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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 700x655, whyisntthisyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10282464 No.10282464 [Reply] [Original]

For me:

>> No.10282483
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Sit in a mansion all day and smoke weed with prostitutes coming over every few hours.

>> No.10282556

I wanna wake up at 11 am and have lunch, then hit golf balls then go to the gym then meditate then manage my investments for a bit then out to dinner at a pub and have a few beers and then home to read, watch tv and maybe fuck a hot girl in her early 20s

>> No.10282878

This dude's pretty fucking rad desu...

>> No.10282887

They broke up.. kek

>> No.10282906
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>Entertaining some roastie's circuit on the cock tour in her 20s

Lol, what an impoverished life. I hope you never make it. Now I want two cream and two sugar in my coffee while you're at it.

>> No.10282908

I want to buy a plot of land and farm onions

>> No.10282918

wake up around 10 am in my beach side property, eat some fresh ocean seafood, work out a bit, manage investments, wander about the beach mingling with people and meeting local/tourist women.

>> No.10282938

I can't wait until DOTR and every racemixer is dragged out of their house and disemboweled

>> No.10283007

>Wake up 6 am
>Fuck my wife
>Workout for 2 hours
>Take a shower
>Make sure my link nodes are running smoothly
>Read a book
>Go to the track and ride my hp4 BMW (or other hobby depending on mood)
>Go volunteer at soup kitchen serving homeless elderly
>Eat lunch with them
>Go hang out with orphans at an adoption center/church
>Catch up with family and friends/dinner
>Late night workout
>fuck my wife all night
>Go to bed

>> No.10283021

>be billionaire
>visit the impoverished to feel better about your life
>not actually help them while you're there besides serving them slop
my man

>> No.10283060

Those soup kitchens actually got good shit.
Besides giving them money doesn't solve the problem

>> No.10283068

Also I have other ideas for helping the needy in society.
But I haven't fully fleshed then out yet.

>> No.10283147

same but add Saffron

>> No.10283204

sorry but that video does nothing for me. skydiving is boring after you do it more than twice. jumping off shit looks cool, but again gets boring quick. yeah the chick is hot but women that hot require lots of time and money. and finally traveling gets old. all the airplanes and other bullshit. i guess i really am a 30 year old boomer, because all I care about it family, quality relationships, helping people in need, and re-asserting that the USA is a white country.
for me the ultimate dream is to be some sort of dictator. like, having my own kingdom. and then racially cleanse the USA.

>> No.10283316

truly someone with his priorities straight. not even being sarcastic

>> No.10283319

i was with you until the whole "usa is a white country". slightly mentally damaged but also lots of good points. 7/10

>> No.10283344

i don't want to live in a non-white country. even if you can't admit it, you don't either.

>> No.10283364

when i feel like going some place i go there. just pack my bags and go wherever i want whenever i want.

>> No.10283421

Honestly something close to this video but only for the next few years. My ultimate dream is to have 2 bases of operation. One on the water in Florida/Georgia and another out west somewhere secluded in Colorado/Wyoming/Northern Arizona. East coast house for boating and water living, West house for skiing/hiking/camping. As long as I can live easy and enjoy outdoor activities I'll probably travel occasionally as well but after a few years just a semi regular schedule of working out and hobbies would be a ok with me. Hopefully find a nice girl to settle down with and have a couple kids.

>> No.10283422

I with you anon, I'd do whatever to help you achieve that too
I have time and money and think about of a system where like minded people can communicate and help each other build communities

>> No.10283435

You shouldn't be counting money you don't have. Keep wagecucking

>> No.10283440

Don't worry anon, many of us want to live in a White only country.

>> No.10283453

so you're a boring useless normie. sucks to be you

>> No.10283492

what's making it in /biz terms?
3million or 10million or 50+ million

also where do you move your money if you "made it"
government takes like 30%, and anything you invest in isn't safe

>> No.10283550
File: 263 KB, 764x551, 85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>build house in small comfy college town with beautiful women, good beer, good sports, good weather, easy to get around
>house has a custom built recording studio
>buy tons of musical instruments and recording equipment, pianos, synths, guitars, basses, all sorts of percussion, cool exotic instruments, etc
>spend half of every year working on an album, inviting all of my musician friends over to help me make it
>get it mixed and mastered by world class engineers
>pay top PR companies to shill the album and get it in rotation on spotify playlists and college radio
>other half of the year spent traveling the world doing whatever the fuck i want, going to museums, sporting events, other random adventures and vacations
>2-3 weeks a year spent on a small tour just to fuck around and play music for people
>when not traveling just have a weekly cozy jazz gig at some pub back home
>eventually settle down and have 2-3 kids
cannot fucking wait

>> No.10283554

New copy pasta

>> No.10283562

what kind of music do you produce? got an example?

>> No.10283577

2 million is probably minimum "making it"

10 million is making it in my opinion.

>> No.10283592
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/This, but replace weed with blow and we Gucci.

>> No.10283615

i recorded all this last year and played all the instruments, kinda headed in a different direction now but just don't have any money so i've been playing a lot of jazz around town until i can afford a place to write more songs and do more recordings...

>> No.10283625
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>> No.10283627

Depends on our lifestyle. Assuming we're talking about no more wagecucking I'd say about 10-15 million. Assuming you're a good goy and pay taxes that leaves something in the 6-10 million range. With that I would invest a good portion in bonds/stocks/index funds so I could live off 100-200k yearly returns. The rest is saved or spent however as long as it doesn't get stupidly used within a couple months like retarded lottery winners. This is just rough estimating.

Sounds comfy desu

>> No.10283632

this. with 2M i probably never have to work again but i'll be living lower-middle class for life. 10M+ and i am really set and can do whatever i want and live a really nice lifestyle

>> No.10283653

>blond women

kek enjoy your soulless single digit IQ cunt who is after your money and not you.

>> No.10283715

really good man, I like it. hope you make it. I appreciate creative bizanons.
can you promise me to do some really experimental fucked up shit if you really make it? artists need to have more courage to do experiments! good luck

>> No.10283735

I have 700k in investments and earn 150-200k/year from work. I know most people wouldn't consider that "making it", but I buy/do almost anything I want without worrying about the cost, e.g. travelling, eating at good restaurants, buying nice clothes, buying new laptop/phone whenever I feel like it etc. My lifestyle wouldn't change much if I had 3 millions or 5 millions.

>> No.10283760


>> No.10283802

What's you occupation and how long did it take to stack that 700?

>> No.10283824

thanks anon, i'm actually in a really experimental band too:

>> No.10283995

Theres too many fun business I want to make. Private island resort, flying car races, I would make rapture from bioshock and make a beautiful reef around it

>> No.10284418

To be a “millionaire” in 1913 would require $25,713,163.27 in today’s money.

3 million dollars is middle class af
10 million dollars is a typical well-to-do
50+ million is wealthy, true generational wealth and virtually unlimited freedom that will be passed down.

>> No.10284511

LMAO ur not gonna make it

>> No.10284528

>athens, ga
kek i went to UGA
>russell hall freshman year

>> No.10284532

you'll never have this life because they are trust fund babies and they have both their youth and money.

you will have maybe one, probably neither.

>> No.10284621
File: 66 KB, 607x608, sergeery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

travel. definitely travel the first year or two. Italy, train through Europe, surf in portugal, fly out to the far east, check out the asian nations. get my sushi on. head down into australia, fuck w some roos. Loop around into south america, explore the mountains and feed a llama then head into argentina. Wind up in brazil for a bit (bought a lot of shit from amazon but i've never been), eventually pass through panama and surf in costa rica. maybe surf again somewhere up the western coast of mexico and then finish in tijuana. pop on over the border to san diego, and start my new life.

>> No.10284637

well said my guy well said

i wish you the best of luck

>> No.10284682
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thanks fren... always been dreaming and envisioning it but this is the first time ive typed or written it out. feels good to see it.
>bless up to all anons

>> No.10284824

My plan is exceedingly similar, but swap out Aus for USA because Ausfag. And I’ll stop in a few places for 3-6 months to chill and slow down, such as Berlin, Barcelona, Tokyo and somewhere in South America.
I’m wanting to travel for 2-3 years