

>> No.10293264

Thanks.. 4 ambs will be deposited in your wallet

>> No.10293316

Those threads get 3 replies and die because they are shitty reverse FUD. Even this thread is reverse FUD. The OP image has been modified, the original is much more conservative with 1mil being the top. The campaign is about turning AMB into shitty pajeet project on /biz/ so it is immediately dismissed.

>> No.10293348

B-But ceo claimed 1 million bundles is the CONSERVATIVE figure...

>> No.10293368

>It's a conspiracy that has been going on for months
You are just lazy shills trying to see what sticks and gets posts. That is the reason they die. You find one which catches attention and stick to those. This dumb conspiracy theory is just to hide a very simple strategy of shilling.

>> No.10293382

OP modified an image of the CEO? Hahgahah. So he's supposed to be fatter? Hahahahah

>> No.10293420


>> No.10293425

Nice try pajeet

lol he's getting fatter but I thought this was the other FUD thread

>> No.10293580

All that Macdonalds

>> No.10293634

Fuck amb, sky is the way, it s nor so hard
>strong exosystem
>skyledger blockchain 3.0
>super cool hardware
Just a taste, learn more and invezt