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10288978 No.10288978 [Reply] [Original]

Why bother cashing out and paying taxes when you can trade crypto directly for items or am I missing something?

>> No.10289004

In 2022 Bitcoin will be accepted everywhere. Don't trade your precious Bitcoins for fiat paper. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.10289026

It wont because its based on old tech that cant scale and LN is too complex for normies. Some other crypto might be used though. Probably something like nimiq since it runs in the browser. But not eth based because eth doesnt scale either.

>> No.10289028

>believing in the meme that you can actually buy stuff with magic internet money

>> No.10289074

Most people would have more fiat/crypto if they sold at the top and then bought 6 months later. There's nothing wrong with cashing out in this shit manipulated market.

>> No.10289117


Is there demand for sellers that accept btc? And, if so, why aren't there more? Why convert your gains back to fiat when you can buy a tv with it instead?

>> No.10289168
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I mean...if WE are so convinced that the price is going back up then why aren't WE working for crypto instead of fiat? Are there any whales out there who would actually be willing to pay someone in crypto say...through a smart contract...???

>> No.10289453


lol even in fucking Australia we can get Bitcoin debit cards, so if our backwards as fuck country can I'm sure it's possible elsewhere as well.

Sure, you're not really "buying" with Bitcoin itself since all transactions are just changed on the fly, but sure as shit beats paying a fuck tonne of income tax.

>> No.10289468

I have no plan on buying something worth ~100k right now. Not much that I can buy with such money in my country with crypto as well.

>> No.10289476

>using TCP/IP is too difficult currently, so normies will never use it -- even when it has been abstracted behind the scenes

>> No.10289498
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>BTC goes to 200k
>bubble beginning to burst
>will owe 40% of crypto gains in capital gains tax
>don't cash out
>buy 10 pounds of gold online and have it delivered to your house
>don't pay tax because it's a trade and not a capital gain

>> No.10289515

Because you still have to pay tax if you use crypto to buy stuff (unless you want to break the law).

>> No.10289518

how? Here in the US you have to provide ID so it's worthless

>> No.10289525

>unless you want to break the law
luckily I'm a sovereign citizen

>> No.10289538

newegg accepts bitcoin
>Why convert your gains back to fiat when you can buy a tv with it instead?
you can

>> No.10289539

Good luck selling physical gold m8

>> No.10289543

Because you still have to pay taxes if you buy shit with crypto..?

>> No.10289564

>you still have to pay tax if you use crypto to buy stuff
>you still have to pay taxes if you buy shit with crypto
citation needed

>> No.10289598

>40% capital gains tax

wew do burgers really get bent over this hard by their gubment?

>> No.10289629
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>hold your crypto for one year
>it's tax-free

>> No.10289658

how can they even prove this especially with all of the dex among other things?

>> No.10289849

My thoughts are that if I believe in the platform K also believe in it accruing value over time.

The next question is whether or not I expect it to outperform traditional portfolios. I honestly do.

If this is true, then I keep the majority of my money in crypto and have a small portion set aside in traditional systems and use that for liquid capital. The least I can do is hold for a year and reduce my tax burden

>> No.10289869

This is super basic tax law in all countries I know of. Just use google.

>> No.10290117
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My car loan is not being paid off in crypto.
My apartment manager does not accept crypto.
The grocery stores do not accept crypto.

None of the places that I shop accept crypto. There might be a couple of coffee houses here that accept crypto, but that might be through Bitpay, in which case, they are getting real money from Bitpay acting as a middle man.

>> No.10290149

Good nimiq shills but have you heard about sharding, plasma and Casper?

>> No.10290162

I never understood the little weights meme.
Like, just do some chin-up if you want to lift some little weight lmao at your life worthless cunt.

>> No.10290182

Also, I recently bought phone from fasttech using Ethereum. There are also other electronics and stuff, good service

>> No.10290529

>so then I reported myself, and you should too

>> No.10290962

What are you talking about? I’m just explaining the law (which a lot of people ITT don’t understand). I report my crypto gains because it’s a lot more money than I can spend on basic consumption. I want to reinvest it in stocks, property etc. which is very difficult without reporting your gains.

>> No.10291010

Gotta get toned brah

>> No.10291028

because you might up going -95% AFTER making 1400% gains like me.

>> No.10291083


>> No.10291088

I want her to brap in my mouth

>> No.10291459
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>Your shithole country suddenly decides to tax %15 over all crypto gains that you cash out to your bank account

>> No.10291517

>In 2022 Bitcoin will be accepted everywhere
>Bitcoins for fiat paper
the absolute state of loberterians

>> No.10291622


If you want to risk going to jail and getting raped though it's up to you.

>> No.10291772

what i wondered about this, does the wallet have not to be moved at all or can i keep adding new coins to it? Does the 1 year waiting time start again if i do?

>> No.10291801

nice digits, redditard

>> No.10291830


i wonder the same. let's say you get some btc out of thin air during the next bullrun. you have NO proof of purchasing your bitcoins, because you used localbitcoins or a bitcoin ATM
let's say you end up with 10 btc at some point, do you have to explain how did you get your initial investment? or do you just HODL whatever BTC you want to spend for a year and the cash out?

please explain the german law in detail

>> No.10291861

german laws