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10290587 No.10290587 [Reply] [Original]

>at age 18, parents give you half their assets (note parents taught kids proper financial skills by this age so they won't just blow it)
>you're expected to do the same for your kids
>everyone spends their life middle class, with kids getting richer each generation

vs the current method

>parents give you nothing or if you're an amerimutt charge fucking rent
>spend your younger years broke saving up money
>spend your older years just blowing it on excessive shit

It seems so wrong. I have 250k at 20 and plan on doing just this and ending the jewish cycle once and for all.

>> No.10290922

interesting idea

>> No.10290949

giving raw money to your offspring is an admission that you failed to raise them to be self sufficient. It's definite proof that they were unfit to be parents.

>> No.10290985

>giving raw money to your offspring is an admission that you failed to raise them to be self sufficient. It's definite proof that they were unfit to be parents.

Sure if they're neets/minwagers and it's money for survival. But that is completely different to giving them half your assets while they're studying in college for a cushy career,

>> No.10290996

>thinking 18 year olds are responsible enough to receive half their parents wealth
entitled brainlet Gen Z'er detected

>> No.10291001

Ending Jewish circle is simple.

Establish "patriarchy", by which is simply meant the principle of bridging one generation to another. This allow a "house", like Rotschild, Kissinger or w/e. Individualism allows exponential gains for one lifetime, tops. Patriarchy means, in two generations or so, that even burgerflippers will be multimillionaires, even if they just go for basic bitch index funds. Thats two generations.

Imagine what 300 years, like Rotschilds and others. It doesnt matter what they do, even 1% gains on that is more than any of us will make in a lifetime.

The day people stop prescribing to individualism, our system is fucked. Then the rules are simply:

1. Bridge from one generation to another = multimillionaires.
2. Bridge two times = billionaires.

All of a sudden, being wealthy will not be about work, but about exponential gains. Family stability takes the place of financial knowhow. This is why God made the seventh day a day of rest = of securing the culture of the family as being directed in the same way.

>> No.10291019

and also what do you do for the next kid? And the next?
Do you just keep halving your money?

>> No.10291033


Ummm no try again. I'm not in contact with my parents so obviously getting nothing from them. I've managed to stay sane with 250k bong just fine despite coming from a lower class family.

>> No.10291066

Try it with 1k at 25, then come again.

>> No.10291101

You've summed up what I meant much better. Agree strongly with all of this.

I might have been unclear.

>and also what do you do for the next kid? And the next?
Half of assets are split between all children e.g. 3 kids each receives 1 sixth. Upon parents deaths, each kid receives another sixth.

>Do you just keep halving your money?
No. You make sure to marry someone equally rich, and then you only have 2 kids.

>> No.10291113


>cushy career

you've lost already

>> No.10291160

>muh ending jewish cycle
>not basic gibs-me-dats in virtuous clothing

>> No.10291162

wtf are you taking about? paying for your kid's education is the norm for any parent that can afford it. that's the whole point of shit like the 529 Plan

>> No.10291199

>>you're expected to do the same for your kids

>> No.10291230

fuck off anon maybe this works with rich parents, but do you really think most parents have enough money to just 'give' half of their savings to their children at 18? lmfao.

>> No.10291250

If it was a good idea, which I doubt it is, then the generation AFTER the one proposing this should be the first beneficiaries. The proposers don't get squat.
Only then, it can be considered not an elaborate gibmedats scheme

>> No.10291263

What do you mean by bridging?

>> No.10291267

fuck off commie

>> No.10291284

The average middle class family could afford to spare 100k if they planned for it. half of assets would require major sacrifices but is still doable (no need for a massive house once the kids have gone to uni)

>> No.10291300
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>> No.10291935

Two kids is below replacement rate

>> No.10291966

no, you end the jewish cycle by ending central banks like the fed reserve, and bring back the gold standard or something similar. this inflation/bubble shit only happened after ww2 when FDR decided to say fuck you to future generations, we just need to undo this shit

>> No.10291991

how did you get 200k at 20 from a lower class family? did you buy eth in 2016?

>> No.10292115

>absolute disgust at my family/people growing up
>dedicated all my time to accumulating fiat and education since 13
>first for no reason
>then for a mortgage
>then realised I was getting nowhere and went all in with bitcoin at 19 (25k bong)
>sold at about 18k waiting to buy back in

>> No.10292147

I wish This board wasn't full of kids without any education.

Have you guys ever heard of the OLG model?

This is already what happens. Except they spread your "adult grant" of half their income over the prior 18 years.

If you can somehow not consume resources as an infant and adolescent until age 18 I am sure your family would have a large lump sum to give you.

Do any of you understand this? I will try again if its unclear.

>> No.10292172

The only reason I have money in crypto right now is the payout of my father's life insurance.

>> No.10292186

If you have 1k at 25 then you’ve completely failed financially even if you’re from a dirt poor family.

>> No.10292233

Parents should have to set up a trust fund with at least $1 million USD in assets for every child they plan to have. That way even if the kids are fuck ups they won't be a burden on society. Poorfags should not be allowed to reproduce, it's child abuse.

>> No.10292245

>have a million dollars in assets
>have 5 kids aged 17, 16, 15, 14, 13
>oldest gets 500k
>youngest gets 32k

Guess you didn’t think this one through too well huh...

>> No.10292297
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Do any of you retards realise this is the standard among rich people? I've been around tonnes at uni, they all do this although not a lump sum at 18 I think it's over about 18 to marriage.

>> No.10292327

The thing is that the 1% elite whatever you like to call it is already doing just that while the normies are like "oops another one jumped out of my vagina". Then they send the kid to a public school and let them take over. Then here's where it gets interesting. The kid might turn out like the "average" and if that average is pretty shit then well fucking done parents. Or he will somehow start getting redpilled and thinks "hey maybe there is more to life than studying bs, working as a slave, partying in a degenerate way, spending money etc".

Now that I think about it I could've ended up being a complete normie. Not that I'm anyway near the finish. Still 18 and will either make it with LINK reaching $10, creating a company or getting a degree and working on IT related stuff.

>inb4 edgy

>> No.10292404

And who allowed for all this to happen? The normal fucking people. If everybody had knowledge about the fed, inflation etc, then there would be riots until the fed is gone. There's even a quote by some guy who said if people knew what the federal reserve is, it would be abolished by tomorrow.

>> No.10292429

Completely agree, true, and tragic

>muh i suffered so you must also

>> No.10292555

>at age 18, parents give you half their assets
So parents with three white children now owe 1.5x their assets?
This pig ignorance is what happens when you mix common core maths with Americans

>> No.10292581

>why isn't this the standard?
>we should just give handouts

>> No.10292590
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>> No.10292640

>his kids dont earn 6 figures at 18 already
Kek the absolute state of parenting

>> No.10292648

>gibs me dat

>> No.10292681

The idea is that you're expected to give more to your children, then they're expected to give more again. Gibs is getting something without having to do anything in return.

>> No.10292786

Wow yeah so when I was 18 my parents would have given me about $50,000 of their mortgage, that's such a gift. Maybe one day I'll give my kids a bucket of debt.

>> No.10292972
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>falling for the vaginal jew
>having kids

>> No.10293029

>give retarded child massive wealth
>they manage to spend it on even dumber more excessive shit

Yeah nah